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 Message Boards » » The universe is going to rip itself apart guyz Page 1 [2], Prev  
hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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10/6/2011 5:14:23 PM

All American
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For page 2:

Quote :
"What, did somebody tell you that you were so special when you were a kid that everytime you jumped in the air, you defied gravity? If somebody ever cared enough to drop a knowlege bomb on GeniuSxBoY and he could actually comprehend it, he would start jumping up and down, repeating in a Cleveland Jr voice "aha. I was trolling you guys, seeee? I'm defyin' gravity, I'm defyin gravity, hahaha!"

Get back in the kitchen and make me a pizza, bitch. People are trying to work here."

10/6/2011 5:21:42 PM

16786 Posts
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Very original. You're so much smarter for saying it.

10/6/2011 6:00:18 PM


15145 Posts
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dark energy defies gravity because the universe should be collapsing, but instead it's expanding.

MC Hammer also defies gravity.

10/6/2011 6:08:46 PM

All American
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Quote :
"How is this supposed to help me get a 10 speed?"

10/6/2011 6:46:44 PM

16786 Posts
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You have to unlock the bike from your imagination. Just take a long, flathead screwdriver, and insert it into your nostril. Keep inserting for you know you're getting close when the evil demons make you want to stop by causing searing pain. Alas, don't give up, keep that flathead moving until the screwdriver stops on its own. Swish it around in circles as many times as you can until your 10-speed is spawned.

[Edited on October 6, 2011 at 6:55 PM. Reason : .]

10/6/2011 6:54:35 PM


15145 Posts
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if something defies all reason, does that mean it had to suspend the laws of reason?

I mean, the plane doesn't defy gravity, amirite?

10/6/2011 7:56:14 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"if something defies all reason, does that mean it had to suspend the laws of reason?"

That's the beauty of it. Laws of reason still exist, just not for the object defying it....that is, until it wants to obey the laws again or is forced to obey the laws again.

10/6/2011 9:37:52 PM


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The real question is if the plane defies gravity before or after it takes off. I say before. If gravity isn't defied, how can it get off the ground in the first place?

10/7/2011 10:45:40 AM

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It's no longer bound by the law of gravity when the wheels separate from the ground.

10/7/2011 11:51:30 AM

mainly potato
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10/7/2011 11:53:16 AM

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Planes on treadmills do not defy gravity.

10/7/2011 12:17:28 PM

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