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All American
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10/13/2011 6:28:11 PM

11583 Posts
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settledown = dnl EXPOSED?!?!?!?!

10/13/2011 6:35:22 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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old news

10/13/2011 6:36:23 PM

13178 Posts
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Quote :
"Imagine how many people will have died when you reach 100 years old. You have to embrace death dude."

Then please embrace death and die. Now.

10/13/2011 7:03:36 PM

All American
3583 Posts
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Quote :
"I didn't know being drunk in the passenger seat of a car was grounds for getting killed.
Your logic broke and I can't fix it for you."

It's not. Walking a tightrope over a pit of alligators in boiling acid lava isn't grounds for getting killed either, but when you fall into the pit and die it's still your own fault.

10/13/2011 10:43:09 PM

41759 Posts
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IIRC a piss poor design for a red light camera is also responsible for her death, a sober person could have just as easily hit that pole by drifting over 6 inches and the same thing would have happened.

The design was comparable to putting an anvil on top of a stick right beside the road and not expecting it to get turned to a projectile. Not really sure why they design road signs and such to fold rather than smash in to cars when hit...but put something way heavier closer to the road because it can provide ticket revenue.

[Edited on October 13, 2011 at 11:35 PM. Reason : .]

10/13/2011 11:35:01 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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Can a mod please end GeniuSxBoY's TWW existence?

10/13/2011 11:40:20 PM

16786 Posts
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Can't take the heat?

Stay out of the kitchen.

10/13/2011 11:56:50 PM

13178 Posts
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No. You're just an awful troll who is always in troll mode.

10/13/2011 11:58:20 PM

16786 Posts
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I'm never in troll mode. You just assume I'm in troll mode.

10/14/2011 12:01:31 AM

11583 Posts
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did she died?

10/14/2011 12:01:48 AM

13178 Posts
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No. You're trolling.

10/14/2011 12:09:20 AM

16786 Posts
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You're wrong if I'm trolling.

10/14/2011 12:10:53 AM

All American
28747 Posts
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Quote :
"some friends and I are going to Vegas June 19th for a friend's 21st bday... here is what i want to know:

1. when should we book flight/hotel. some say early, some say more last minute
2. is the weather going to be unbearable
3. of course i've heard of every hotel listed, but can someone PLEASE give specifics... what do i need to see/do at these hotels... bellagio, mgm, mandalay bay, caesars, mirage, alladin and which should a group of girls ages 21-25 stay at?
4. name places where we MUST eat, shop, see attractions!"

I wonder how many of them went to Vegas.

10/14/2011 12:20:02 AM

114667 Posts
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most of these people don't understand the difference between an honest opinion and trolling, genius

10/14/2011 12:21:25 AM

16786 Posts
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^Yeah, now that I've had time to reflect on my comments... I mean, they are pretty harsh and uncalled for. They aren't sugarcoated at all, which turns people off even if I'm right. It's like telling the punchline of an argument without the introduction or body. The punchline kinda sucks without a story leading up to it.

I apologize.

I just don't have the time to write some long winded paragraph. You guys don't have the patience to read a long winded paragraph. My paragraphs are going to be choppy and jumping around. Just stop me if something doesn't make sense. I will elaborate. If I use a wrong word, let me know so I can fix it. Don't make me spend 50 posts trying to explain something just because I didn't use the best-fit word.

10/14/2011 4:26:16 AM

148890 Posts
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if you fell into boiling acid lava, i think the mutant alligators would be the least of your worries

10/14/2011 7:47:27 AM

45912 Posts
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damn. she was hot

10/14/2011 9:12:38 AM

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