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 Message Boards » » Who on TWW has a country accent? Page 1 [2], Prev  
All American
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10/14/2011 9:26:27 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18195 Posts
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It's weird, I was born and raised in NC and have had a very neutral accent my whole life. Might be my dad's doing, since he's from Illinois and maybe I patterned off of him. (Mom and her side of the family -- the side I spent 99% of my time with -- have pretty thick southern accents)

I have developed a bit of a southern accent in recent years that only comes out in certain contexts. If I'm around a bunch of people that have it pretty thick, it'll come out. And I'll make myself use it if I'm dealing with some real country person to whom normal, neutral English might make you look like a hated Yankee/elitist/hommaseckshul, or possibly all three at once.

Most of the time, though, no.

10/14/2011 11:01:09 PM

114663 Posts
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mine is definitely southern, idk about country

I hate it though but I have intense difficulty trying to change it

10/14/2011 11:02:04 PM

All American
77386 Posts
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these country people in VA where I used to work would make fun of my rhyming "don't" and "want"

but they would say shit like "wersh" for wash

10/14/2011 11:05:39 PM

All American
3633 Posts
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<--- my i's are pronounced 'ah' or 'iieee', and i use some of them southern words like y'all and yonder

its pronounced CARE-UH-LAH-NUH y'all

10/14/2011 11:48:36 PM

114663 Posts
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^haha <3

10/14/2011 11:54:28 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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Quote :
"^^ You didn't go to NC State?"
Indeed, I am a refugee from TheCollegeWeb and then from CampusBlender, who went to IU and then Penn State


10/15/2011 12:09:38 AM

All American
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Yall heard me on the news talking....I'm pretty country

10/15/2011 12:51:02 AM

All American
1386 Posts
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I am the opposite of you lewis, I came from Philadelphia down to NC State. I get told I have an accent all the time, but I think these southerners are just bullshitting me.

10/15/2011 12:52:32 AM


18617 Posts
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I came from Aish-full to Eeun-see-stay-uht.

10/15/2011 2:18:31 AM

17379 Posts
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i don't have much of one. people have told me they aren't sure where i'm from when trying to place me based on accent. my parents have this old southern, nash county-specific accent (there's 2, this one & a more twangy, fast-talking one) that seems to be getting thicker as they age. somethings sound a little like the northeastern NC accent, but not exactly.

when they say "i put the bag on the table"

it comes out like "i put the bag own the table"

it was thicker in my grandma's accent, and even thicker in my great grandma's. i miss them

10/15/2011 9:17:48 AM

warning: not serious
19581 Posts
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I guess I have a neutral accent.

But when I get mad, people say they can hear the yankee come out.

10/15/2011 9:24:02 AM

All American
18474 Posts
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I came to post LivinProof78 but obvious post is obvious

10/15/2011 9:46:09 AM

All American
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With my job I talk to people from the west coast and they LOVE my least the men do.

10/15/2011 9:59:41 AM

All American
3877 Posts
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i gotta deep voice. people tell me my voice doesn't match my baby face

10/15/2011 10:01:14 AM

All American
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10/15/2011 10:01:38 AM

All American
9012 Posts
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Quote :
"Depends how much I've been drinking."

10/15/2011 10:02:04 AM

35382 Posts
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I'm not going to lie, I've lived in the south for 15 years and in NC for 14 of those years and I still sound like I'm from NJ.

I can do different Northern accents though my prized possession is my Staten Island accent. It's pretty amazing and terrifying. Problem is that when I start in the accent sometimes it's hard for me to jump back out of it.

[Edited on October 15, 2011 at 10:19 AM. Reason : Makes more sense]

10/15/2011 10:18:34 AM

37776 Posts
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This isn't about yankee accents

10/15/2011 10:20:42 AM

35382 Posts
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I can fake a southern accent too.

And Midwestern/Canadian.

But for serious my Staten Island accent is amazeballs

[Edited on October 15, 2011 at 10:23 AM. Reason : For halloween I wanted to be a Staten Island pagent mom ]

10/15/2011 10:23:02 AM

50085 Posts
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I have a very thick country accent -- straight out of Mississippi.

10/15/2011 10:24:47 AM

35382 Posts
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Uh Bryan that's the funniest thing I have heard all morning. Hahahahaha

10/15/2011 10:25:32 AM

All American
17118 Posts
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I don't have any accent really, though I can talk southern all day long if I want to from growing up here. It's weird though, when I'm really pissed off I kinda develop a little bit of this ghetto-ass brooklynesque accent, I never noticed it till I had a few people point it out. I've never been to NY, though I did live in New Hampsire for a few years as a child. Weird.

10/16/2011 3:56:33 AM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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I do, at times

sometimes people say I sound australian

10/17/2011 1:38:51 PM

Double Entendre
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So when I hear your voice in my head it kind of sounds like Mel Gibson's. Kind of like relaxed Australian. I was totally hearing that before you just said that.

10/17/2011 1:41:05 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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i have a fairly neutral accent and i've lived in raleigh all of my life. once i start drinking though i have a southern drawl at times.

10/17/2011 1:43:26 PM

Mr. Joshua
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I make a point to talk like the opulence guy in DirecTV commercials.

10/17/2011 1:45:32 PM

Double Entendre
22300 Posts
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link to this guy please?

[Edited on October 17, 2011 at 1:47 PM. Reason : I haven't had TV for a year and half now.]

10/17/2011 1:47:20 PM

All American
45553 Posts
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i speak in a weird mixture of Baltimorese and Southern.

10/17/2011 1:50:38 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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i cant say the word "white" or anything that rhymes with it.

10/17/2011 1:53:58 PM

Mr. Joshua
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10/18/2011 1:00:07 PM

All American
49373 Posts
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i have NO idea why people keep bringing me up in this thread

10/18/2011 1:15:40 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Paging Fry

Personally, not so much. At least I've never been accused of having one

10/18/2011 1:25:47 PM

Double Entendre
22300 Posts
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haha...Mr. Joshua. Is that a German accent?

10/18/2011 1:31:35 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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and i am totally kidding

10/18/2011 1:35:04 PM

Double Entendre
22300 Posts
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do you know about opulence? I don't. I know about white trash.

10/18/2011 1:36:50 PM

68205 Posts
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hooray, shout outs itt

10/18/2011 2:10:30 PM

All American
27289 Posts
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Technically I have a country accent, just from a different country.

10/18/2011 2:11:49 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
3583 Posts
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<--country as fuck, probably in contention for the top 5 on tww

^haha at wraith (fortran, way back when, you were TA)

10/18/2011 5:21:11 PM

148886 Posts
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i've talked to some tdubbers in person, on the phone, and on xbox live

some have country accents, most dont, but some that dont will slip up every now and then

for example, XActoMan has anything but a country accent

whereas you can tell Jaybee1200 is from south of the mason dixon

10/18/2011 5:23:53 PM

384 Posts
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I have been told that I have a country accent...maybe not DEEP SOUTH country accent but I was born and raised in rural Indiana and moved here in 2002 and the natural country twang has been developing more the longer I am in NC.

Personal fav: any sentence where I can use the phrase "all y'all"

10/19/2011 8:30:25 AM

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