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All American
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10/29/2011 5:16:22 PM

All American
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[Edited on October 30, 2011 at 12:10 AM. Reason : .]

10/30/2011 12:09:15 AM

All American
8264 Posts
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pics or it didn't happen

10/30/2011 12:09:38 AM

All American
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How was it?

10/30/2011 9:41:19 AM

All American
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10/30/2011 1:11:10 PM

All American
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mad cops everywhere

10/30/2011 1:14:27 PM

Universal Magnetic!
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it was aight. lotsa frosty bitches

10/30/2011 1:38:01 PM

All American
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I just want to see all of the cool costumes, if there were any.

10/30/2011 1:40:00 PM

Universal Magnetic!
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there were a lot of those stupid shuffle bots and a bunch of slutty cats. didn't see anything terribly creative or involved.

10/30/2011 2:00:18 PM

All American
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^Epic fail this year?

10/30/2011 2:08:01 PM

All American
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there was a really impressive zoidberg and bender pair at Mitch's

10/30/2011 2:34:23 PM

15126 Posts
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was fun

but, at what point do they consider shutting down hillsborough? that would be really nice...

[Edited on October 30, 2011 at 2:48 PM. Reason : ]

10/30/2011 2:47:58 PM

supple anteater
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Anyone going to Franklin Street? I had hoped we’d become the big halloween thing for the area, but if the main Hillsborough event already came and went, then Franklin Street might be worth checking out.

Buses stop a little early that evening, so it’s best to either take one in early, or park at a friend’s place nearby, or if you don’t want to get there early then park at one of the apartment complexes up MLK and walk to downtown. That’s a good little hike, but it’s heavily side walked. Or there is always the taxi drop off near downtown option. I’ve parked at University Mall and taken one of the taxi’s there in the rest of the way before.

Then you can taxi out, walk out if you parked on MLK, or take a bus when the safe-ride buses start up at night (11pm to 2:30am).

10/30/2011 3:39:48 PM

All American
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Some "official" organization or at least a responsible person would have to apply for a parade/block party permit from the city. Since it is a major street, it would probably stand more chance of approval if there were organized events going on (maybe as some sort of charity fundraiser?). It wouldn't surprise me if Raleigh looked for the organization to raise money and pay for off-duty cops for added police presence, if they were open to it at all. It might be a good project for the UAB, Student Government, or greek organizations to inquire about with City Council members.

10/30/2011 3:45:00 PM

All American
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^^like I mentioned earlier in the thread, that was the original point of the haunted hike, but everyone has bitched up and decided that it needs to be on a saturday, or at worst a friday, so that they can sleep in and get their bojangles the next day


10/30/2011 3:48:38 PM

All American
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Drove down Hillsborough Street around 9:30 last night. There were more cops out there than hikers.

Thought maybe it was still early, but maybe it just sucked.

10/30/2011 3:57:23 PM

supple anteater
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Quote :
"Some "official" organization or at least a responsible person would have to apply for a parade/block party permit from the city."

Yeah, one side benefit of Chapel Hill freaking out and going oh god there's a street party, we have to block off downtown in advance and shut down buses a little early, is that everyone knows exactly when and where the big halloween event is happening. There's no ambiguity that it's at Franklin Street, on the night of halloween, from 9pm to 11:30pm on the street and in the bars after that.

10/30/2011 4:56:40 PM

All American
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I didn't even cruise Hillsborough this year. I wanted to check it out, but after reading this thread and especially after seeing no pictures here, it sounds like it was pretty fucking lame this year.

10/30/2011 5:06:15 PM

All American
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there were plenty of people and I thought the quality of costumes was fairly high

the lame part was half the people weren't even dressed up.

10/30/2011 5:59:53 PM

15126 Posts
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^^the no pics thing here is because seemingly nobody is in college anymore on here

10/30/2011 6:37:23 PM

All American
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i went to a halloween party sat night, but after i left I cruised down to HB street to hang out with some grad school friends... there were a ton of people out at the time and some pretty good costumes... i saw some good sons of anarchy cuts

ended up going to bada because east village was too crowded for my old ass.

10/30/2011 6:51:01 PM

All American
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I guess things just got started late... I drove past EV around 10:00 and the patio was pretty much empty. The line for Katmandu, however, was ridiculous. Go figure.

10/30/2011 7:45:43 PM

15126 Posts
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was the opposite of that by 12/12:30

[Edited on October 30, 2011 at 8:12 PM. Reason : well, both were packed]

10/30/2011 8:12:27 PM

5052 Posts
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last night western lanes was filled with some serious hotties.

I was a bit drunk from dinner at the state club, and I was contemplating fapping right times in the neighborhood.

10/30/2011 8:14:39 PM

All American
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I was there with my roommate and friends (we're all undergrads--the TWW 1%), but I don't have any pictures because I was in a costume posing for pictures, and wasn't going to waste time with my own camera.

Some pretty great costumes, and I got a ton of positive response about mine, except from people dressed as "The 1%".

10/30/2011 11:53:48 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^^like I mentioned earlier in the thread, that was the original point of the haunted hike, but everyone has bitched up and decided that it needs to be on a saturday, or at worst a friday, so that they can sleep in and get their bojangles the next day


10/31/2011 12:03:59 AM

All American
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I'm going down Hillsborough and Glenwood tonight. If either look lame, I'm going to Chapell Hill.

10/31/2011 11:34:36 AM

supple anteater
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Raining a little in Chapel Hill now (not hard like it is in Durham), but should well over by the time the festivities start on Franklin St, its already moving away:

10/31/2011 5:45:29 PM

All American
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I did it last tuesday... it was fun. Lots of people came out.

10/31/2011 6:53:29 PM

supple anteater
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My pics from Franklin St.

My crew:

One group of many sets of angry birds that were out tonight:

One of many types of Nyan cats that were out tonight:

One of two Rorschachs:

The other Rorschach:

Giant lego man:

I think this is a creature from Dr. Who?

One of many Occupy related costumes tonight:

11/1/2011 2:02:20 AM

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