acraw All American 9257 Posts user info edit post |
hahaha holy shit it's almost been that long? It's not 8 or 9 is it????
And Im not a serial dater, Noen, but damn... 10/20/2011 10:12:03 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
What is this I don't even... 10/20/2011 10:18:19 PM
Kiwi All American 38546 Posts user info edit post |
I used to think this before I stopped caring. 10/20/2011 10:21:38 PM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
its actually two threads counting this one 10/20/2011 10:28:55 PM
Jen All American 10527 Posts user info edit post |
Everyone loves a half japaneses asain. Filipino is like their dirty third cousins. Doesn't even count.
Like comparing a portgueses woman to a woman from tijuana 10/20/2011 10:35:43 PM
TheBullDoza All American 7117 Posts user info edit post |
Slay. 10/20/2011 10:37:06 PM
evlbuxmbetty All American 3633 Posts user info edit post |
you know you've thoroughly pissed someone off when they make a thread about you in chit chat 10/20/2011 10:52:08 PM
Doss2k All American 18474 Posts user info edit post |
I'd hit it 10/20/2011 11:11:53 PM
kiljadn All American 44691 Posts user info edit post |
acraw why you gotta be single when I aint
damn, I made you a thread and all, too.
[Edited on October 20, 2011 at 11:19 PM. Reason : dah well] 10/20/2011 11:18:30 PM
Noen All American 31346 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "hahaha holy shit it's almost been that long? It's not 8 or 9 is it????
And Im not a serial dater, Noen, but damn..." |
Hahahahaha i keed i keed 10/21/2011 12:38:39 AM
acraw All American 9257 Posts user info edit post |
You are right saps, its a well known fact flips are crazy. And according to yahoo, we have a frightful temper! 10/21/2011 3:52:43 AM
Tarun almost 11687 Posts user info edit post |
let it go 10/21/2011 3:53:52 AM
acraw All American 9257 Posts user info edit post |
I'll KILL YOU  10/21/2011 3:55:59 AM
craptastic All American 6116 Posts user info edit post |
es to filipino ladies
10/21/2011 3:57:37 AM
BettrOffDead All American 12559 Posts user info edit post |
dont know if its been mentioned, but any chick that a guy dates after acraw is a downgrade 10/21/2011 4:29:21 AM
confusi0n All American 5076 Posts user info edit post |
how's GZ 10/21/2011 6:07:49 AM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
So basically....acraw gets dumped a lot. I wonder why....
Oh...and if they dumped you and are now dating someone's not a downgrade, no matter much better looking you think are than the other girl. If it was a downgrade, he wouldn't have dumped you and started dating her. 10/21/2011 8:05:50 AM
occamsrezr All American 6985 Posts user info edit post |
I bet acraw didn't think this thread was gonna go where it went. 10/21/2011 8:08:15 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "If it was a downgrade, he wouldn't have dumped you and started dating her." |
Truth. 10/21/2011 8:11:08 AM
bmel l3md 11149 Posts user info edit post |
I want my ex's to date beautiful, wonderful women and enjoy life. I mean, I already have a beautiful, wonderful man, so I don't see why I would want them to downgrade. 10/21/2011 8:13:02 AM
ThePeter TWW CHAMPION 37709 Posts user info edit post |
yo dawg lemme get some lumpia
[Edited on October 21, 2011 at 8:14 AM. Reason : why you gotta call me beautiful] 10/21/2011 8:14:09 AM
21814 Posts user info edit post |
lol that's cute!^ 10/21/2011 8:49:19 AM
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "It may seem like a downgrade, but most of the time they're happy that they're no longer with you." |
second: this thread just proves how upset you are that he moved on 10/21/2011 8:53:45 AM
bmel l3md 11149 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ shut up and eat your biscuit, I'll call you what I want.  10/21/2011 9:00:40 AM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
everyone has an opinion and here is mine: this thread embarrasses me. Why is it only women who make these threads? I don't think you are a cunt at all, I just think like anyone who has been dumped you are searching for reasons why and you get insecure about your personality when the look quality of the next woman is subpar (because you realize it is not all about your outward).
Listen, I know what you are going through. My ex dumped me and in a dick/cowardice way but I have to be honest, I am glad he did because we were not meant for each matter how long you are with someone. He is with someone that I would totally date if I were a dude, personality and look wise. It took me a minute to get over the way I was dumped and I was def insecure after too but don't bring yourself down like this because you don't know what to do with yourself. (That is the way this thread comes across to me by the way you are posting, sorry if I read too much into things.)
You are a beautiful woman, who cares about her health, and obviously committed/loyal in a relationships. Those things about your personality rock. Take that to the bank and cash it. Move along. 10/21/2011 9:17:05 AM
Tarun almost 11687 Posts user info edit post |
punchmonk TWW's mom 10/21/2011 9:19:19 AM
raiden All American 10506 Posts user info edit post |
For real yo. 10/21/2011 9:21:43 AM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
I totally broke out the mom jeans for that nugget.  10/21/2011 9:23:04 AM
MattJMM2 1919 Posts user info edit post |
I don't really understand that happiness behind an ex downgrading... Wouldn't it mean that you are not quiet as high value as you think you are?
I mean if she left you, and is now with someone who you think is a downgrade, what does that make you?
Now, on the flip side, if she left you for someone like Tom Brady, you could comfort yourself with the fact she left you for a baller athlete.
*Edit: didn't realize this was a chick... Instead of Tom Brady, think Megan Fox.
[Edited on October 21, 2011 at 9:32 AM. Reason : ;] 10/21/2011 9:31:06 AM
elise mainly potato 13090 Posts user info edit post |
Op is a girl 10/21/2011 9:31:46 AM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
Matt, the poster is a woman. A body builder type women. ooooo.... 10/21/2011 9:32:26 AM
MattJMM2 1919 Posts user info edit post |
I've been dumped pretty hard in the past... It fucking hurts.
But I come to terms with why I got canned. It was mainly because I was an insensitive dick who took things for granted.
Use your moments of failure as motivation to adapt and overcome... Hit the gym, get your diet on lock, buy some sexy clothes, refresh your personality and go meet someone better. 10/21/2011 9:34:14 AM
acraw All American 9257 Posts user info edit post |
GZ would approve of this thread!
Body builder??? Hahaha. Where did you get that? 10/21/2011 9:36:44 AM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
well, you have competed and you lift insanely. 10/21/2011 9:42:02 AM
eleusis All American 24527 Posts user info edit post |
I think you're mistaking her for aaprior 10/21/2011 9:43:01 AM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
oooo...that is true. oops. 10/21/2011 9:43:40 AM
Tarun almost 11687 Posts user info edit post |
dang thats what i was thinking as well.....guess i dunno this acraw person then! 10/21/2011 9:46:19 AM
acraw All American 9257 Posts user info edit post |
oooh from my crossfit threads. #1 misconception about crossfit. Look, the women who compete on a more competitive level for example out in CA for the CF games aren't regular/normal women. Most of us don't look like that, and I don't strive to look like that, I program more CF endurance type stuff.
/end 10/21/2011 9:46:35 AM
ThePeter TWW CHAMPION 37709 Posts user info edit post |
I thought the user acraw was a female bodybuilder as well. Maybe there's another similarly named account?
This person did like shows and shit
[Edited on October 21, 2011 at 9:47 AM. Reason : lkj]
Good god I'm slow, damn TWW slow down. I was definitely thinking of aaprior. My level of sympathy for acraw has dropped significantly
[Edited on October 21, 2011 at 9:49 AM. Reason : lkj] 10/21/2011 9:46:39 AM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, it is by thread stalking now and picture stalking. I was confusing the competing part with aaprior. Knowing that you do crossfit makes you even more kick-ass. 10/21/2011 9:49:25 AM
TKE-Teg All American 43429 Posts user info edit post |
At first I thought the OP was a guy. Not the case.
Then I figured it was just another ugly chick on TWW. Also not the case.
hey acraw  10/21/2011 9:49:47 AM
acraw All American 9257 Posts user info edit post |
Where do you crossfit or you do it on your own?
Sorry...back to topic!!!!! 10/21/2011 9:53:46 AM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
can't afford it but before I was pregnant I was trying to do it a little on my own. I know I would benefit so much more from being trained with it but funds are not there.
[Edited on October 21, 2011 at 9:55 AM. Reason : I wanted to be able to do a couple of hanging pull-ups in a row. Didn't get there.] 10/21/2011 9:55:03 AM
classy_J Veteran 233 Posts user info edit post |
one time i dated a chick who was part Thai...she had a nice Bergina.  10/21/2011 10:03:45 AM
Slave Famous Become Wrath 34079 Posts user info edit post |
I think the OP is jaded. I think the OP is wrong. I think the OP doesn't care.
I also think that water is wet, the sky is blue, the Star Wars prequels sucked and Lebron doesn’t play very well in the fourth quarter. 10/21/2011 10:07:12 AM
qntmfred retired 41010 Posts user info edit post |
i'd just like to take this opportunity to reiterate that ThePeter is a beautiful man. 10/21/2011 10:17:46 AM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
with the broad shoulders youd expect on the cover of a romance novel 10/21/2011 10:20:11 AM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |

10/21/2011 10:21:02 AM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
If an ex left me and started dating someone significantly less attractive...I would make the conclusion that I'm either a shitty person, have a boring personality, I'm not funny, or a combination of all three.
Which one are you?? 10/21/2011 10:21:11 AM
Mr. Joshua Swimfanfan 43948 Posts user info edit post |
this is 10/10 as far as cunt threads go
and 10/10 is not a play on Ten Ten, which I assume would be a real insult for an asian 10/21/2011 10:25:20 AM