11/2/2011 11:28:48 PM
BubbleBobble needs to be on this listIF ( x < 8 )wordsin_previouspost = 'x';THEN ( y = previouspost );BubBobs_post = 'y';IF ( x > 8 )wordsin_previouspost = 'x';THEN ( y = 'k' )BubBobs_post = 'y';
11/3/2011 11:22:39 AM
yes, d7freestyler, catalyst, JTMONEYNCSU, halfwit, colter, Fail Boat, Førte, [user]JustGotWickd[/user], BEAVERCHEESE, cynosural, O RLY, and KG were all riding in a jeep cherokee on their way to arby's when they were struck by a train...all died instantly, except for Førte, who is in critical condition at wake med
11/3/2011 11:24:04 AM
11/3/2011 12:32:52 PM