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 Message Boards » » Ladies...Have you ever woke up to.... Page 1 [2], Prev  
All American
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I'm not a lady but I'm going to answer it anyway, with the most frustrating answer possible: it depends.

I've been with girls that would wake me up with fun stuff occasionally and when done at the right time, i.e. when I'm not sleep-deprived, it's awesome. Awesome.

But I'm a VERY light sleeper, and when I'm awakened it's hard for me to fall back asleep...I can think of one girl in particular that was always so horny that it was almost every night, sometimes multiple times a night, and god dammit I'm cranky when I don't get enough sleep. And to add to the issue it embarrassed/saddened her and made me feel like a dick when I would tell her to stop. She was quite the giver though, I'll have to admit.

On the other end of things, once in a blue moon something will come over me in my sleep and I'll start molesting the girl in my bed in a dream-like, half-sleep doesn't always work out but sometimes waking up bewildered in mid-sex is just fantastic

11/17/2011 9:25:17 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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Quote :
"i'm definitively a sleep sex person"

Although it's been a while. Usually happens when I've been drinking.

11/17/2011 9:28:55 AM

19447 Posts
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^^ That is true. Wake me up when I am super tired and in a deep sleep and you will bring out the bitch.

11/17/2011 9:32:20 AM

All American
18835 Posts
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Quote :
"One of my Indian friends that I made in the Master's program while I was at NCSU told me a story from when he was an undergrad in India.

He said he woke up one day in his dorm to find his roommate sucking his dick. I was all like, how come you don't get woken up when somebody pulls your shorts/pyjamas down while you are asleep and pulls our dick out. He had no answer."

this is fucking hilarious

11/17/2011 9:34:22 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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Quote :
"I was all like, how come you don't get woken up when somebody pulls your shorts/pyjamas down while you are asleep and pulls our dick out. He had no answer."

I've been asleep I can see it happening.

11/17/2011 9:36:08 AM

Starting Lineup
72 Posts
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This happened once with someone that was just a good friend of mine, absolutely beautiful girl but I always thought she was insane and had little interest in any involvement beyond friendship.

During a move I needed a place to crash for a few nights, she offered her couch. One night she had another friend over from out of town and she told me to come sleep in her room to make room for him on the couch. I didn't think anything of it really, but damned if I didn't have the most vivid sex dream...I was dreaming that I had my hand between her legs and she was really getting off to it, and this went on for a while. Not the first time I'd had a sex dream about her.

Now whether that was actually occurring or it was one-sided mental foreplay I suppose I'll never know, but I definitely "came to" on top of her, balls-deep. She was failing to stifle fiercely pleasured moaning between shocked and wide-eyed stares. It was pretty damn amazing sex, actually, even if it wasn't a marathon session. When we were done I seem to remember debriefing and passing out as if we'd done it a thousand times.

We woke up the next morning, silently, and it was immediately apparent neither of us was sure of what had happened other than that "a girl knows" feeling and the fact that we were both naked. We never spoke of it, carried on as usual, and it never happened again. Even today though, years later, we look at each other differently--with an unmistakeable hint of unrequited lust. Maybe we just drifted apart as friends often do in life, or maybe it was just too difficult to be around each other, but in any case we rarely see one another anymore and when we do it's ass-out hugs and mundane pleasantries.

But damn that's definitely been one for the spank bank.

11/17/2011 9:51:34 AM


21814 Posts
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fuck yeah

11/17/2011 9:54:20 AM

395 Posts
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^^ Thats clearly the best story in this thread by a country mile

11/22/2011 11:48:58 PM

All American
942 Posts
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i've been woken up with a kick to the face.... the wonderful effects of PTSD and nightmares of afghanistan

11/22/2011 11:53:06 PM

All American
3791 Posts
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In college, I lived at Kensington Park. There was a party in a downstairs apartment, and a random boy was hitting on me. I was annoyed, so I went upstairs and went to bed. Apparently, one of my roomies left the door unlocked. I woke up to the weird boy in my bed, kissing me and trying to take my clothes off. I freaked out and started screaming, and I yelled at him til he left. Scary night.

On a more positive note, when it's with someone you like.

11/23/2011 12:02:08 AM

All American
3302 Posts
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Never tried but my gf is a really deep sleeper and hates to be woken up so I'm thinking it wouldn't be the best idea

11/23/2011 12:05:06 AM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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was he hot as fuck?

11/23/2011 12:05:24 AM

395 Posts
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I started dating a guy in college who was like intimidated and/or very shyand it took us a month or so to actually have sex... and i would wake up sometimes to him dry humping my ass, my thigh or my foot....for me that was very erotic...we'd be spooing, or laying on our sides and he'd always find a way to hump something of mine softly it actually lead to the first time we had sex...

11/23/2011 12:30:14 AM

All American
10506 Posts
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My girlfriend swears that every morning around 430/5am that I wake her up by humping her ass vigorously.

11/23/2011 10:37:55 AM

63151 Posts
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Quote :



11/23/2011 10:56:30 AM

Duke is puke
20897 Posts
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ahahahahah, we be spooing

11/23/2011 11:02:02 AM

El Borracho
All American
13971 Posts
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yes. all the time. teabaggin'.

11/23/2011 11:14:51 AM

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11/24/2011 1:28:13 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Ladies...Have you ever woke up to.... Page 1 [2], Prev  
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