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Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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i doubt they care

12/1/2011 11:51:02 PM

All American
12559 Posts
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i clicked this thread thinking "i bet some fucking retard insists on calling waiters and waitresses 'servers' "


12/2/2011 3:45:34 AM

All American
7547 Posts
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^ what?

12/2/2011 3:57:07 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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I order water. If I get soda, I just end up guzzling twelve refills. And if I get beer, I end up eating too much.

The whole premise of the no-water attitude from servers is truly ludicrous (and embarrassing). I'm supposed to add items to my bill that I do not want just so you can get the 20 percent of their price? That's definitely one of the more pathetic takes on what it means to be a server/waiter.

12/2/2011 5:49:39 AM

All American
51922 Posts
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If you know your effing trade, you will bring me whatever non-alcoholic drink I want and keep it off my bill with the tacit understanding that I will increase my tip accordingly. You know your employer is ripping me off charging $2.50 for a goddamn iced tea, so bring mine on the sly and cop an extra dollar on your tip, playa.

12/2/2011 8:56:11 AM

All American
4556 Posts
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^ +1

12/2/2011 9:01:21 AM

37709 Posts
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Some god damn uppity pricks ITT about their beverages

12/2/2011 9:04:19 AM

All American
7325 Posts
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Quote :
" f they order water with lots of lemons and sugar, when you have lemonade on tap ... then you know to write that table off .. and it happens quite frequently"

Lemonade on tap? That's god damn disgusting. If there's limonade on the menu there damn sure better be a juicer somewhere on premises. Its like when I order ice tea and its instant,"bitch have you no self respect!!!!!! Bring the real thing or bring me a water and take this swill away."

12/2/2011 9:14:23 AM

35780 Posts
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If i'm drinking alcohol with the meal i always get a water.

if i'm not drinking, i'll get tea

12/2/2011 9:19:55 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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12/2/2011 9:20:16 AM

All American
7325 Posts
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I wouldn't know. I haven't been to an applebees since second year in college.

12/2/2011 9:21:55 AM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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I was at Hooters on Sunday watching football and there were 2 dudes sitting in a booth JUST drinking water. They sat there and watched the whole Bengals game and didn't order a thing. Our waitress was PISSED!

12/2/2011 9:22:10 AM

All American
3129 Posts
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I always order either sweet tea or coke to drink when at a restaurant. I would order water, but I have this vision that they're filling the glass with some disgusting hose that they use to wash down the bathrooms with

12/2/2011 9:22:27 AM

balls deep
89894 Posts
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*PANK lemonade

12/2/2011 9:23:34 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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Quote :
"I was at Hooters on Sunday watching football and there were 2 dudes sitting in a booth JUST drinking water. They sat there and watched the whole Bengals game and didn't order a thing. Our waitress was PISSED!"

I've made people get up from the bar for doing this before. They usually don't put up much of a fight because they know they are being ridiculous.

Quote :
"only tacky restaurants bring water to the table automatically"

This is also wrong...unless it was a joke.

[Edited on December 2, 2011 at 9:29 AM. Reason : .]

12/2/2011 9:27:01 AM

All American
8357 Posts
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Is this thread for serious? I don't drink soda, and I rarely drink anything non alcoholic that isn't water. If its lunch time or I've already had a few big boy drinks then I'm just having water. I would like to think I don't frequent establishments who would look down on me for doing so.

12/2/2011 9:30:51 AM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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ahahaha ncstatetke is a career waiter.

12/2/2011 9:33:09 AM

45912 Posts
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if you work at a restaurant and you think customers ordering water are cheap, etc., then fuck you.
if you work at a bar and you think customers ordering water are cheap, then ok, but still, fuck you.

12/2/2011 9:34:54 AM

All American
41128 Posts
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Waiting tables was a great gig throughout my college career. I'd never do it again, but I miss it every now and then

12/2/2011 9:57:48 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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Quote :
"if you work at a bar and you think customers ordering water are cheap, then ok, but still, fuck you."

What if they aren't eating food? That's what the person said. No food, no drink, just water. Basically coming to the restaurant/bar just to watch the game because they're too cheap to have satellite/cable/NFL Sunday Ticket at the house.

At least order a fucking appetizer.

12/2/2011 10:00:27 AM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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^yeah, if you're taking up space in a restaurant/bar, order something for fuck's sake. otherwise you're being a goddamn leech.

12/2/2011 10:01:28 AM

11149 Posts
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I only got worried when they asked if they water was free or for a bunch of lemons and sugar. There are a whole lot of other things to worry about then if they got water or not.

12/2/2011 10:02:41 AM

45912 Posts
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^^^The OP stated:

Quote :
"When you have customers that ask for water to drink, do you view them as being cheap, and write them off as bad tippers? Or do you even notice?"


12/2/2011 11:29:31 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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Responding to this:

Quote :
""I was at Hooters on Sunday watching football and there were 2 dudes sitting in a booth JUST drinking water. They sat there and watched the whole Bengals game and didn't order a thing. Our waitress was PISSED"


12/2/2011 11:33:07 AM

All American
10527 Posts
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Quote :
"When you have customers that ask for water to drink, do you view them as being cheap, and write them off as bad tippers? Or do you even notice?


I think they like water. I wonder more about the fuckers that come in and drink 2 pitchers of diet coke.

Quote :
"I'm not a server, but they generally assume you're not going to be buying beers, which means you won't have as big a tab as other tables who are drinking, so they don't care about you as much.

maybe if your a server at Chilis

[Edited on December 2, 2011 at 11:53 AM. Reason : weird]

12/2/2011 11:49:02 AM

32337 Posts
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i've always wondered if the waitstaff got pissed when everyone at the table ordered water

12/2/2011 11:50:13 AM

All American
6256 Posts
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Quote :
I always order water, and i always tip at least 20%

12/2/2011 11:54:57 AM

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