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Thots and Prayers
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12/9/2011 9:58:06 AM

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Quote :
"we're gonna bring some cookies and cake down and watch you work out/exercise"

[Edited on December 9, 2011 at 10:01 AM. Reason : both]

12/9/2011 10:01:12 AM

Fuckwads SS '15
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this didnt make me feel like shit

but it did make me feel like puking:

I went to my parent's house one afternoon after class at NC State and I needed some toiletries to take back with me to my apartment. My mom said to go under her sink in the bathroom and take some toothpaste and mouthwash. I found almost empty tube of astroglide


[Edited on December 9, 2011 at 10:06 AM. Reason : g]

12/9/2011 10:05:30 AM

All American
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^ hahahaha... sounds like when I found my mom and stepdad's CABINET of sex supplies

I thought of one my mom said to me: "You don't have the body for pointe." Read: you're too fat, and I had to quit. I was so incredibly angry with her... but I can honestly say now that I'm older that I'm glad she made me quit - my feet would be ruined

12/9/2011 10:25:55 AM

All American
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Since no one reads the 49th reply:

Quote :
"I'm starting to understand why this place is so filled with hate."

[Edited on December 9, 2011 at 11:18 AM. Reason : qft]

12/9/2011 11:17:59 AM

15294 Posts
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You guys had terrible parents...

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

12/9/2011 11:21:18 AM

Double Entendre
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My mom told me, when I was 7, that this little girl down the street was prettier than me.

12/9/2011 11:23:41 AM

Thots and Prayers
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every time I got a B, I got my ass chewed out, sometimes grounded, too.

12/9/2011 11:25:18 AM

All American
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I got the shit beat out of me and cussed out the first time I got a B

12/9/2011 11:28:36 AM

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1. My brother (4y/o), sister (7y/o), and I (8y/o)were fighting and being really heinous in the van while we were stuck in traffic, so my mom turns around and says quietly, "I'm going to give you all up for adoption" and says nothing the rest of the night.

2. My mom reveals her stashes of money hidden around the house to me and when I ask why, she replies "It's for after the Rapture" and I say "But you won't need money in heaven" and she says "I won't, but it's for you and your siblings in the aftermath on Earth".

3. On my 26th birthday, my mom says "So, you're well past 25 now, just give up on finding a man and just go to a sperm bank to give me grandkids"

4. When I took an extra semester to complete my thesis in grad school, my mom says, "Just give up, you're obviously not smart enough to finish it"

This is why I'm creeped out when she sends me texts out of the blue saying "I luv U, Im so proud of U!"

12/9/2011 12:14:39 PM

21958 Posts
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Quote :
""It's for after the Rapture" and I say "But you won't need money in heaven" and she says "I won't, but it's for you and your siblings...""


12/9/2011 12:45:29 PM

All American
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12/12/2011 9:55:42 AM

All American
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Quote :
"thanks grammear hitler"

12/12/2011 10:00:01 AM

11149 Posts
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My dad is a teacher and taught me and my older brother. I made a 98 on the first test and my brother made a 100. My Dad says to me, "I guess we know who is smarter". They also talked shit to me about being overweight.

12/12/2011 10:02:20 AM

All American
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didnt take much for TWW to let it all out ITT

12/12/2011 10:09:04 AM

All American
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I mean, in all fairness, your brother IS a male

12/12/2011 10:27:14 AM

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