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 Message Boards » » Woman Shoots, Kills Intruder: 911 says it's okay Page 1 [2] 3, Prev Next  
wear sumthin tight
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husband was 58

1/4/2012 4:50:49 PM

All American
3001 Posts
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They pulled out a bunch of the furniture and stuff. There was another picture of the couch she used to barricade the door (and the intruder died on) laying out in the yard but I didn't post that one.

1/4/2012 4:51:21 PM

All American
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i think i saw him in FAMILY TIES

1/4/2012 4:51:34 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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I think a 58 year old impregnating an 18 year old is a bigger deal than an an 18 year old killing a 24 year old

1/4/2012 4:53:13 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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hahahhahaa, from the fark link:

"There's nothing more dangerous than a woman with a child."

"wait, that's more dangerous than a woman with a shotgun?"

1/4/2012 4:53:19 PM

All American
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I mean you can throw children pretty hard, but I still think a Shotgun tops it.

1/4/2012 4:54:22 PM

Thots and Prayers
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maybe if you strap a live grenade to the baby, pull the pin, and then throw it.


from the thread, also:

Quote :
"Yes, if the child is wearing ice skates. I watched the movie 'Limitless' last night, a woman was getting chased by a bad guy so she picked up a child and hit the dude in the face with it. left a big gash. "

[Edited on January 4, 2012 at 4:58 PM. Reason : .]

1/4/2012 4:55:35 PM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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there's some idiots on fark

i might just join up for the lolz

1/4/2012 4:55:40 PM

All American
52917 Posts
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[Edited on January 4, 2012 at 5:21 PM. Reason : and yeah, 18 and 58 is bizarre even by trailer park standards]

1/4/2012 5:20:09 PM

41759 Posts
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Quote :
"The Oklahoma Castle Doctrine, otherwise known as the Make My Day law, states you can only shoot an intruder if they have entered your home.

Quote :
"He said there are three deputies to cover the county’s 12,000 square miles, meaning a response could hardly be immediate.

1/4/2012 5:50:19 PM

37709 Posts
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I'm curious what was going on for those 21 minutes

like did it take them 21 minutes to get in the door? I wouldn't think that it would take longer than a minute to kick a double-wide's door in

1/4/2012 6:03:19 PM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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2 dudes outside checking doors took maybe a minute or two, while she was dialing 911

story also said she baracaded the door with a couch

that couch ended up outside, which the intruder later died on

also the ripped off door is on the ground outside in pics

i don't blame her one bit for blowing this dudes ass away

1/4/2012 6:13:23 PM

41759 Posts
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rofl @

Quote :
"No one breaks in to a house to hurt/steal a child. They wanted money, valuables and maybe a little rape. The kid was fine."

1/4/2012 10:16:47 PM

All American
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So has she been charged with murder yet?

That's what happens when you shoot someone in self defense you get charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill or with murder...

1/4/2012 10:25:17 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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not in oklahoma

1/4/2012 10:29:38 PM

New Recruit
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why the hell would you break into a trailer? trying to steal some earnhardt collectors plates?

1/4/2012 10:39:26 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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guns, usually

[Edited on January 4, 2012 at 10:47 PM. Reason : and rape, don't forget the rape]

1/4/2012 10:43:57 PM

41759 Posts
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def rape

1/4/2012 11:06:59 PM

37776 Posts
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and the meth.

1/4/2012 11:09:56 PM

All American
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Quote :
"why the hell would you break into a trailer? trying to steal some earnhardt collectors plates?"

sounds like one possibility is that they were after painkillers the husband had for his cancer

1/4/2012 11:59:58 PM

All American
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Quote :
"damn, did a tornado just come through?

She's too busy making sandwiches that will never be eaten to pick up around the yard.

1/5/2012 12:47:50 AM

State Oz
All American
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While you faggots debate about whether or not she committed a crime, I'll simply state the obvious:

I'd hit it.

1/5/2012 1:53:52 AM

Dr Pepper
All American
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Quote :
"So has she been charged with murder yet?

That's what happens when you shoot someone in self defense you get charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill or with murder...


....leaning toward srs

1/5/2012 8:07:04 AM

All American
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I'm damn serious....last person I knew that had to shoot someone because they were being attacked and could have died is now charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill...his life is having to be put on hold, he has lost a shit ton of money all because some dumbass punk decide to attack him at his own house...and because he had a gun (legally) and used it to protect himself he is being put through the ringer....while the stupid ass punk (who had just gotten out of prison for stabbing a guy in the back) gets to walk around scott free saying that the person he attacked is lucky he couldn't get any closer or he'd be dead.

1/5/2012 8:36:51 AM

11583 Posts
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are you sure you're being completely honest sawahash? you left out some important details

1/5/2012 8:42:24 AM

45912 Posts
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There aren't many laws/situations that would allow for ^^... left out some details somewhere.

1/5/2012 8:47:47 AM

11583 Posts
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it was her dad and there was some serious escalation on his part

from what i hear, he basically welcomed/encouraged the fight and then finished it with a gun

1/5/2012 8:48:41 AM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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Quote :
"While you faggots debate about whether or not she committed a crime, I'll simply state the obvious:

I'd hit it."

Go for it.

She's single.

1/5/2012 9:19:41 AM

All American
10506 Posts
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And she's obviously down to fuck.

1/5/2012 9:22:02 AM

New Recruit
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I find it funny that all you guys are rallying behind a teenage single mother who married someone 40 years her elder and lives in a trailer park for blasting people


1/5/2012 2:06:05 PM

Thots and Prayers
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Hey, she's no Casey Anthony.

1/5/2012 2:08:51 PM

wear sumthin tight
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1/5/2012 2:09:59 PM

All American
33197 Posts
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^^I find it funny you are trying to connect her life choices with her right to protect herself


[Edited on January 5, 2012 at 2:12 PM. Reason : f]

1/5/2012 2:11:50 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
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Quote :
"it was her dad and there was some serious escalation on his part

from what i hear, he basically welcomed/encouraged the fight and then finished it with a gun





if true, then


1/5/2012 2:41:57 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Who is, Dr Pepper?

I feel like you gotta post more than 900 times to just bust up in here laughing at our users and their families!

1/5/2012 2:46:36 PM

114652 Posts
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just gonna nest a little post in here

1/5/2012 2:47:20 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
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Quote :
"Who is, Dr Pepper?

I feel like you gotta post more than 900 times to just bust up in here laughing at our users and their families!


well, i guess it's probably not the most thoughtful thing to bring in information about people's personal lives and then have it requoted...

regardless of anyone's situation, escalating a fight isnt cool.

1/5/2012 2:54:15 PM

41759 Posts
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One pic she looks hot, but then the one she is sitting on the couch looks like she needs to eat a sandwich.

1/6/2012 10:26:36 AM

All American
31924 Posts
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Just watched the video.

She looks good with makeup, horrible without.

Which is fairly normal I suppose.

1/6/2012 11:02:29 AM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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sawahash probably shouldnt have brought that up itt

[Edited on January 6, 2012 at 12:31 PM. Reason : t]

1/6/2012 12:31:19 PM

All American
27288 Posts
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So I guess if you are shooting an intruder in your home you better kill him. At least a dead man can't sue you.

1/6/2012 1:42:58 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
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Quote :
Dead, men, tell no tales.
Up push the daisies ‘till the soil is stale.
In a powder blue tux for the farmer's sail.
Mister big sleep with the carp and kale.

1/6/2012 1:47:22 PM

All American
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Though she ain't even close to legal, who are we to question love?

1/6/2012 2:09:04 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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Quote :
"At least a dead man can't sue you."

but, at least in some states, his family can

1/6/2012 2:14:29 PM

All American
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You break in, you're dead. Fuck 'em. I don't care what they want.

How she barricaded a door with a couch without the dudes hearing and becoming discouraged is what is weird to me. I don't believe it. They had to have known that she was awake and aware and still tried to break in. Why the fuck do you continue to try and break in knowing that the person in the house (shack, trailer, meth lab, whatever) was not going to be asleep/surprised is beyond me. Or is it? They obviously weren't that smart.

I need to hear the 2nd guy's story before I take this whole story as it is currently being told at face value.

1/7/2012 12:44:31 AM

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1/7/2012 10:56:39 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Quote :



1/8/2012 12:09:16 AM

Doc Rambo IV
All American
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I've been playing a lot of Modern Warfare 3, and I now believe if someone was breaking into my place I would shoot them, maybe even in the face, only to not phase them and get shot and killed myself.

1/8/2012 1:07:28 AM

All American
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I remember when I was a kid, someone tried to break in our house when my dad was in the hospital. My mom called the cops and when the cop came, he asked my mom if she had a gun. She said that my dad had one in the house, but that she thought she was only legally allowed to shoot an intruder after they had entered her house. The cop said that was true, but that if the intruder came back, that she could shoot him in the yard and then call the cop (he gave her his personal number) and he would help her drag his body in the house...

1/8/2012 11:11:45 AM

1310 Posts
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only 1 more

1/23/2012 3:34:22 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Woman Shoots, Kills Intruder: 911 says it's okay Page 1 [2] 3, Prev Next  
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