1/18/2012 3:15:21 PM
wikipedia is fighting the good fight for all of us
1/18/2012 3:16:08 PM
Since nobody (well ^^that guy did ) reads the last post:https://twitter.com/#!/herpderpedia]
1/18/2012 3:16:25 PM
damn it, song meanings is blacked out too..how can I live?
1/18/2012 3:54:50 PM
1/18/2012 4:04:49 PM
1/18/2012 8:55:20 PM
wrong thread[Edited on January 18, 2012 at 9:00 PM. Reason : .]
1/18/2012 8:59:10 PM
1/18/2012 10:59:28 PM
at least they're only doing the blackout today instead of for the whole month of February.
1/18/2012 11:11:50 PM
worst part of all this is that whenever somebody makes an obscure reference the link to wikipedia....So I'm reading something, see something I'm not familiar with and click the link BAM wikipedia blocked
1/18/2012 11:31:03 PM
I personally preferred http://www.answers.com/
1/19/2012 1:16:40 AM
1/19/2012 1:27:28 AM
sounds like the reincarnation of this: http://37.com/or a shittier version of this: https://duckduckgo.com/
1/19/2012 3:30:15 AM