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TX R. Snake
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2/22/2013 1:20:39 PM

All American
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If having anthemic vocals means someone sounds like Queen, I guess Pavarotti and Beyonce sound like Queen, too.

2/22/2013 2:11:59 PM

All American
39521 Posts
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and we all know that Freddie Mercury was the absolute master of autotune

2/22/2013 2:13:22 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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^ Is that in reference to the Skylar Gray song with Eminem?

So fucking bad.

2/22/2013 2:45:12 PM

All American
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you're asking the wrong dude

2/22/2013 3:01:42 PM

Mr. Joshua
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They sample Freddie Mercury and autotune it. It completely sucks dick. And not in a good gay way.

2/22/2013 3:08:52 PM

All American
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The guitar player is bwning Lena Dunham.


2/22/2013 4:18:14 PM

All American
22025 Posts
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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that includes hating fun.; however it is annoying when anyone makes such definitive statements about a band when most people saying they suck have probably heard 2-3 songs off of their worst album and the worst album that Nate has been involved in if you trace fun.'s roots back to The Format.

They're not even remotely near any of my favorite bands(Even their best record is probably an 8/10 for me), but Nate has been making decent records for over a decade. I pretty much view this record as: he made 4 decent albums (LPs and EPs) with The Format, continued on to a very solid record with fun.'s debut and had a big underground following. Basically they wrote this album to make money. Can't blame him for that. It's the weakest album as a whole with some money making singles. They wrote it to blow up and they blew up.

Aim and Ignite, Dog Problems, and Interventions and Lullabies are all wayyyy better than this record most of you are basing them sucking off of. IMO, they may not be your thing, but they are a talented group both on record and live. Nate, regardless of autotune on record, seems to always pull off the vocals live. Aim and Ignite was and still is an extremely solid pop album front to back even though it got stiffed by music snobs.

And as far as the Queen references: Queen is one of my favorite bands of all time and Brian May is one of my all time favorite guitar players and songwriters so fun. doesn't come close to touching them in songwriting quality or the dimensions that Queen pulled off. However, on fun.'s previous album and even some of The Format's stuff, the Freddie Mercury influences are EXTREMELY transparent. To argue against that is like saying TSP didn't have transparent influences from MBV or Nirvana didn't have transparent influences from the Meat Puppets. fun. has never had the dimensions queen had or the quality, but for better or worse, they wear Queen influences blatantly on their sleeve. If you don't think they sound anything like Queen you probably haven't heard much fun. or Nate Ruess period

That said, the latest album Some Nights is probably a 6/10 for me. It has a couple extremely catchy songs and a bunch of over-processed filler. If you liked any bit of fun.'s work on this album, I really suggest you check out Nate's previous work as this album pales in comparison.

[Edited on February 22, 2013 at 4:36 PM. Reason : ]

2/22/2013 4:24:54 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Basically they wrote this album to make money. Can't blame him for that."

Of course you can. They're entitled to make that decision, but doing so transparently subjects them to legitimate claims of pursuing money over art.

Quote :
"IMO, they may not be your thing, but they are a talented group both on record and live."

This will always be an argument that holds no water with me. The Ramones couldn't play for shit and made amazing records; Steve Vai can play rings around anyone and his music is terrible. Musical talent is only useful if you've got the songs.

Quote :
"Nate, regardless of autotune on record, seems to always pull off the vocals live."

Entirely possible, and yet he still allows it on the record. WHY?! I'm talking about pitch correction here, not a production decision to go vocoder-style.

2/22/2013 5:07:22 PM

Double Entendre
22300 Posts
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so they are not queen at all. Jeez.

The use of found objects to make background music, the use of voice in the round, showmanship, and pushing their voices to breaking (voice is a workhorse) is why I say they somewhat emulate Queen.

2/22/2013 7:11:22 PM

13178 Posts
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This just in: A different band isn't Queen.

TWW argues over it anyway.

2/22/2013 7:20:47 PM

11149 Posts
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Foxy Shazam is coming to Charlotte. It's on a Thursday though and I have clinical at 8 am on Friday. Anyone been to their show?

2/22/2013 7:35:36 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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fun. is a shameless Jason Mraz ripoff group.

There. I said it.

2/22/2013 7:59:53 PM

All American
41128 Posts
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Fact: 90% of humans can't name a song that The Ramones sang without doing some research

2/22/2013 8:10:14 PM

All American
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2/23/2013 12:43:35 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Have the Rolling Stones killed

2/23/2013 12:48:01 AM

All American
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go to hell, you old bastid

2/23/2013 1:02:00 AM

All American
9609 Posts
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lets not forget that brian may absolutely killed it on the guitar for queen.

the main similarity with fun. and queen are the meoldies.

I would love to hate on them, but the fact is that music has had some pretty crappy melodies this past 15 years or so, and these guys actually bring something to the table.

2/23/2013 1:18:17 AM

All American
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There are no less than four separate, killer melodies in "Letter from an Occupant" by the New Pornographers.

2/23/2013 1:27:52 AM

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