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 Message Boards » » OWS & tipping in the same thread? Page 1 [2], Prev  

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2/27/2012 1:07:19 PM

All American
8309 Posts
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just the tip.

2/27/2012 1:15:51 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Responsibility? Maybe not. But pressure? For someone who depends on waiting tables as their only source of income, not knowing how much money you'll be taking home at the end of the night and not knowing if you'll be able to pay your next bill on time, the ability to be completely screwed by one lousy tipper, and the constant threat of losing your job due to circumstances beyond your control, I'd say that is quite a lot of pressure."

Look man I've worried about the first for just as long as anyone else in the industry. But when you, as a waiter, fuck up, you're out the night's cash, maybe your table has an unpleasant experience, maybe your landlord throws you out on the street...Sure, that's more pressure than the 16yo cashier at bojangle's who just has to worry about his parents taking his car away for a few weeks when his manager catches him burnin' down in the walk-in cooler. Point is - a waiter's "pressure" only affects him, and perhaps those in immediate acquaintance.

That's a far cry from a position where a company's income or survival in the market, the livelihoods of fellow employees, hell even peoples' safety depend on your performance and continued qualification for your position.

2/27/2012 1:35:23 PM

All American
15758 Posts
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True. People's lives are not at stake. I suppose I wasn't thinking big picture. It just seems like a lot to deal with compared to my own line of work, but I can't even fathom something like a doctor, police officer, or solider where if you fuck up, people *will* die.

2/27/2012 4:38:05 PM

All American
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I had the impression the adequate tip for a typical dining experience is 15%

Now a days, i feel like people bitch and complain on facebook/twitter, etc.. unless they get 20-25% tips.

2/27/2012 4:47:13 PM

37709 Posts
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what paerabol said

2/27/2012 4:49:32 PM

All American
5128 Posts
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Quote :
In North Carolina you are guaranteed $2.13 per hour. "

Quote :
"Waiters are guaranteed at least minimum wage. I'm amazed at the number of waiters/waitresses that don't know this. Its plastered on the freaking break room wall. Take a minute and read some shit for once in your miserable life."

2/27/2012 5:28:24 PM

State Oz
All American
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For every story of terrible service by a waiter, we all probably have 1000 stories where the service was great, or at least adequate.

The real fix for all of this is to pay the cooks and bus boys an actual wage. Let the servers keep all of their tips. When that happens, the whole 15% nonsense will go away.

2/27/2012 5:40:12 PM

All American
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I have never been a waiter so I never saw the sign in the break room for waiters, my bad

2/27/2012 6:42:07 PM

All American
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I have always avoided the tipping threads. I have just one question:

If a restaurant charges a a service charge (usually 15% of the bill), does than go to the waiters or to the restaurant, or a mix?

I always say it goes to the restaurant, so I always tip, but some of my friends argue it goes to the waiters, so there is no need to tip.



2/28/2012 6:09:42 AM

All American
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Quote :
"If a restaurant charges a a service charge (usually 15% of the bill), does than go to the waiters or to the restaurant, or a mix?"

You mean when there is a large party and they automatically add the gratuity? If so...that goes to the server. But you're more than welcome to add more if you feel the service deserves it.

2/28/2012 6:57:43 AM

All American
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^ is that something governed by law? if not, how can you be sure it goes to the waiters in all restaurants?

anyway, where i am (outside the US), all proper sit-down restaurants charge anywhere between 15 and 18% "service charge", regardless of party size (even if 1).

where does that go? i guess i should ask all the restaurants that i go to in the future.

(and what about hotels such as hilton, sheraton, etc? they also charge this "service charge" in their restaurants... do they have a unified rule across all countries?)

2/28/2012 7:21:14 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Oh good...another one of these threads

2/28/2012 7:43:55 AM

50085 Posts
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What's OWS?

2/28/2012 8:11:35 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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Quote :
"is that something governed by law? if not, how can you be sure it goes to the waiters in all restaurants?"

Because every restaurant I've worked in and every person that I've known that works in restaurants...gets that tip.

I don't know how they do it outside of the US...but in the US...the servers get the automatic gratuity.

I think the only time that comes in to question is with pizza delivery guys. Apparently that "service charge" does not go to them, and goes to the restaurant.

^ Occupy Wall Street.

2/28/2012 8:56:43 AM

All American
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from OP's link:

Quote :
"CORRECTION: On Monday evening, True Food Kitchen in Newport Beach released an official statement based on their investigation (described below in Update I) into the authenticity of the purported receipt showing a 1% tip. The restaurant's statement reveals that their hard receipt copies do not, in fact, match the photo (shown below) that was initially posted on (since taken down). Scroll down for the complete statement from True Food Kitchen."


Quote :
"The amount on the actual receipt is $33.54, Reagan said, not $133.54 as seen on the altered receipt. And while the tip on the online receipt claims that the server was left $1.33 (or one percent of the bill), the actual tip was more than $7 on the $33.54 tab."

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 9:05 AM. Reason : ]

2/28/2012 9:04:09 AM

no u
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2/28/2012 9:05:00 AM

13178 Posts
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Quote :
"But you're more than welcome to add more if you feel the service deserves it"

How kind of you to determine the minimal tip I shall give, douchebag.

What if the service was shitty and I want to give them nothing because they suck at life? Unless advertised ahead of time, forced tipping should be made illegal. Is 15% the new 0% now? Where you get paid for doing a shitty job?

2/29/2012 12:53:45 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Unless advertised ahead of time"

It is. So if you don't want it, don't go out to dinner with a large party.

2/29/2012 12:55:58 PM

All American
12764 Posts
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Pretty sure you can get rid of the minimum tip if you ask.

2/29/2012 1:36:44 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"Most people smart enough to have the means to regularly rack up $133 bills wouldn't be so stupid or short-sided to leave that sort of tip unjustified or to realize that ^ simple point.

lol right. I used to date someone who's mother would do shit like this all the time because she liked to lord over the fact that she had more money than the peons serving her.

2/29/2012 1:42:55 PM

All American
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It usually saves me money when they put a 15% gratuity on my bill. I consider it to be off putting and I don't add a penny to it when they do. Oddly enough, I think the last time it happened was pretty close to a $1.33 tip. It was a roughly $9 lunch with coworkers. She would have gotten much more (from me at least) without adding the gratuity.

2/29/2012 2:09:48 PM

Duke is puke
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^ I don't think that's always a choice.

2/29/2012 3:33:17 PM

All American
31140 Posts
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Not my concern.

2/29/2012 3:39:00 PM

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