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I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 1:00 AM. Reason : I'm a little drunk but are you pretending that was op's vid?]

2/28/2012 1:00:08 AM

All American
38546 Posts
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How does that even happen? New rule. Cars not allowed to pass jet dryers with lots of fuel in them.

2/28/2012 1:00:34 AM

13178 Posts
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^^ No... Just wondering where it came from.

^ I think his tire went flat. I didn't hear Juan's interview though.

2/28/2012 1:02:07 AM

Status Name
11321 Posts
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They did show that angle like once the whole time. Pretty crazy to see.
I'm sure the guys in the truck had to scrape out their pants after that one.

2/28/2012 1:26:41 AM

148877 Posts
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a stock car weighs what, 2500 pounds or so? and that fuel truck weighs what, 6000 pounds or so? not meant for collisions with each other

2/28/2012 1:29:59 AM

All American
27048 Posts
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stock cars are like 3500lbs

and i swear it's just juans shitty driving...he was flying and hit the bank and lost it

2/28/2012 1:35:18 AM

148877 Posts
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i dunno if he blew a tire on some debris or what, but either way, with all the safety precautions that go into building modern day stock cars, they're not meant to hit vehicles that weigh twice as much, nor are those jet dryer trucks built with any of the same safety standards as the actual stock cars

2/28/2012 1:40:28 AM

All American
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whoever is talking after the wreck in the op sounds like they were giving the driver a good ol' winter hummerland

2/28/2012 1:57:03 AM

All American
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Why didn't jesus take the wheel?

2/28/2012 2:08:31 AM

148877 Posts
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you'd have to imagine the 18-wheeler driver saw the SUV swerving, and maybe slowed down 10-15 mph before impact...could've been worse?

2/28/2012 2:23:17 AM

All American
3186 Posts
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Quote :
I wonder what went thru the drivers head"

Maybe the side view mirror?

2/28/2012 7:52:18 AM

All American
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pause at 23 seconds the driver exits first, stage left.

so maybe he made it? hes russian after all, so you know hes drunk, and drunks always survive.

2/28/2012 8:11:21 AM

wear sumthin tight
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2/28/2012 8:31:05 AM

All American
39626 Posts
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I've seen plenty of wreck photos & occasionally video from my line of work; this is nuts. Geez...

2/28/2012 8:46:14 AM


15145 Posts
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Watching again...

After he hit the first box truck his vehicle was very severely angled left. That was indeed a very very bad position to be in. And the reason he hit that box truck in the first place was because the snow/ice caused him to be angled right.

Even the box truck had trouble not going into oncoming traffic. And look at the car behind the 18 wheeler, it was veering like an action movie. Actually, I think there was contact with the box truck. I wonder what was said in that car, probably the Russian version of "holy shiiiiit guys!"

The 18 wheeler was almost on the shoulder of the road too. If he had kept going straight or moved left he might have saved the guy. That would have been an impossible call to make though.

2/28/2012 9:02:01 AM

Thots and Prayers
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I read that the family wants an open casket.

2/28/2012 9:11:49 AM

All American
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I feel bad for the semi driver. He completely obliterated that driver, but it was at no fault of his own. He did nothing wrong, followed all the traffic laws, and there was no way he could have avoided it without causing And now he has to live with this unnecessary guilt.

2/28/2012 9:15:18 AM

Drunk yet Orderly
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The video comments say that only a leg was recoverable.

2/28/2012 9:44:51 AM

All American
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why was there a video in this vehicle, that is my question.

2/28/2012 10:11:53 AM

All American
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2/28/2012 10:16:32 AM

All American
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that driver's dreams were.... shattered?

2/28/2012 12:16:07 PM

All American
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dash-cams seem to be pretty popular in russia.

2/28/2012 12:20:34 PM

All American
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FYI it's spelled lorry, not "lorrie"

2/28/2012 1:20:24 PM

All American
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2/28/2012 1:21:19 PM

15294 Posts
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Technically this is the best wreck ever

I'm Krallum and I approved this message

2/28/2012 1:22:30 PM

All American
3260 Posts
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more Russian wrecks needed...

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 4:04 PM. Reason : 3]

2/28/2012 3:47:39 PM

All American
3260 Posts
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not a wreck, but holy fuck...I would have shit my pants...

2/28/2012 3:50:04 PM

11097 Posts
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^I remember that one from a while back. Was that truck running from the law?

2/28/2012 3:55:14 PM

1136 Posts
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Quote :
"you'd have to imagine the 18-wheeler driver saw the SUV swerving, and maybe slowed down 10-15 mph before impact...could've been worse?"

I don't think it could have gotten any worse. He hit that SUV pretty much dead on and it disintegrated. Going faster wouldn't have done much more damage I don't think. It's kinda like if you threw water on someone who just got out of the pool. Sure, you are throwing more water on them, but it's not gonna get them much more wet.

Also, if the semi hadn't slowed down, assuming it did, then it would have been further on down the road possibly at the moment of impact and the SUV might have slammed into the side of the cab or whatever and it would have been a totally different accident.

Quote :
"I read that the family wants an open casket."

Quote :
"The video comments say that only a leg was recoverable."

Is it sad that I picture the leg from A Christmas Story resting in the casket with a spot light shining on it?

2/28/2012 4:03:03 PM

All American
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2/28/2012 4:29:06 PM

1136 Posts
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^Holy fucking shit!!!!

2/28/2012 4:31:28 PM

11583 Posts
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2/28/2012 4:34:05 PM

16786 Posts
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^^^I think he's dead

2/28/2012 4:36:34 PM

All American
10849 Posts
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One of the top comments:
Quote :
"It's Niko Bellic!"

2/28/2012 4:37:58 PM

18598 Posts
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say whatever you want, but 99% of us in here couldn't recover from that slide on DRY pavement.

all that crap about not braking and steering into the corner... watch the video again and see that's exactly what he tried. no brake lights + wheels *trying* to go with the road. he was at full right lock when he wrecked.

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 5:37 PM. Reason : you don't "power out" of a slide when you have no traction to begin with]

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 5:37 PM. Reason : the other 1% would just be plain lucky ]

2/28/2012 5:35:56 PM

Sup, B
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I expected this thread to show a full spread of a creampied vajoodle

2/28/2012 5:38:16 PM

11583 Posts
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dude in Bweez's video got Sinna'd

2/28/2012 5:39:52 PM

All American
6421 Posts
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Nikki Catsouras vs Toll Booth

2/28/2012 8:35:02 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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Quote :

2/28/2012 8:48:00 PM

All American
5128 Posts
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[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 8:50 PM. Reason : nvm]

2/28/2012 8:50:27 PM

1136 Posts
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Link for anyone who wants to see.

2/28/2012 8:53:20 PM

1136 Posts
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Fuck, I was trying to get some perspective in this photo, but couldn't quiet get what angle of the head I was looking at. At first I thought maybe just the skin on the side of her face had been ripped off, till I realized that the dark red thing in the middle is her....tongue. FUCK


God damnit.

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 8:58 PM. Reason : ,]

2/28/2012 8:57:40 PM

11583 Posts
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maybe just link that pic


2/28/2012 9:07:00 PM

Shitter Pilot
10238 Posts
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Her before ^^

2/28/2012 9:09:48 PM

New Recruit
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2/28/2012 9:13:21 PM

1136 Posts
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I'm guessing the other half of her face is attached to the upper part of her car where the rest of that hair is hanging.

2/28/2012 9:14:55 PM

All American
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2/28/2012 9:15:27 PM

New Recruit
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Quote :
"Troubles started when mean kids thought it was funny to taunt The Catsouras with pictures of bloodied Nikki Catsouras. Needless to say, The Catsouras were devastated form loss of their beautiful teenage daughter, but what’s more, she died in such a horrific way, that they didn’t even want to admit her mom to her after she’d crashed that Porsche. The sight of her was so terrible, everyone assumed her family best not see it. That’s not what mean internet kids thought.

[b]Following the growth of Porsche Girl phenomenon, The Catsouras started receiving emails camouflaged as something else, but containing pictures of Nikki Catsouras’ death. Her dad Christos is a real estate agent (that’s why he was driving a $150 000 worth of Porsche Carrera) so they were sending emails that were made to sound as if coming from a client interested in byuing a real estate property, but after opening, there was a picture of his little girl Nikki Catsouras dead.
Other meanies created profiles on social networking sites like MySpace that pretended to be made in honor of a beautiful Nikki Catsouras. These profiles features slide shows that started with the play back of images from her happy days and went on with beautiful pictures of Nikki Catsouras but then turned into a bad joke by displaying those horrific pictures of her death."

thats so fucked up, fuck people

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 9:18 PM. Reason : srsly fuck poeple]

2/28/2012 9:17:02 PM

All American
5503 Posts
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This shit is going downhill fast.

2/28/2012 9:22:43 PM

Sup, B
53286 Posts
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beat em up ----------->

2/28/2012 9:42:50 PM

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