Hiro All American 4673 Posts user info edit post |
Technically NCSSM is a public school... At least, that's what they kept telling me. 3/14/2012 8:46:32 PM
bottombaby IRL 21958 Posts user info edit post |
In my own county, you can take through Calculus 2 and Statistics.
Most AP students get credit for Cal 1 and Stats. Some get credit for Cal 2. 3/14/2012 8:47:00 PM
theDuke866 All American 52917 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Teachers that curve grades don't do you any favors. If you only know 33% of the material and the teacher curves the grade by 60 points, then you still only know 33% of the material. That's 67% of information that the teacher jewed you on that you're supposed to know before passing the class." |
Many teachers make tests ridiculously difficult. I don't know why; I always thought it was dumb. When they give you extra-hard tests and the average is a 30, there's not much to do but curve.
I think they should test you on the standards for the course, and if you meet them, you meet them.
Anyhow, I rocked calc 2, but HATED calc 3. I think I got a c-, and that was a struggle. 3/14/2012 8:47:19 PM
Hiro All American 4673 Posts user info edit post |
AFAIK, there was no AP test for CAL III. It was many years ago, but I think NCSU would allow you to place out of Cal III if you got an A in the class at NCSSM. I didn't get an A, so either way I had to take it over at NSCU.
^ I must be the odd one. I didn't like Cal II at all. I did well, got a 5 on the AP. But Cal III was so much more fun/easier for me.
[Edited on March 14, 2012 at 8:51 PM. Reason : .] 3/14/2012 8:49:02 PM
bottombaby IRL 21958 Posts user info edit post |
^I think that's why no one even bothered with Cal 3 in my own county. 3/14/2012 8:51:27 PM
EuroTitToss All American 4790 Posts user info edit post |
Calc III was my very first class at state. 8:00am. I got a 50 on the first exam, but ended up acing the course.
chembob was in there too
we had the coolest fucking professor ever, dr. chu... MOODY CHU 3/14/2012 9:06:44 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
I had his twin brother: MADAT CHU 3/14/2012 9:09:43 PM
EuroTitToss All American 4790 Posts user info edit post |
He told us about how he trolled this doctoral candidate, asking him "what is the first fundamental theorem of calculus?" The kid couldn't answer, so "now you see him begging for money on Hillsborough st."
One day Chu is going through this elaborate two-board problem. A dude raises his hand and asks "Uh, what is chain rule"? We had been using chain rule pretty much everyday for the past two months.... 3/14/2012 9:15:06 PM