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 Message Boards » » Chick-fil-a is pretty awful Page 1 [2], Prev  
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3/19/2012 10:36:45 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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well damn

[Edited on March 19, 2012 at 10:36 AM. Reason : ]

3/19/2012 10:36:47 AM

All American
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Quote :
"if i based my money-spending preferences on the political stances of companies, i could probably find a reason not to shop at every store in the world... so that's dumb."

i mean, if you went as far as to say that their political and religious stance fundamentally differ from yours, and that will change how you patronize a store/company, then sure... but their stance directly affects me in that I can't get their product on a Sunday, which is usually when I'm hungover and craving it the most.

I couldn't care less what a company's basic philisophocal/religious/political standings are until it directly starts to affect me as a customer.

3/19/2012 10:40:03 AM

All American
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Well I think it's a good thing. It gives all the employees a day off to spend with their friends and families so they can go to church, or sleep off a saturday night hangover, or watch football in the fall, or whatever.

I understand your point though.

3/19/2012 10:56:56 AM

All American
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From everything I've seen and read, the workers at Chick-fil-a seem to be the happiest at their jobs... so they gotta be doing something right to keep them happy.

3/19/2012 10:59:28 AM

All American
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Quote :
"chik fil a is alright. not enough food for what you pay"

I don't understand this. The basic chik-fil-a sandwich is easily the largest sub $3 chicken sandwich I've ever seen.

[Edited on March 19, 2012 at 11:27 AM. Reason : It's both larger and cheaper than the chik-fil-a clones at mcdonalds and KFC]

3/19/2012 11:26:51 AM

All American
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*goes to get chik fil-a*

3/19/2012 11:27:01 AM

All American
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^^for breakfast, their combo costs me almost twice as much as it does at mcD's for a spicy chicken biscuit, fruit, and coke zero. For lunch/dinner, though, it is pretty comparable. I'm willing to pay the little extra for better chicken quality (it is always white meat and it is never a flat pressed "patty")

3/19/2012 11:30:17 AM

no u
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i'm going to open a chick-fil-a clone that is open on Sundays

i'll make millions

3/19/2012 11:30:55 AM

All American
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i can't tell you how many times i/friends/acquaintances have driven up to the drive thru on sunday and been like 'aww maaaaaaaan'

3/19/2012 11:32:26 AM

All American
903 Posts
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satan's gay chicken: only open on sunday

3/19/2012 11:33:32 AM

13178 Posts
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Quote :
"From everything I've seen and read, the workers at Chick-fil-a seem to be the happiest at their jobs... so they gotta be doing something right to keep them happy."

I'm pretty sure that's how the people Jonestown were too, until they committed mass suicide.

3/19/2012 12:21:12 PM

All American
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3/19/2012 12:25:02 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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My Name Is Pleasure

3/19/2012 12:28:48 PM

All American
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3/19/2012 12:29:26 PM

16786 Posts
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Look at dat breast.

3/19/2012 12:40:58 PM

13178 Posts
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so greasy...

3/19/2012 12:43:17 PM

148876 Posts
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it's nice to get your fast food from bible thumping homophobes as opposed to ghetto-ass gang bangers at other fast food chains

[Edited on March 19, 2012 at 1:49 PM. Reason : or illegal aliens]

3/19/2012 1:49:09 PM

45912 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm pretty sure that's how the people Jonestown were too, until they committed mass suicide."

uhh, weren't they forced to drink the kool-aid or shot if they refused? seems like an apt comparison...

3/19/2012 2:11:57 PM

All American
63547 Posts
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if you don't drink the lemonade at Chick-fil-a you deserve to be shot

3/19/2012 2:26:27 PM

All American
4328 Posts
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^lol, tr00

3/19/2012 2:27:36 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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Quote :
"if i based my money-spending preferences on the political stances of companies, i could probably find a reason not to shop at every store in the world... so that's dumb."

It's dumb if you take it to that extreme, but the practice itself is not dumb.

There's a big difference between not supporting companies with a conservative slant and not supporting companies that seek to deny people their Constitutional rights based on sexual orientation.

3/19/2012 2:57:10 PM

1136 Posts
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Quote :
"^ i can't imagine how sad your life must be if you avoid a fast food place because "ghetto types" work there."

Where did I say I avoid the places that have them? I eat at them all the time.

I just said that when I do go eat at a Chick-Fil-a it's refreshing to deal with nice people.

3/19/2012 3:55:11 PM

All American
24415 Posts
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Quote :
"There's a big difference between not supporting companies with a conservative slant and not supporting companies that seek to deny people their Constitutional rights based on sexual orientation."

Dude ... wait, what?

3/19/2012 5:08:41 PM

All American
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^ People are all pissy because Chic-Fil-A supposedly donates to organizations with an "anti-gay agenda". It's not about your God given right to eat tasty chicken sandwiches on Sunday as one might expect.

3/19/2012 5:49:58 PM

All American
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Quote :
"but their stance directly affects me in that I can't get their product on a Sunday, which is usually when I'm hungover and craving it the most.

sry chick-fil-a doesn't revolve their business practices around you, maybe you could write them a letter or something?

3/19/2012 5:53:20 PM

All American
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I take back what I said about Chick-Fil-a's mediocrity, just went to the new store in Cameron Village for dinner. The waffle fries were still a bit soggy and whatever, not that standout, but the spicy chicken with pepperjack was pretty fucking legit.

That whole store seems like overkill though. Didn't the concept art for the construction show a lot more green area on the outside? The little kid's area is pathetic.

EDIT: Their breakfast is still fucking awful though.

[Edited on March 19, 2012 at 6:57 PM. Reason : f]

3/19/2012 6:57:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Chic-Fil-A supposedly donates to organizations with an "anti-gay agenda""

Not "supposedly." They do.

3/19/2012 7:10:33 PM

All American
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Yeah I've never been big on Chik-fil-a breakfast. Bojangles or Hardees for breakfast.

3/19/2012 7:29:59 PM

Zinc Saucier
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3/19/2012 7:34:41 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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id rather eat at a place that is anti gay than anti child birth

3/19/2012 8:14:27 PM

All American
6511 Posts
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i like it. it isn't awesome but it is good enough to go back

plus.... Polynesian sauce, cmon

3/19/2012 8:48:01 PM

13178 Posts
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Every time I see that chick-fil-a picture, I want to throw up a bit.

3/19/2012 11:21:18 PM

wear sumthin tight
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3/21/2012 11:50:52 PM

13178 Posts
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I decided to give it another shot, and my opinion is the same. It is shit. I had the spicy chicken sandwich. It wasn't spicy and I would hardly call this shit a sandwich either.

And the waffle fries. Do they keep the shit hot or do they take it out and just throw it on the floor?

Fuck chick-fil-a!

3/27/2012 8:40:58 PM

All American
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Quote :
"baby, you can't taste racism!"

3/27/2012 9:08:11 PM

114652 Posts
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Quote :
"if you don't drink the lemonade at Chick-fil-a you deserve to be shot"

not if cherry coke is an option

3/27/2012 9:09:14 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Cherry Coke, yeah, if you're fucking 6

3/27/2012 9:10:38 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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The spicy chicken is pretty good, but not as good as their regular.

If I want a spicy chicken sandwich I'll take the regular chick-fil-a sandwich, take the meat off the bun, put it back in the sandwich bag and dump 2 packs of buffalo sauce on it. Then I shake it up to coat, put it back on the bun, and top with ranch.

ta-da! Chick-fil-a buffalo chicken sammich.

3/27/2012 9:16:32 PM

All American
8094 Posts
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You shut your mouth when you talk to me!

3/27/2012 9:25:33 PM

1136 Posts
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Fuck them and their support of Tim Tebow.

[Edited on March 27, 2012 at 9:29 PM. Reason : c]

3/27/2012 9:28:11 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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My biscuit this morning wasn't very good

3/28/2012 9:57:06 AM

Fuckwads SS '15
20681 Posts
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Quote :
"From April 5, April 12, April 19, April 26, 2012, participating Chick-fil-A®restaurants are giving away a variety of FREE breakfast entrées to customers who make a reservation online. "

3/28/2012 10:17:46 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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^ Thanks

lol pretty sure this is the guy that was working the drive-thru window this morning.

3/28/2012 10:27:27 AM

All American
8094 Posts
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got served today
they did mess up my order but it wasn't a big deal

3/29/2012 11:51:45 PM

114652 Posts
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pretty awfully awesome is more like it

3/30/2012 1:58:03 AM

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