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 Message Boards » » How old were you when you lost your virginity? Page 1 [2], Prev  
All American
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i was old. like 21 i think. it was in my room with a girl named Courtney who was a friend of my college roommate's girlfriend...His girlfriend went home to VA one weekend--she and her very slutty friend from back home were swapping pictures from college, and her friend said something like "Who's that guy? I'd like to do him."

Well, a couple of weekends later, she drove down to Raleigh for a party, and at the end of the party, we humped a few times. The next morning, she left and went back to VA. Haven't seen her since, haha.

I had this stupid idea in my head that I wanted to wait until I was married, then until I had a serious girlfriend, then until I was in love, then until I at least liked the girl, then until it was with someone besides a total stranger. Finally I just said "screw it", which is what I should have done about 5 years earlier.

Oddly, I hooked up with and fooled around with a BUNCH of girls before her and just never finished the job. Pretty dumb, in hindsight. Oh well, as a result, my "number" isn't completely out of control, so I guess that's good.

Ironically, I think maybe waiting for such a stupidly long time probably has had a negative impact on the health of my relationships (or lack thereof, both in health and just having relationships to begin with, haha), because I then spent a long time just wanting to be complete tomcat...after a while, I decided that calming down and having a relationship would be cool, and then I noticed that everybody I knew was already married.

3/31/2012 10:57:46 PM

All American
5111 Posts
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18 in a dorm at Catawba College

3/31/2012 10:58:51 PM

Doc Rambo IV
All American
7202 Posts
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19, the summer after freshman year.

3/31/2012 11:01:30 PM

16786 Posts
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cool story duke

3/31/2012 11:07:47 PM

All American
6786 Posts
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almost as cool as yours

3/31/2012 11:08:46 PM

16786 Posts
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tell us a story klaty

3/31/2012 11:17:48 PM

All American
6786 Posts
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lol, I don't think I can top yours

3/31/2012 11:18:22 PM

16786 Posts
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you're making me blush

3/31/2012 11:31:07 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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My 22nd birthday in Bragaw Hall. State beat Carolina in basketball, the more important event. Girls come and go. NCSU beats UNC in Raleigh in bball once, maybe twice in a lifetime.

4/1/2012 1:14:52 AM

All American
6116 Posts
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15, in my room

4/1/2012 1:18:04 AM

Eaton Bush
All American
2342 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm not sure if I should count the one where I banged a girl down the hall from me in Sullivan my freshman year or the time in my neighbor's bathroom when I was 7.

I have a similar story. 7 with the girl next door. All we did was play doctor. Tried to put in in there but we were 7. We had a feeling it would go in there but we were 7! Lubrication was an issue.

The first real experience where we knew exactly what we were doing I was 16 she was 15. I was so nervous it lasted about 3 hours in various positions.

4/1/2012 8:41:10 AM

All American
3186 Posts
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avent ferry complex

4/1/2012 8:44:54 AM

All American
3633 Posts
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i lost my virginity just DAYS after i set up my wolfweb account. NICE

4/1/2012 8:59:14 AM

15294 Posts
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Same night you lost those cosmos?

I'm Krallum and I approved this message

4/1/2012 9:01:20 AM

All American
580 Posts
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14. an older friend let me drink and drive out to king...and told me i was going to go get laid.

hit 44 at 18 @ myrtle b one year

4/1/2012 10:43:47 AM

All American
10893 Posts
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17. Dorm room on the the 7th floor of Lee if memory serves.

I had a candy bar nokia with no camera at the time.

4/1/2012 10:49:40 AM

All American
10165 Posts
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25, in thoroughly unspectacular circumstances (w/ girlfriend, in apartment)

I also have a friend who just lost his virginity over the summer, at the age of 30

I also have a couple friends of 27 or 28 whom I am pretty sure are still virgins (I am a math graduate student, so my acquaintance with old virgins should be unsurprising)

4/1/2012 10:07:00 PM

All American
841 Posts
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Quote :
"I know my pager didn't"

haha, good to know I wasn't the only one rocking a pager back then

And I'm actually surprised at the amount of people that didn't get laid until 18+. There's nothing at all wrong with that, but at 15 I thought I was pretty late to the game.

4/1/2012 10:15:21 PM

All American
17452 Posts
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I know very few people who were still virgins at 18 much less 28

TWW is full of nerds

4/1/2012 10:22:50 PM

148873 Posts
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4/1/2012 10:30:13 PM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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Quote :
"At 16, the girl I boned was 14."

and it was behind her old elementary school on the playground, then in the back of a truck, then in her parent's beach house

all the same day

no cell phone because i wasn't an entitled little prick

4/1/2012 10:41:26 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18195 Posts
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I was 21. No cell phone pics (although a friend did try to take regular-camera pictures of the pre-humping fooling around, which happened in the backyard).

I liked the girl but was still trying to maintain celibacy. She liked me and wanted to screw. So she got herself kind of drunk and me very, very drunk.

To my credit, I held out for hours of her begging, grinding, pleading, and straight up fondling my shit before eventually caving in at about three in the morning in my bed. By then I'd sobered up a bit and I remember saying, "No, it wouldn't be right. You're drunk. You wouldn't even remember it in the morning, and I'll feel like a total bastard."

"No, I will remember it, I want it, please!"

So I caved. Repeatedly. The next morning she rolls over and says, "So, um...did know...?"

And I felt like a total bastard.

4/1/2012 11:41:54 PM

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