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 Message Boards » » Just met with my Resident Director Page 1 [2], Prev  
All American
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4/9/2012 11:24:43 AM

no u
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4/9/2012 11:44:55 AM

All American
1966 Posts
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Hmm, well I live on the 6th floor, guess that's why my suitemates are retarded.

4/9/2012 7:38:29 PM

2019 Egg Champ
46681 Posts
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Quote :
"Not sure I ever had an RD who wasn't a dick."

My RD is Owen had Dick as her surname. And probably for breakfast.

4/9/2012 7:40:07 PM

5052 Posts
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these posts make me wish I hadn't gone to fucking community college.

4/9/2012 7:47:44 PM

All American
6759 Posts
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but you saved money!

4/9/2012 8:29:36 PM

All American
4116 Posts
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Quote :
"Most of them are dicks because they love power trips."

Some are dicks, but most really aren't that bad. They get compensated to make sure you dont set the building on fire or die of alcohol poisoning. The majority don't care if you drink underage or party, but if you drink a beer in their face in a no-alcohol dorm they aren't going to risk their job over your dumb ass. Same thing with noise complaints.

4/9/2012 10:47:06 PM

All American
12428 Posts
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Immaturity abound in this topic. I'm not gonna talk crap though, because I was the same way 6 years ago. I never had an issue with RA's or RD's. My freshman year RA in Tucker actually drank with us multiple times, haha. The only time someone got in trouble for drinking on our hallway, one of the female RA's was walking down our hall for some reason and saw him standing in his doorway drinking a beer. Told him to pour it out and wrote him up. RD asked him if he learned his lesson, had him write some 2 pg essay and that was that.

4/10/2012 1:00:25 AM

All American
8005 Posts
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My RA was on TWW

4/10/2012 1:44:40 AM

All American
7547 Posts
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I remember my RA sophomore year in Lee was a real prissy, fundie Baptist girl--so she seemed to like enforcing a certain kind of "ethics" that really go on everyone's nerves. You know, don't drink not because it's illegal... but because JESUS WILL CRY.

4/10/2012 1:53:26 AM

45912 Posts
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Some RAs were (are) insufferable pricks, such as ^. Some do go on power trips and think they are the police and will write you up for anything on the spot.

Most RAs were (are) not like this; in fact, most hate this uppity type of RA, because if they witness another RA doing something not-so-kosher, or witness another RA witnessing a resident's actions that aren't allowed, then the insufferable cunt will write up both the RA and resident.

Some RAs never give a fuck and then you have the in-between, where most lay. If 1 was never giving a fuck and 10 was insufferable cunt, then I was a 2, maybe 2.5.

4/10/2012 9:22:21 AM

All American
5419 Posts
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I always had cool RAs. The RD was always pretty chill. The Triad RD saw me breaking into Syme through a window connected to the stairwell the year after I moved out. Just rolled his eyes, and told me he would have let me in.

4/10/2012 9:49:29 AM

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