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The Stubby
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Quote :
"What about the Go Pack All-Access subscription?"

how much does this suck?

4/5/2012 11:30:31 PM

All American
52916 Posts
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^^ In HD?

What do you mean "took the filter off"? You mean pirating cable?

4/7/2012 12:46:49 AM

All American
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If you have TWC Internet sometimes the installer wont turn the filter on and you can get over the air hd along with news 14 and a few random stations

4/7/2012 2:05:50 AM

All American
10774 Posts
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Quote :
"Go to a sportsbar and watch the game...



not a great plan if you are canceling cable to save money

4/7/2012 7:18:21 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Go to a sportsbar and watch the game...


That could end up costing you more though. When Sentanta Sports (Fox Soccer Plus) first became available, a friend of mine signed up for it with his provider because he said it would save him money. He figured if even one game came on that network that he wanted to see and he had to go to the bar to watch, then it would cost him more money because of his bar tab.

Yeah, it's fun to go to one of the Wolfpack bars when the Pack is playing in a big game, but doing that for almost every game will become quite expensive.

4/7/2012 11:23:19 AM

13178 Posts
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Quote :
" you just can't download american race coverage "

Yes you can. PM me for details.

4/7/2012 12:08:34 PM

37709 Posts
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The only football game I couldn't get was one that was on ESPN...can't remember which. Between and antenna we got all games otherwise

4/7/2012 2:17:37 PM

All American
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i use amazon prime and netflix ... but the netflix is piggy-backed off my parents so meh.... but amazon prime is $35/yr for students

4/7/2012 4:00:17 PM

All American
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^^That doesn't mean it will be like that every season.

4/7/2012 4:23:58 PM

Sink the Flagship
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I'm pretty sure that you can get ESPN on PS3, especially if your parents have cable with one of their affiliates you can get everything for free.

how much different content does Hulu have vs. Netflix? I have netflix but I feel like they don't update it with anything worthwhile very often. Once you've seen all the series you're kind of SOL.

4/7/2012 4:28:01 PM

37709 Posts
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I took a look at my viewing of 2011 football season vs my credit card (that is, when did I go to the bar to watch a game) and compared it to the cost of cable. Cable TV + internet is advertised on Time Warner starting at $84.90. They advertise internet at $34.95 per month, which I know to be the introductory rate since I started there and pay $45/mo now. Subtracting internet, cable TV can be assumed to be around $50/mo. This doesn't account for later bill hikes.

The 2011 season can be assumed to roll for 3 months, if you include bowl season it is 5 months (December with our bowl game and the ACC Championship, January has the big bowls).

During this season, I went to 2 or 3 regular season games (not sure if I went to South Alabama) and went to the bowl game. Cincinnati was on ESPN and I was invited to a neighbor's house to watch it. I watched every other game I wanted to using either, antenna, or other methods. I watched the major bowl games that I wanted to watch on antenna. Going to a game was not indicative of being able to watch it at home. I'm not sure which games I had to stream online.

For the regular season, the cable package would have cost around $150. With bowl season it is $250. I'm not sure if you're able to get cable for just the season and cancel it afterwards. If you're locked in for a 1 year contract, then you have to account for the cost of the rest of the year, including the April - August sporting cesspool...though I guess August may have a few football games? Can't remember the schedule for season openers.

Granted, you won't be able to have friends over and retain your dignity, but for NC State Football 2011 that was how 'cut the chord' played out for me.

[Edited on April 22, 2012 at 9:13 AM. Reason : Fuck, meant to put it in the other thread...oh well]

4/22/2012 9:13:11 AM

All American
10506 Posts
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Keeping my directv bc they go Sunday ticket.

4/22/2012 9:45:35 AM

Deucefest '04
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4/22/2012 9:57:44 AM

All American
2856 Posts
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If you can get over the sports thing it isn't that bad. I watched a whole hockey game yesterday just because it is not often sports come on (I rarely watch hockey).

4/22/2012 10:01:23 AM

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