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2 Pages of this country losing its cojones

ahahahahah If you click the link in the OP now this pic is on the page.

It is from a topless protest in some other country, guss the cop had to find a place he could get a good grip to carry her in.

[Edited on July 3, 2012 at 9:51 AM. Reason : .]

7/3/2012 9:48:48 AM

All American
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Quote :
"all that applies in Raleigh and I agree with you on all the points

But.. Eastern NC really needs to do something about their scooter users... having some guy cruising along at 35 on a 55 one lane road at the height of traffic time is dangerous for all involved."

that may very well be the case...i have no experience riding a scooter down east and so, like most things, the arguments are very much dependent on the specific situations and what you've described is very much a dangerous thing that would likely leave me very frustrated, as well

Quote :
"only folks arguing for scooters are those who ride them

imagine that"

Quote :
"only folks arguing for scooters concealed carry rights are those who ride them conceal carry

imagine that"

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"only folks arguing for scooters legalized marijuana are those who ride them smoke pot

imagine that"

well, yeah...those who argue for any given issue are USUALLY those who are affected by or interested in said issue

7/3/2012 9:57:05 AM

All American
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Quote :
"But.. Eastern NC really needs to do something about their scooter users... "

Because Eastern NC bus system is so developed one could take it anywhere, and because lawnmovers that the DUY offenders drove before were so much faster that they didn't have a problem keeping up with the traffic.

Quote :
"having some guy cruising along at 35 on a 55 one lane road at the height of traffic time is dangerous for all involved"

This is the reason it is in "Perpetual Pussification of America Thread". This guy riding his scooter on a 45mph country road is SOOO DANGEROUS! Oh noes he is gonna hit all these pedestrians walking along the farmland of eastern NC! OMG fifty car pileup inevitable!

[Edited on July 3, 2012 at 10:32 AM. Reason : mass fatalities]

7/3/2012 10:31:54 AM

All American
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^ honestly, i think it's more dangerous for the scooter rider because you've got so many people pissed off that he's going slow...all it takes is one douchebag deciding to pass unsafely because he's suffering from road rage to get the scooter guy that's just one fatality

admittedly, being stuck behind someone doing 35mph on a single-lane 55mph road with no opportunity to safely pass would frustrate me, as well...though i recognize that taking an alternate route is not always feasible

truthfully, though, scooters are awesome

[Edited on July 3, 2012 at 10:36 AM. Reason : .]

7/3/2012 10:36:36 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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second class citizens

7/3/2012 10:38:12 AM

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I personally think you should have to have license, and insurance, to walk down the street BECAUSE OMFG IF YOU JAYWALK AND I HIT YOU THERE WILL BE NO INSURANCE TO CHARGE THE DENTS TOO!!!!

7/3/2012 10:46:24 AM

All American
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Second class citizens make your pussy first-class lifestyle possible in this country. Although your kids may not be as lucky. And you don't even know how much of your economic prosperity is directly linked to scooter useage overseas.

7/3/2012 10:51:01 AM

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All the little people driving scooters are holding the gas prices down so I can fill up my Tahoe cheaper.

7/3/2012 11:07:02 AM

All American
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^Thank God. Burned half a tank of gas in the Silverado just going to the beach this weekend.

7/3/2012 11:09:18 AM

All American
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Ahahah, Kinder Eggs are illegal here in the US because the bits are too small and kids could choke on them.

7/19/2012 8:16:58 AM

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7/19/2012 8:17:58 AM

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Canada is more badass about something than the USA.

7/19/2012 10:13:06 AM

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Quote :
"He was apparently mad over his recent arrest on resisting arrest and marijuana possession charges."

Resisting Arrest Charge = Pussification of America

Do we expect people to gleefully allow someone else to tie them up and put them in a cage?

8/3/2012 1:14:57 PM

Dick Danger
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theyd better expect a baton

8/3/2012 1:16:52 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Ahahah, Kinder Eggs are illegal here in the US because the bits are too small and kids could choke on them."

Wow my grandmother used to give us Kinder Eggs every time we visited her. I wonder if she ever got busted on the border bringing them back from Germany

8/3/2012 1:19:46 PM

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Quote :
"Although all of the students she had sex with are 18 or older, the law protects students from a relationship with someone in a superior position.

Read more:

You are either an adult or you are a minor, no grey area....Pussification of America.

8/17/2012 7:13:09 PM

All American
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Yea I never liked this shit when I worked at a HS. My coworker was a couple years younger than me and he had to be careful, because even though we weren't teachers (IT support) he was banging a girl that was just starting college. He was still a school employee, and she was a former student who was 18, so technically no laws were broken, but until she walked across the stage and got her diploma, it was illegal, technically.

8/17/2012 7:22:37 PM

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8/18/2012 7:12:18 PM

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"We removed the following content you posted or were the admin of because it violates Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities:


"Please stop trolling."

8/18/2012 7:15:12 PM

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Lets just put them in an old run down prison and blow it up with an old plane or some shit.

Then we wont give a shit where they pray.

8/30/2012 8:55:38 PM

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Burger king selling smoothies..........

9/2/2012 7:55:53 PM

All American
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^that's not pussification of america.

burger king in general is just assification of food, which is a lesser charge, but still srs nonetheless.

9/2/2012 8:00:00 PM

All American
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9/2/2012 8:36:20 PM

Dick Danger
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this thread

9/2/2012 8:58:05 PM

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This guy murders two grocery store workers (Aged 20 and 27) by shooting them in back of the head during a robbery.... but is not eligible for the death penalty.

9/12/2012 11:11:40 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Dad Claims Six Flags Halloween Character Went Too Far By Bursting From Portable Toilet & Chasing Daughter

WBBM Chicago reports that the man and his young daughter (her age hasn't been revealed) were visiting the park last year during the annual Fright Fest Halloween activities. He claims a character jumped out of a port-a-potty (anyone popping unexpectedly out of a portable toilet would be terrible), scaring his daughter while squirting her with a squirt gun.

The dad says that in her haste to get away from the frightening character, she ran and fell, and got bruised and scraped as a result. He says the park encourages employees to scare and chase park goers without taking into consideration all the things visitors could trip on as they flee wildly from danger."

9/13/2012 3:22:26 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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what the fuck did they expect?

9/13/2012 6:07:12 PM

50085 Posts
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^^^ just curious, but how is that pussification?

I'm all for the death penalty but there is really no proof that it does anything to curb crime. It's just a vengeance punishment. I'm fine with it if the trial is vetted but I don't see that as being "PC" or anything.

9/13/2012 6:25:37 PM

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woman arrested for possession of root beer

9/27/2012 2:20:51 PM

Dick Danger
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first of all it was a barrel, not cleared by the school obviously

she was probably approached and asked not to bring the barrel of god-knows-what onto the campus, and then she proceeded to show her ass and wound up getting arrested over it

i wouldnt be surprised if the bitch didnt kick the barrel over or some shit

the pussification in that story is that people act like they are being above being placed under arrest

[Edited on September 27, 2012 at 3:20 PM. Reason : e]

[Edited on September 27, 2012 at 3:22 PM. Reason : d]

9/27/2012 3:20:18 PM

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cops should have tasted the substance in the keg to confirm it was not contraband

9/27/2012 3:21:48 PM

All American
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Quote :
"what the fuck did they expect?

Exactly. Oh no! I brought my kid to a haunted ___________ and she got scared! How dare they!!

9/27/2012 3:22:19 PM

Dick Danger
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^^i dont want some random woman bringing a barrel of anything to my school and have my kids drink it

9/27/2012 3:23:32 PM

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Quote :
"School’s Booster Club president "

9/27/2012 3:27:41 PM

Dick Danger
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then shes a real moron for not getting clearance. and shes still knows who the booster club president is

9/27/2012 3:29:46 PM

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This fucker should have gotten the needle too....

Muhammed should have gotten a firing squad.

9/30/2012 6:21:57 PM

All American
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I was just flipping through channels, and happened to land on fox news (I know, I know...) They had John Stossel, who they sent to Chapel Hill because they aren't calling freshman "freshman" anymore, because the term is sexist.

10/2/2012 11:42:40 PM

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What do they call them?

10/2/2012 11:51:07 PM

All American
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first years

I guess I should have included that

10/2/2012 11:53:13 PM

All American
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10/2/2012 11:59:52 PM

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10/9/2012 6:32:56 PM

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10/23/2012 8:49:47 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I was just flipping through channels, and happened to land on fox news (I know, I know...) They had John Stossel, who they sent to Chapel Hill because they aren't calling freshman "freshman" anymore, because the term is sexist."

I have noticed this trend at a couple of colleges. So fucking stupid.

10/23/2012 9:26:43 AM

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10/23/2012 10:22:07 AM

Dr Pepper
All American
3583 Posts
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good grief.

10/24/2012 2:22:24 PM

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If you cant masturbate inside starbucks, where can you masturbate?

11/5/2012 9:10:43 AM

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LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The Pop band No Doubt was forced to remove a new Wild West-themed music video and issue an apology after getting complaints from the Native American community, saying its intention was "never to offend, hurt or trivialize" their culture or history.

11/5/2012 1:20:12 PM

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Pussification of Norway?

11/9/2012 10:23:15 PM

All American
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11/12/2012 6:19:57 PM

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11/13/2012 12:58:21 AM

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