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wear sumthin tight
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4/25/2012 4:50:08 PM


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Quote :
"^^ i took home economics in 7th grade and had to do the bag-of-sugar-baby thing for a week"

what in the...

4/25/2012 4:57:19 PM

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4/25/2012 4:58:07 PM

All American
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My brother and I split a Kindle Fire for my mom's Christmas present. It has been great.

She had a laptop before, but she was afraid to use it because she thought she'd mess it up (from a software/OS perspective. Granted, she probably would mess it up, but I told her time and time again that there was nothing she could do that couldn't be fixed. She would literally write down step by step instructions for every task. She couldn't handle it if anything occurred that required deviation from those steps and she wouldn't try new things. It was very frustrating from my perspective.

With the Kindle she has, for the first time ever, become been very engaged in day-to-day computer usage. She e-mails with us, sends us links, pics, etc. She's downloading fun apps (she loves Angry Birds, lol) and learning new things all the time. I suspect her experience with the Kindle will make her a better computer user in the long run. Kind of a stepping stone for bigger and better things. If nothing else it's good just to have a new line of communication with her.

[Edited on April 25, 2012 at 5:06 PM. Reason : s]

4/25/2012 5:05:13 PM

All American
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my dad is hit or miss. He is the type that has the best tvs and blu ray players, but won't pay for HD. He is fairly good with computers as his job requires it, but refuses to touch them when he gets home. His flip cell phone he got back in 2003 finally completely fell apart so he was forced to get a new phone and he has started to text a little bit but he has huge fingers and it takes him forever to type since he is always punching multiple keys so he still only uses the phone to make phone calls.

Mom is clueless. She won an iphone through her work about a year ago and has only figured out how to call people with it. Dad bought her an ipad a while back so we could skype and she can't figure out anything on that either. Tried explaining the concept of storing things in the "cloud" or how they could retrieve documents/files/whatever from other computers all the while being wireless and it blew her mind and she still thinks thats sci fi stuff and not real.

My only grandparent still alive is my mom's mom and she doesn't own anything related to technology today. She has never owned a computer or cell phone. Her house phone is still those old corded phones where the cord could stretch like 30 feet.

4/25/2012 5:28:14 PM

wear sumthin tight
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these parents had their baby emailed to them

4/25/2012 5:43:35 PM

All American
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just got a text from Mom:

Quote :
"I just downloaded one of my Kindle books to my phone. I love it. Love you. Mom"

awww hell yeah. DATS MAH MAMMA

4/25/2012 9:59:01 PM

All American
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^ well that must be a good feeling.

4/27/2012 2:03:01 PM

All American
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mom couldn't figure out speaker phone yesterday.

oh boy

5/8/2012 12:46:42 PM

wear sumthin tight
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my Mom's texts are getting worse. She's learned how to forward crap and spells you as u.

5/8/2012 10:48:33 PM

All American
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trying to setup wireless internet over the phone.....

not a good situation

5/22/2012 4:59:24 PM

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I just received my first text message ever from my mom

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

11/11/2012 1:03:32 PM

All American
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Quote :
"haha, people come in to the store all the time complaining about their batteries.
Them: "Something is wrong with my phone, it won't stay charged!"
Me: "How often do you have to charge it?"
Me: "Sounds about right, any other concerns?""
Well it is a major change from feature-phones, which only need to be charged every few weeks with light usage, or probably a couple weeks with heavy usage; I guess the batteries have about the same capacity, but smartphones use more power.

11/11/2012 1:36:17 PM

All American
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Just spent 15 minutes explaining to my mom how to get to the word count option in ms word.

1/10/2013 3:47:08 PM

All American
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dad is sending me messages from his ipad. his phone is an android. he doesn't understand why my responses aren't going to his phone

2/18/2013 9:14:50 AM

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