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All American
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4/19/2012 9:44:45 PM

37776 Posts
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Just do drugs. That'll shine a big spot light on the shit you've jammed in the darkest corner of your mind and will force you to face it. How you choose to handle such information is then up to you. Do you keep suppressing it or do you say "fuck it, I'm going to face this head on and fix it"

4/19/2012 9:49:42 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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the GF just gave me half a Valium. At least I will sleep

4/19/2012 9:52:43 PM

21958 Posts
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1. Zoloft completely and totally changed my life. From puberty on, I have had bouts of depression and a history of panic attacks. Around the age of 22, the panic attacks became crippling and began affecting every area of my life. I took a semester off from school and went home to get help. The Zoloft helped reduce the frequency of the panic attacks and a therapist aided me in learning strategies to cope with them.

2. I have seen a therapist at two points in my adult life and they were both wonderful. The first one I have already mentioned. She was really wonderful. It was all very concrete not a bitch and cry session. It was all about learning tools to manage worry, stress, and my panic attacks. I saw her for six months. I saw a therapist for a second time after Silas was born. I just broke under all of the stress and emotion that comes with having a sick child. I spent a year with her just unloading and coming to terms with what we had been dealt. It really helped to have someone to talk to who had no emotional investment in my life.

Basically, don't knock medication. Sometimes you just need something to even things out so that you're able to take an objective look at the situation and learn the tools to needed to lead a happier life. Also, I think that a therapist can be a very good thing. Sometimes we reach adulthood without a the best tools to handle what life throws at us. A therapist can help us gain those tools. And sometimes you just need to talk to a stranger.

4/19/2012 9:59:09 PM

All American
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^^ lmao

4/19/2012 10:07:24 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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I have surprisingly gained a lot from this thread

I knew I could count on you, TWW

4/19/2012 10:08:24 PM

All American
11770 Posts
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Don't you have an 8" penis to keep you happy?

4/19/2012 10:24:02 PM

All American
1391 Posts
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I had meetings with 2 psychologists and I have to say that both times helped me. The first time when I was a freshman or sophomore and I was just having a hard time dealing with change and figuring out what I wanted to do and it basically caused me to withdraw. I ended up seeing a 1st year grad at State and it worked well.

The second time was when my ex-wife and I started having issues. She was convinced that I was depressed so I went to see a guy basically just to placate her and prevent more issues. Background to this was that I had lost my business about 4 months prior to a bum partner that basically emptied our bank account and disappeared. I visited with him for about a year and a half and he helped me to cope with the increasing problems at home. As my marriage fell further into ruin and my attempts at saving it were less and less successful, he recommended that I visit a psychiatrist that he had worked with in the past that subscribed an anti-depressant. I did find that it helped. My psychologist also helped me to recognize the mental breakdown happening with my wife and tried to help me get her to see someone as well (which ultimately failed because everyone "sided with me"). In the end I came full circle and when I told him that I had asked my wife for a divorce, he basically congratulated me and told me that we wouldn't be seeing each other much more. 2 sessions later he told me to give him a call if I ever needed anything but that he thought I was now wasting my money coming to him every 2 weeks.

Every once in awhile, I want to look for another one to talk to just because it's so freeing to talk to someone that really is completely removed from the situation and doesn't judge. It can really give you the opportunity to see a situation from other viewpoints as well. With me, I found myself again and realized how much I had given up in my marriage. I have no doubts that it saved me a lot of time and problems overall and saved me from being completely miserable being someone else.

tl;dr: Highly recommend psychologists/therapists. They can be a ton of help and really get to know you. Medication has it's place but it definitely should not be the first place you go. Let someone talk to you and figure out whether it's just normal depression/frustration/anxiety or whether there's a deeper issue that may be due to a chemical imbalance or actual disorder.

[Edited on April 19, 2012 at 10:30 PM. Reason : .]

4/19/2012 10:29:52 PM

All American
52916 Posts
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^^^^^^^ Shit, if you'll take a pill from your girlfriend, you ought to be OK with taking one from a psychiatrist who evaluates you psychologically and determines that you would benefit from pharmaceuticals.

Quote :
"a guy who took one dexadrine every four hours for 19 hours"

hahaha, they gave us that stuff (if we asked for it, and then they tracked it and made sure we were using it sparingly and not just as a way of life) on my last deployment (Afghanistan). That is some fantastic stuff...fantastic enough that I made it a point to be careful with how much I allowed myself to use it, haha

4/19/2012 11:39:00 PM

All American
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lmao, let's load up people in some of the most stressful situations possible with amphetamine! WWHHHOOOOO

4/19/2012 11:43:02 PM

All American
5021 Posts
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4/19/2012 11:46:26 PM

All American
2131 Posts
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Start dipping Grizzley

don't get sucked in pinch at a time yadig?

4/19/2012 11:46:29 PM

warning: not serious
19581 Posts
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Quote :
"Been going twice a month for years. I highly recommend it. I basically use it as an outlet to get shit off my chest, any type of shit, work shit, girl shit, money shit, drug shit, family shit, house shit, friend shit, sports shit, emotional shit, medical shit and yes, even TWW shit. Runs me about tree fiddy a month, but I'd have killed myself a long time ago without it."


Also, it may take a few tries to find someone who is suited for you. Shop around, ask for referrals.

4/20/2012 8:06:42 PM

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