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41759 Posts
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There is a certain fish that if found in a pond will result in all life in the pond being immediately killed. (by the government)

6/21/2012 3:39:24 PM

4549 Posts
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You talking about that Asian carp?

6/21/2012 3:40:45 PM

41759 Posts
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I don't remember, I read about it and it was really interesting, it has the ability to wipe out all other pond entire species.

6/21/2012 3:46:03 PM

4549 Posts
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Ah, that's probably the snakehead, but I'm not familiar with measures of control for them.

6/21/2012 3:47:17 PM

41759 Posts
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its this fucker

6/21/2012 3:48:27 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Can someone explain the psychopathic knee-jerk reaction some default to of arbitrarily shooting something purely for the hell of it?"

Short answer...They're not native to this area and they kill things that are important to people.

As far as neighborhood impacts go it's mostly an issue of them killing pets. If you have an outdoor cat and a coyote moves into your area there's a good chance the coyote will get it. They can get dogs too, but most people in the city either have the dogs fenced in or they keep them inside.

Farmers hate them and for good reason. They love killing the livestock which is the livelihood of many of them. They can decimate unguarded sheep and chickens. When they're in a pack they'll often try to kill any canine that is not part of their pack. That means that if you have an outdoor dog (as many farmers do) there's a decent chance the pack will run into your yard and kill it so quickly that there's nothing you could do to stop it.

As you're driving out in the country past flocks of sheep you'll often see a donkey, alpaca, or a few Great Pyrenees dogs out there with the flock. They're there to protect the flock from coyotes. Donkeys and alpacas will stomp them to death given the opportunity. Pyrenees are just huge dogs that will bond with the flock and protect them from threats.

6/21/2012 6:11:38 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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so, what you're saying is it's not "purely for the hell of it"?

6/21/2012 6:20:53 PM

All American
33197 Posts
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I saw my first one ever over by centennial campus

I'd much rather run into one of those over a black bear

6/22/2012 11:44:06 AM

All American
9257 Posts
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omg poor deer!!! That's hard to watch.

6/22/2012 12:32:28 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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they always go for the asshole. they start ripping the animal apart there.

i've got a buddy who killed a deer with a bow and couldn't find it that night. he went back the next morning and the coyotes had eaten the asshole out of it.

[Edited on June 22, 2012 at 1:38 PM. Reason : some folks suggest that the deer in those pics was injured/sick and couldn't just run away. idk]

6/22/2012 1:36:38 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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Quote :
"They're not native to this area"

If that's actually the case, then this is an entirely different discussion.

6/22/2012 3:25:18 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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yes, they're invasive

6/22/2012 3:28:14 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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I'd say we need to boost red wolf numbers as that was what used to keep coyotes in check, but given the coyotes' prolific nature I'm not sure that would be nearly as effective due to interbreeding.

6/22/2012 3:42:33 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
28515 Posts
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Quote :
"Farmers hate them and for good reason. They love killing the livestock which is the livelihood of many of them. They can decimate unguarded sheep and chickens. When they're in a pack they'll often try to kill any canine that is not part of their pack. That means that if you have an outdoor dog (as many farmers do) there's a decent chance the pack will run into your yard and kill it so quickly that there's nothing you could do to stop it.

As you're driving out in the country past flocks of sheep you'll often see a donkey, alpaca, or a few Great Pyrenees dogs out there with the flock. They're there to protect the flock from coyotes. Donkeys and alpacas will stomp them to death given the opportunity. Pyrenees are just huge dogs that will bond with the flock and protect them from threats."

i hate feral dogs about 1000x more than coyotes. they are much worse.

we have a couple llamas that keep them away, but feral dogs run our cows around all the time in the pastures where there aren't llamas. and in VA, you can't get a permit to shoot feral dogs.

[Edited on June 22, 2012 at 3:44 PM. Reason : .]

6/22/2012 3:42:43 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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NRR's last post reminds me of that one joe#s thread

[Edited on June 22, 2012 at 3:47 PM. Reason : er, second to last]

6/22/2012 3:47:10 PM

All American
31140 Posts
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Quote :
"and in VA, you can't get a permit to shoot feral dogs."

You can shoot them when they are harassing you, your pets, or your livestock, right?
Something tells me the other dogs won't testify against you in court.

6/22/2012 9:56:23 PM

All American
1036 Posts
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^^^ bowls of antifreeze for the feral dogs to drink around your property

6/27/2012 10:24:16 AM

All American
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^ That is a terrible thing to do to any animal and it will impact far more than just feral dogs. Only a sorry excuse for a human being would do something like that.

6/27/2012 10:37:49 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Pyrenees are just huge dogs that will bond with the flock and protect them from threats."

That's what they're supposed to do. My grandmother has one we've nicknamed Kujo because within two weeks of getting him, after he had been trained by a professional sheep dog trainer, he had eaten all her sheep Now he just guards her garage lol.

6/27/2012 10:48:08 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
28515 Posts
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Quote :
You can shoot them when they are harassing you, your pets, or your livestock, right?"

apparently, no that is against the law. it most definitely happens though.

feral dogs are under the jurisdiction of animal control here rather than the department of game and fisheries, and they frown on shooting dogs.

Quote :
"bowls of antifreeze for the feral dogs to drink around your property"

yes, let me put bowls of antifreeze around these hundreds of acres and hope that the cows/other wildlife don't drink them.

6/27/2012 11:01:04 AM

All American
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^ Interesting. I had never heard that.

^^ I tried not to laugh, but the irony got to me.

6/27/2012 11:24:06 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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yeah, thats what we've been told by the local game warden and deputies and such. basically they're just like "shoot them and bury them, just don't tell anybody".

only problem comes is when it turns out to be someones pet.

6/27/2012 11:28:58 AM

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