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6/27/2012 12:10:37 PM

All American
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Phew, I am glad this thread got derailed, we're repeating ourselves here

PS- Only Cambodian women have long nipples.

6/27/2012 12:10:48 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Quote :
"So, she is an endomorph."

Yeah, I really don't think I buy somatotypes at this point. You have people that eat too much and people that eat too little. The ectomorphs ("hardgainers") will say they're eating a lot, and maybe they are - for them - but when you really break it down, they eat a lot then go a long time without eating, they eat lower portion sizes, etc. The endomorphs simply eat too much.

6/27/2012 12:21:12 PM

All American
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Right. We don't know if she is still working with a dietitian or not. But if she works with a good one, she'll figure out what diet is best for her.

Just watch the True Life episode, it really gives you an insight that she has horrible eating and training habits. Some cardio would be a good addition to her Olympic training, I think. All of this talk about genetics and imbalances with her doesn't matter.

But, she is taking advantage of her somatotype though, as far as her strength and muscles is concerned.

6/27/2012 12:30:49 PM

All American
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Quote :
"If I had my way, I would never stop eating. I would eat unhealthy food (junk food, ice cream, pizza) every day, all day. That's just how I'm wired up.

Is it a hormonal imbalance? Am I fucked up in the head? Do I just have a big appetite? Doesn't really matter. I simply overcome those urges. Do it for long enough, and it's almost as if you are changing your nature. Knowledge and discipline is far more important than genetics when it comes to losing or gaining fat."

while i think that you (and i, for that matter) are the norm in this (by a large margin, too)...there are people who are not so lucky...i'm not suggesting that you SHOULD (or could) understand (or that i do, fully), but you should probably be aware that some people are different from us in what they have to deal with and it's not always a simple matter of willpower

i think it's similar to the whole ADD/ADHD all the kids who are prescribed ritalin actually have ADD/ADHD? of course most of them? probably any of them? probably

(i suppose that example does presume that you believe in ADD/ADHD as an actual condition, which is arguable...i, for one, think that the vast majority of cases are just kids being kids, but there are SOME for whom it is not so simple)

6/27/2012 12:58:37 PM

Duke is puke
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Quote :
"But, she is taking advantage of her somatotype though, as far as her strength and muscles is concerned."

I think you meant sumotype


6/27/2012 1:26:08 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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^^In both cases (ADD/ADHD and eating tendencies), I'd make the same argument. The vast majority of human evolution occurred in very different circumstances than we live in today. Food was scarce and food sources weren't guaranteed. No big farms and getting meat took a lot of effort. It was a tough life. "Work" was survival, which meant moving around and securing food, while also avoiding the dangers inherent to uncivilized life. Eating too much was rarely, if ever, a concern.

In the same vein, sitting down a desk and paying attention to a teacher for 8 hours a day was not part of our collective history prior to the rise of civilization. I wouldn't call ADD/ADHD a disorder or a condition; the standard academic model we see today just isn't effective for some people. For those people, they aren't "defective", they just need to approach learning in a different way. Of course, we live in a "one size fits all" system. If the system doesn't "fit" you, you're just fed stimulants. It's pretty shameful, really.

In either case, people have adapted to challenges of the modern era in different ways, some better, some worse. The real key to thriving in society is resisting the instincts that have deleterious effects and embracing the ones that are positive.

6/27/2012 1:34:58 PM

68205 Posts
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Quote :
"Only Cambodian women have long nipples."

this is incorrect. i watch too much azn porn to not know this

6/27/2012 4:44:47 PM

Bee Hugger
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I'd hit it

6/27/2012 4:50:23 PM

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