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All American
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7/14/2012 8:44:48 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Switching from cable to satellite was the worst decision I have ever made. Stupid 2yr contracts."

While this situation is a bit annoying it still beats the hell out of time warner cable. I am sure they will get this wrapped up before too long, definitely not enough to wish I had cable again.

7/14/2012 8:50:40 PM

Fuckwads SS '15
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Still out.

7/16/2012 5:22:34 PM

All American
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today we are all reruns of 16 and pregnant

7/16/2012 5:27:44 PM

All American
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Quote :
"While this situation is a bit annoying it still beats the hell out of time warner cable. I am sure they will get this wrapped up before too long, definitely not enough to wish I had cable again."

this. and the savings in yr 1 of a contract are greater than the cost of a cancellation fee.

7/16/2012 6:05:53 PM

Universal Magnetic!
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I cancelled friday when the best they could do was bring my bill down to $52 and NOT give me sunday ticket for free. went to twc and got all the same channels minus nfl network and sunday ticket for $24

7/16/2012 6:50:11 PM

All American
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7/16/2012 7:10:57 PM

All American
22025 Posts
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Its pretty much impossible for cable to be cheaper than dish or direct where I am. The best the cable company could do was about twice what I pay for dish and it had a worse package

7/16/2012 8:00:41 PM

All American
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^^^ Did you have to pay severance fee?

7/17/2012 8:19:28 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I cancelled friday when the best they could do was bring my bill down to $52 and NOT give me sunday ticket for free. went to twc and got all the same channels minus nfl network and sunday ticket for $24"

so you lost sunday ticket AND you have a shitty provider with horrible customer service. yep, that's a WIN.

7/17/2012 8:23:40 AM

All American
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I didn't even try to haggle with them and they dropped my bill $5...which isn't really that great. I think I'm going to let it sit for a little while and call again in negotiation mode.

7/17/2012 9:11:17 AM

5052 Posts
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Quote :
"yeah shit like this makes people just pirate the shows.

I do because I can, not because of situations like this.

7/17/2012 9:15:00 AM

All American
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Quote :
" who cares just pirate everything. fuck content owners."


7/17/2012 10:49:38 AM

All American
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I called them and complained. They first offered $5 off per month, and I said that wasn't enough and could they do better. She then says that there is something else they can do, since we've been loyal customers and are on auto-pay. Another $15 off per month, for 3 months, and 3 free months of all Starz channels to go along with the free Encore channels they're giving all customers. Not too shabby.

7/17/2012 12:52:17 PM

41759 Posts
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Is anyone using this change as a way to get out of the contract?

It definitely is an adverse change should void your agreement with them.

7/17/2012 9:41:13 PM

Fuckwads SS '15
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Quote :
"They first offered $5 off per month, and I said that wasn't enough and could they do better. She then says that there is something else they can do, since we've been loyal customers and are on auto-pay. Another $15 off per month, for 3 months, and 3 free months of all Starz channels"

When I called, they offered $5 off and when I asked if they could do anything better, they said they could do $10 off for 3 months

And of course, they are "on the verge of a negotiation with Viacom" which DirecTV has been saying on their Facebook page for the past 7 days

7/18/2012 3:18:07 PM

41759 Posts
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fuck DirecTV

When you sign a two year contract they put in there the rate goes up after 1 year.

When I called to cancel them they were like oh we would have put it back if you were going to cancel we would have gave your old rate back.

Too bad ATT cut up all their wiring hooking my uVerse service up.

7/18/2012 4:02:26 PM

Fuckwads SS '15
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oh we back.

7/20/2012 7:26:10 AM

Status Name
11321 Posts
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Quote :
"DIRECTV and Viacom Reach Agreement for Return of Viacom's 17 Channels Including Extensive New Digital Rights for DIRECTV Customers

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- DIRECTV has reached a new long-term agreement with Viacom to restore 17 channels (including Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, MTV, BET, Spike, CMT, TV Land and ten other channels) that Viacom had taken away from DIRECTV customers on July 10. Viacom has returned all affected networks.

Financial terms were not disclosed.

In addition to the channels' return, DIRECTV customers will also gain the ability to see Viacom programming on tablets, laptops, handhelds and other personal devices via the DIRECTV Everywhere platform. Carriage of the EPIX movie channel is not required as part of the new agreement.

"We are very pleased to be able to restore the channels to our customers and thank them for their unprecedented patience and support," said Derek Chang, executive vice president of Content Strategy and Development for DIRECTV. "It's unfortunate that Viacom took the channels away from customers to try to gain leverage, but in the end, it's clear our customers recognized that tactic for what it was."

Chang added, "The attention surrounding this unnecessary and ill-advised blackout by Viacom has accomplished one key thing: it serves notice to all media companies that bullying TV providers and their customers with blackouts won't get them a better deal. It's high time programmers ended these anti-consumer blackouts once and for all and prove our industry is about enabling people to connect to their favorite programs rather than denying them access."

The dispute helped generate significant public support from hundreds of thousands of customers and also, surprisingly enough, many high-profile DIRECTV competitors. The 850 small and independently owned local cable systems that make up the American Cable Association joined the anti-blackout chorus, as did Cox Communications, Time Warner Cable and Mediacom. "

7/20/2012 8:16:19 AM

All American
5503 Posts
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Quote :
"Too bad ATT cut up all their wiring hooking my uVerse service up."

ATT did that to me when the installed uVerse, when I tried to change back I had to fix that shit myself. Lazy bastard was supposed to do all new cabling.

7/20/2012 8:20:05 AM

13089 Posts
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So how much did the rates go up?

7/20/2012 8:27:08 AM

Fuckwads SS '15
20681 Posts
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Quote :
"Financial terms were not disclosed."

But IIRC, like a week ago, DirecTV said that Viacom wanted to increase by 30% but that it was only going to go up by $3 a month. We got $10 off our bill for 3 months. So even if they do go up by $3, 10 months is already being paid for by DirecTV.

[Edited on July 20, 2012 at 9:19 AM. Reason : f]

7/20/2012 9:18:41 AM

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