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2019 Egg Champ
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I thought I saw Sarose the other day at a restaurant...had to do a double take but it wasn't her.

[Edited on August 18, 2012 at 1:56 PM. Reason : dur]

8/18/2012 1:42:00 PM

All American
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Part of me wonders if that story wasn't just a big ad for

Prior to that article I had never heard of it but have since visited many times, all of which were for educational purposes of course.

Some of the items on there are so-so but there are a few real gems. The awkward part of me is that the information of those cataloged is posted as well. Its one thing to post pictures of someone who took photos of themselves but its reaching depravity when the facebook, twitter, linked in and DOB of the individual is listed as well. These women haven't committed any crime except for, perhaps, ignorance, but there lives could be forever damaged.

Can you imagine going to a job interview and when they eventually google you pornographic pictures appear under the "images of" caption up top.

8/19/2012 3:18:40 PM

4549 Posts
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^^I went to Sakura many years ago with a friend. She was there. Fuckin obnoxious. Talked like a valley girl. I'm pretty sure everyone in there could hear her conversation, loud and clear.

8/19/2012 3:22:15 PM


18617 Posts
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Hahahaha I'd forgotten about Sarose.

8/19/2012 3:53:31 PM

All American
2715 Posts
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lol @ the pic of will quick's sister

at least i think that's what that is

8/19/2012 3:55:00 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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I hear ya, mrfrog. I don't know what they should do.

8/19/2012 5:25:34 PM


15145 Posts
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The internet community dynamic behind this is really interesting.

So, first there was a Reddit where people shared the fusked pictures.... but they had rules, specifically meant to protect and not connect the pictures to the people. In fact, it kind of shows that it was a community of decent people, they just wanted novel pictures of boobs.

It would seem that Pinkmeth is associated with, you guessed it, /b/. I have to say, if someone is shocked and appalled that internet users would do this... they don't know /b/. They censor phone # and addresses on Pinkmeth, so it's wrong to say they are totally without-rules. I think they do this to avoid running afoul of harassment/stalking laws. Nonetheless, giving everything they can about the women's "internet presence" is totally game. Legally, I don't see how the distinction is entirely defensible, but I guess I do somewhat. Facebook doesn't connect to the physical person, so there's no physical danger.

I almost kind of want to make a Wikipedia page for Pinkmeth. There's more than enough supporting references. But still, I understand the game, the more people talk about it, the higher the search hits rise, which is kind of the source of its power.

Still, if someone got fired from say... the army, b/c of this, I think she should be able to sue the organization. But that's because I'm liberal scum.

[Edited on August 19, 2012 at 10:47 PM. Reason : ]

8/19/2012 10:46:57 PM

Eaton Bush
All American
2342 Posts
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Quote :
"if someone got fired from say... the army, b/c of this, I think she should be able to sue the organization. "

She could sue and she would lose.
Bottomline - Don't let someone take nude pics or video of you.

8/19/2012 11:02:34 PM

All American
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for being about pictures of boobs, this thread sure does lack for them

8/19/2012 11:05:14 PM

All American
2157 Posts
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well there are a few people on there who i would recommend but the moral dilemma is do i post their names only to have the internet further link them to those photos?

and to frog's point, while they don't post the numbers they sure post enough information that would allow someone to get the phone number, find where that person works, etc... etc...

I suppose all of that could be done anyway since they have a public facebook page and thus I must only really be against the aggregation of internet information, which I suppose is stupid.

8/20/2012 9:26:33 AM

All American
7151 Posts
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Quote :
All American
1519 Posts
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lol @ the pic of will quick's sister

at least i think that's what that is"

It was

8/20/2012 9:48:16 AM

All American
6786 Posts
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Quote :
"or being about pictures of boobs, this thread sure does lack for them"

8/20/2012 9:55:23 AM

366 Posts
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all this thread did is make me wonder something i've never thought before.

"what do klatypus's boobs look like i wonder"

8/20/2012 10:13:43 AM

Eaton Bush
All American
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Klaty doesn't have boobs.

8/20/2012 3:04:22 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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^^ Pretty nice actually. Soft, but somehow still perky.

8/20/2012 8:47:46 PM

All American
17452 Posts
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Is Klatypus hot or a typical TWWer?

8/20/2012 10:45:28 PM

11583 Posts
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she's hot

8/20/2012 10:46:34 PM

All American
12966 Posts
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I didn't need more convincing to never take nudes but this pretty much seals it up.

And I agree, I have never understood the appeal of taking naked pics. Besides, some of the faces that are made during "sexy time photo sessions" don't need to be documented...

8/20/2012 11:09:39 PM

45208 Posts
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lol @ Seth

8/20/2012 11:10:29 PM

21958 Posts
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She's definitely better looking than your average TWW girl.

8/20/2012 11:11:33 PM

All American
26824 Posts
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I'm sure there are pics of my cock on the interwebs from various exes sources. At least I was smart enough to exclude my face.

8/20/2012 11:12:05 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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There are certain gals from my past who I expect to pop up on pinkmeth or similar sites sooner or later.

This next generation of kids is going to be so fucked up from the existence of undeniable evidence of their mom's being sluts being accessible to their friends.

8/20/2012 11:13:10 PM

All American
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8/21/2012 12:10:32 PM

All American
3129 Posts
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It's gonna be slim pickins in the future for senators, congressmen/women and presidents as just about everyone is going to have something in their life that will screw them up and is well documented on the internet. If not that person, then their spouse.

Time to really scrutinize your potential spouses to make sure they don't screw up your future

8/21/2012 1:21:05 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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maybe we're in for a better class of politician with facebook documenting their idiocy

lol ya right

8/21/2012 1:26:19 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"If you think IsAnyoneUp couldn't be any sleazier, then IsAnybodyDown's seems determined to prove you wrong. A link on IsAnybodyDown reading "Get Me Off This Site!" leads to the website of "Takedown Hammer," an "independent third party team" that, for a modest fee of $250, will "issue a successful content removal request on your behalf." It brags of 90 successful removals from

It seems pretty obvious that "Takedown Hammer" isn't actually independent of IsAnybodyDown. Indeed, copyright and First Amendment attorney Marc Randazza has found circumstantial evidence that IsAnybodyDown and Takedown Hammer are, in fact, both owned by a man named Craig Brittain."

Putting the nature of the atrocity aside, I must admit the lol'd pretty hard reading about the business model.

11/13/2012 9:45:31 AM

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