bbehe Burn it all down. 18469 Posts user info edit post |
PAGE 2 6/2/2015 12:55:36 PM
Exiled Eyes up here ^^ 5918 Posts user info edit post |
For Page 2 6/2/2015 1:00:05 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148898 Posts user info edit post |
6/2/2015 2:58:21 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
Looks awesome, super excited.
Graphically it's honestly not what I was hoping, seems like it isn't that much better looking than Skyrim and that game came out 4 years ago. Animations still stiff.
But that's all just window dressing, this game will certainly be amazing. 6/3/2015 10:18:20 AM
FriendlyFire . 3753 Posts user info edit post |
6/3/2015 10:35:53 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148898 Posts user info edit post |
hope you get to play as Dogmeat 6/3/2015 11:32:40 AM
Dynasty2004 Bawls 5881 Posts user info edit post |
Dec 31st according to Amazon. i wonder if that is just a fill in date. 6/3/2015 11:35:24 AM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
Amazon always does that when they don't know the date. 6/3/2015 11:48:43 AM
Exiled Eyes up here ^^ 5918 Posts user info edit post |
We'll probably get some details in a couple weeks at E3. 6/3/2015 12:38:38 PM
jaZon All American 27048 Posts user info edit post |
Wow, the graphics REALLY don't look great at all for a modern game.
And who's broadcasting that Indian head test pattern? Now I totally can't buy into any story they come up with
[Edited on June 3, 2015 at 8:18 PM. Reason : ] 6/3/2015 8:17:47 PM
omicron101 All American 3663 Posts user info edit post |

6/3/2015 9:45:15 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148898 Posts user info edit post |
Fallout isn't about the graphics, though they could probably be cleaner. Look at Dogmeat in the trailer versus screenshots from FO3 or NV. Looks like a realistic German Shepherd. That's a pretty specific thing to notice and again the graphics aren't mind blowing, but I imagine the world map is gigantic as well. 6/3/2015 11:18:20 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148898 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on June 3, 2015 at 11:20 PM. Reason : dbl] 6/3/2015 11:20:00 PM
moron All American 34517 Posts user info edit post |
After watching the 1080p trailer, it looks better than I originally thought. 6/4/2015 12:53:13 AM
Dynasty2004 Bawls 5881 Posts user info edit post |
I would rather it look like this than what happened with Witcher. 6/4/2015 7:38:03 AM
Dynasty2004 Bawls 5881 Posts user info edit post |
I think it looks great though. 6/4/2015 7:38:31 AM
wolfpack2105 All American 12428 Posts user info edit post |
bought FO3 and FO:NV last night to prepare for this game. I've only played bits and pieces of FO:3 and never played NV. Will try and beat them both before this comes out. Looks awesome 6/5/2015 3:36:24 AM
hey now Indianapolis Jones 14979 Posts user info edit post |
I wish I could be playing Fallout 3 and New Vegas for the first time. All-time great games. 6/5/2015 8:44:36 AM
rwoody Save TWW 38157 Posts user info edit post |
I loved 3 but I have a ps3 and kept hearing NV had tons of issues. Did they get those worked out? If so I may have to buy too.
Edit: According to Amazon reviews, ps3 still fucked
[Edited on June 5, 2015 at 9:28 AM. Reason : A] 6/5/2015 9:19:47 AM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
PS3 just didn't have enough video ram to run the game (or any Bethesda game really, which is why they all sucked for PS3). 6/5/2015 2:15:06 PM
rwoody Save TWW 38157 Posts user info edit post |
I played and enjoyed FO3 (as I just said) 6/5/2015 3:53:16 PM
FriendlyFire . 3753 Posts user info edit post |
FO3 was so mind-blowing when you first leave the vault. Amazing game 10/10 6/5/2015 5:21:27 PM
wolfpack2105 All American 12428 Posts user info edit post |
Got fallout 3 for pc off of steam without realizing that it has crashing issues on any Windows newer than XP  6/7/2015 9:10:01 AM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
Have you tried the Unofficial patch?
Might fix your issue. 6/7/2015 8:29:50 PM
wolfpack2105 All American 12428 Posts user info edit post |
^its telling me i have to pay to be a member and I have to be a member to download. F that 6/8/2015 12:25:07 AM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
It is 100% worth being a member to the nexus if you enjoy Bethesda games at all. All the best mods are there.
And you don't have to pay to be a member, that's like their nexus gold thing.
EDIT Oh yeah they did add like a $2 one time fee last year just to keep out spambots. I promise it's still worth it though.
[Edited on June 8, 2015 at 7:56 AM. Reason : ] 6/8/2015 7:53:21 AM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^ Thats easy to fix manually. Basically you have to go to an .ini file and tell to only use one core instead of multiple cores since the game was built when a single core was the standard. Let me see if I can find the fix for you. I remember posting it here on TWW before. 6/8/2015 8:03:25 AM
FriendlyFire . 3753 Posts user info edit post |
Just announced: 11-10-15 release 6/14/2015 11:20:56 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
Looks awesome.
Post war environments look beautiful, character models and animation still look janky, as per Bethesda standard. 6/14/2015 11:26:41 PM
DoeoJ has 7062 Posts user info edit post |

6/14/2015 11:55:32 PM
Dynasty2004 Bawls 5881 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "11-10-15 release" |
I figured we would have to wait at least a year.
This is how video games should be! so excite 6/15/2015 8:28:08 AM
hey now Indianapolis Jones 14979 Posts user info edit post |
I wish you could customize Dogmeat for different breeds. Need that black lab option.  6/15/2015 9:16:35 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148898 Posts user info edit post |
6/17/2015 12:58:16 AM
goalielax All American 11252 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, fallout 4 looks just like fallout 3 6/18/2015 9:24:12 AM
hey now Indianapolis Jones 14979 Posts user info edit post |
Awesome. I loved Fallout 3.  6/18/2015 12:48:31 PM
omicron101 All American 3663 Posts user info edit post |
A couple days ago I dusted off my PS 3 and started Fallout 3 again from the beginning. Still awesome! 6/18/2015 1:34:55 PM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
WOW 6/19/2015 9:05:40 AM
hey now Indianapolis Jones 14979 Posts user info edit post |

6/19/2015 10:01:15 AM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
I love that power armor is actually massive and powerful now like it was in Fallout 1 and 2. In those games you could walk into a raider den and their automatic weaponry would ping off of you like BBs.
In 3 and New Vegas it looked like cumbersome medieval armor and had stats no different than upgraded combat armor. 6/19/2015 5:45:02 PM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
This thread is not for complaining. Quit yer bitchin. 6/19/2015 5:51:52 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
I'm not complaining, I said I love the new power armor. 6/19/2015 5:58:15 PM
DoeoJ has 7062 Posts user info edit post |
Everyone get their pipboy edition preordered?  6/20/2015 8:20:04 AM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
Just pre-ordered my Pip-boy edition, PS4 and PC versions are now in stock. 6/24/2015 2:23:52 PM
Crede All American 7339 Posts user info edit post |
That shit is pensive 6/24/2015 8:16:21 PM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
I per-ordered the PS4 and PC versions haha. 6/24/2015 8:20:30 PM
Crede All American 7339 Posts user info edit post |
If I get my original fallout big boxes, I might consider clearing a row of 90s pc gamers, but otherwise I'm maxed out on space for pc gaming collectibles.

[Edited on June 24, 2015 at 10:58 PM. Reason : d] 6/24/2015 10:41:33 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
The fallout boxes were like, landscape oriented. 6/24/2015 10:51:59 PM
Crede All American 7339 Posts user info edit post |
yep, so if I get them, I'd have to clear out the third row....
I rented the fallout 1 from video plaza on kildare rd and copied it. I went splitsies on fallout 2 with my friend months later but he got to keep the box. I never had those boxes and they are running a cool $130 on ebay if you want to buy one. so it's a big IF! 6/24/2015 10:56:39 PM
wahoowa All American 3288 Posts user info edit post |
Available for pre-order through Xbox and you get free copy of Fallout 3 playable through the backwards compatibility feature 7/1/2015 3:52:32 PM
Crede All American 7339 Posts user info edit post |
Interesting. Is that just a straight port?
I have the game for 360 and PC tho so no real point. Plus I want a new PC 
[Edited on July 1, 2015 at 9:56 PM. Reason : .] 7/1/2015 9:56:25 PM