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 Message Boards » » Do you text when you drive? Page 1 [2], Prev  
19447 Posts
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I hate it when Peter Aaron texts me while he is driving. I usually try not to respond so he doesn't kill himself or someone else.

8/24/2012 4:09:14 PM

All American
10774 Posts
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i read them while driving, respond when stopped

8/24/2012 4:51:41 PM

All American
1725 Posts
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I do it all the time, driving isn't that hard.

Skip to 1:00.

8/24/2012 10:50:25 PM

All American
15758 Posts
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I'll read a text while driving, sometimes. Send? Maybe at a stoplight. More likely to just ignore.

I'm a scary enough driver with my eyes on the road.

8/24/2012 11:13:44 PM

All American
17118 Posts
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I've sent texts while driving my motorcycle before

8/25/2012 3:57:49 AM

21958 Posts
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I'm more concerned about my kids causing me to have an accident than I am my cell phone. A bunch of kids in the back seat is the epitome of distracted driving.

8/25/2012 8:45:58 AM

2293 Posts
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Like many people I read while driving and try to only respond when stopped or if it's necessary to respond then either call or do voice-to-text. A girl from back home (one of my old friend's little sisters) was texting and driving, ran a redlight and ran over a motorcyclist and killed him. We don't know for sure if she was texting, the reports only mentioned that she "looked down for just a moment" can assume it was probably texting. So sad and soooooo scary.

8/25/2012 10:57:22 AM

All American
24527 Posts
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occasionally, but I use the voice to text feature on my phone if I'm going to do so while driving.

8/25/2012 12:50:39 PM

Eaton Bush
All American
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So you are all the assholes.
I really need to drive a piece of shit car so I can stop short and have your stupid texting ass hit me.
You fuckers are worse than drunk drivers drifting in and out of your lane.
You are the fuckers I have to honk at to get them to go at a green light.
You are the fuckers that drive too slow in the left lane... Hell any lane.
You stupid, shitty little texts are not worth anyone else's life.
But you won't stop. You think you are the best text driver out there and its all the other text drivers that suck and will kill someone. Well you are wrong.
I fucking hate texting drivers.


8/25/2012 9:48:20 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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And I dislike riding with people who do. We'll be thirty seconds away from our destination, and somebody'll just full on take their eyes off the road and hands off the wheel to send some pointless message: "We're almost there. See you soon!"

8/25/2012 10:21:00 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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so when they start going after senders of texts i guess amber alert is going to get their shit sued in.

8/29/2013 8:31:20 PM

All American
23473 Posts
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Of course I do

8/29/2013 8:49:48 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
28463 Posts
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I do when I'm driving in the middle of nowhere and I know the roads and no one is around. driving isn't hard.

8/29/2013 9:40:02 PM

All American
39506 Posts
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you'd be better off wearing an "I'm a gigantic fucking idiot" shirt

I wouldn't judge you as harshly

Werner Herzog FTW

8/29/2013 10:20:21 PM

All American
6116 Posts
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I usually have my phone in my hand and my netbook in my lap

8/29/2013 11:14:22 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
28463 Posts
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just to clarify, I live in the middle of nowhere and might pass 5 cars in 20 miles when driving on the main road. plus I can Swype without looking.

I don't text when I'm near actual civilization. Also my driving is much less affected by texting than by talking on the phone.

8/30/2013 12:02:47 PM

All American
14180 Posts
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you're still taking chances with your own life and those of others, no matter how you try to justify the risks to yourself.

8/30/2013 12:07:37 PM

Sink the Flagship
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8/30/2013 2:26:13 PM

All American
18474 Posts
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I use the voice to text feature on my phone while driving if there is something important I need to send otherwise Ill just wait till I get home or a stoplight

8/30/2013 3:26:15 PM

All American
7323 Posts
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its easy to text while driving. just look at the road after each letter.

8/30/2013 3:31:02 PM

All American
10506 Posts
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8/30/2013 7:04:08 PM


15145 Posts
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I have a resistive touch screen, so it's pretty much out of the question.

8/30/2013 7:55:45 PM

All American
11177 Posts
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I recently switched from Blackberry to iPhone after over three years with the keyboard, and my texting skills are for shit on the touch-screen right now. I couldn't TWD if I wanted to. I text less, call more, and until I can put a Bluetooth system in the car I have a wired earpiece I use for the time being (also installed at a safe time, like before I leave my garage, and only if I really need it).

As for responding to a text, I wait til I'm at a red light and write "driving" as my response. On the iPhone it comes out as "drovimg" more often than not (I turned auto-correct off, but spell-check is on) and the recipient will just have to deal with that. When I've arrived at my destination, the conversation will continue.

[Edited on August 30, 2013 at 10:17 PM. Reason : 1]

8/30/2013 10:16:38 PM

warning: not serious
19581 Posts
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for page 2:

Quote :
"Don't incriminate yourself - There is always the chance that a member of law enforcement could browse this board. Do not post anything that will incriminate you or someone else. "

8/30/2013 10:41:17 PM

8379 Posts
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9/20/2013 3:55:52 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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I used to text and drive all the time with a dumb phone - I could keep my eyes on the road and just type through feel

9/20/2013 4:08:12 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
26634 Posts
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The Amish one, oh man. . .

9/21/2013 6:50:58 PM

1139 Posts
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Yes. I have watched youtube videos while driving also. Not proud of that, just confessing.

9/21/2013 9:00:50 PM

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