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New Recruit
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Forgot them, since they're new and nowhere near the Atlantic coast.

9/11/2014 12:00:32 AM

All American
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How are any of you hating on CHASS unless you are engineers? COM majors, if they networked right make WAY above the national average in salary per year and the major is actually fun while learning. BLASPHEMY I know!

11/7/2014 12:36:29 AM

All American
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Ehhh, I was a CHASS major (English Lit) and I'm afraid I have to agree that most of those degrees are a waste of money. I make a pretty nice income, but it's not related to my degree. If you major in sociology, english, or the like you can expect to struggle out of the gate. It's hard to find a job with those degrees, and the ones that do exist don't pay that well most of the time.

Communications is fine as long as you can line up a job. I know people with COM degrees who went on to do PR work for large firms and I also know people who had to keep working at the same coffee shop that they worked at while getting their COM degrees.

Having a degree in a hard science or in engineering is much more likely to help you land a gig with a nice income than a CHASS degree, thems the facts.

11/9/2014 4:49:29 PM

All American
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The thing is even though you have a good job how can you be satisfied if it is not related to what you learned in school? nothing you learned is getting applied to your job and that is sad. If you major in a chass discipline grad school is a requirement if you want to get a good job in your field, but a lot of people don't have that outlook

11/11/2014 11:25:00 AM

All American
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Quote :
"The thing is even though you have a good job how can you be satisfied if it is not related to what you learned in school? nothing you learned is getting applied to your job and that is sad."

Well, unless I was interested in teaching or doing a lot of research and scholarly writing my English Lit degree was going to be pretty useless. I'll keep this six figure gig I have now, thanks.

I enjoy literature, that's pretty easy to continue doing without becoming an Oxford Don. I had no desire to teach disinterested teenagers about Shakespeare, Aeschylus, and Dante. I was equally unexcited by the prospect of spending the best years of my life analyzing the same play ad nauseam until I got another advanced degree or two and could publish articles that no one outside of an incredibly small circle would ever read.

There are benefits to education beyond simply finding a job in your field. If you get a degree in history you don't need to get a job as a history professor or write a treatise on the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire in order to have made your education worthwhile. The benefits of a classical liberal arts education (which is basically what I did) are more than just getting a job in one of those disciplines later. That's a point often missed by people who utilize college as a path to a certificate verifying their readiness to be employed in a specific field, it's not one that's usually missed by CHASS majors, but I guess you're the exception.

[Edited on November 11, 2014 at 4:53 PM. Reason : sdfsd]

11/11/2014 4:53:03 PM

All American
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This post discusses one way in which these rankings are gamed:

Seemed relevant to this thread.

11/11/2014 8:29:03 PM

best gottfriend
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Quote :
"COM majors, if they networked right make WAY above the national average in salary per year and the major is actually fun while learning. BLASPHEMY I know!"

some people think learning engineering is fun. blasphemy, i know.

11/20/2014 11:36:28 PM

All American
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I enjoy COM. I also worked in finance and know that my degree had nothing to do with that, but places will only hire you with a degree now anyways. I will admit it is hard when you get sick of your job and you are willing to go backwards in your career and start in the field you want and that field won't give you a shot.

11/21/2014 12:34:12 AM

All American
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I wonder what job Kurtis landed

6/25/2015 1:43:40 PM

All American
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Quote :
"There are benefits to education beyond simply finding a job in your field"

Engineering here, but QFT

7/4/2015 2:00:32 AM

13089 Posts
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whoooo wolf pack!

7/7/2015 2:32:04 PM

All American
17452 Posts
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Jumped to 89th nationally. 37th public schools.

9/9/2015 10:44:27 AM

All American
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They said big jump but it was only 6 spots and tied with like 8 other schools.

9/9/2015 10:55:22 PM

Sink the Flagship
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the MBA program made a pretty nice jump. I think it was like 39 to 26 or so

10/21/2015 10:20:49 PM

Sink the Flagship
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Quote :
"The annual QS World University Rankings, published this week, placed NC State 277th overall among more than 900 universities around the world. This marks an impressive rise of more than 100 spots in just two years. The ranking measures academic reputation, faculty-to-student ratio, citations per faculty, and the percentage of international students and faculty on campus.

The university’s veterinary science program — long regarded as one of the best in the nation — was ranked No. 17 in the world, up three spots from last year. NC State’s academic programs in engineering and technology ranked 153rd worldwide this year, an increase of six places from last year.

NC State faculty continued to demonstrate their growing influence in peer-reviewed journals, boosting the university to No. 228 worldwide for citations per faculty. This ranking is no surprise. In July NC State was ranked the top American public university and No. 31 in the world on the 2016 Nature Index Rising Stars list."

9/27/2016 10:12:22 AM

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