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Slept= 20 hours

Without sleep=maybe 40ish hours

10/16/2012 11:20:55 AM

All American
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5 days is the max for me staying up. Constantly do 36-48 hours easily still.

Longest I've slept was 54 hours (after staying up for 5 days). Just last week, I slept through Monday for a 27 hour slumber.

10/16/2012 11:45:42 AM

63151 Posts
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did you piss the bed

10/16/2012 11:47:03 AM

All American
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that's what usually causes me to wake up. Every night I usually wake up around 3-4am to pee.

I have the bladder of an infant

10/16/2012 1:11:35 PM

Dick Danger
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cool, i listen to the showgram as well

10/16/2012 1:14:26 PM

All American
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I haven't listened to G105 in months.

10/16/2012 1:16:39 PM

All American
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46 hrs sleep. during which I took 3 final exams as a college senior.

24 hrs sleep... woke up once or twice in the middle, checked the time, carried on sleeping.

Interesting how as you age, it gets so much more difficult to pull all-nighters. Going 24 hrs without is very difficult now, while when in college, it was a weekly occurrence.

10/16/2012 5:42:58 PM

All American
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what's weird to me is that my grandparents go to bed at like midnight and get up at 5am usually. I would have thought with older age they'd need more rest. If I tried just one week of five hours/night I'd be dead. Of course I am extremely active (distance runner). But still.

10/16/2012 8:03:18 PM

All American
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Quote :
"After about three days of this you start seeing people do / see crazy shit. At night I would see the most elaborate and ornate buildings through my NODs. I'm talking like multi-story shit, in the middle of the woods. People would fall asleep pissing and land in their own piss, talk to bushes, etc.

This doesn't seem like an efficient thing to do... what's the rationale behind not sleeping in these types of conditions?

10/16/2012 8:54:41 PM

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I wonder what the breakdown is for drug involvement.


10/16/2012 8:57:05 PM

Byrn Stuff
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I slept for 20 hours after my first time staying up for New Years.

I stayed awake around 72 hours in college, and it was trippy and awful.

10/16/2012 9:12:25 PM

319 Posts
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^^^It's not about efficiency, it's about showing you that despite the complete and utter physical and mental exhaustion of you and everyone around you, you can still lead people to mission accomplishment.

Also, it gives you +2 to all stats and reduces reload time by .5 seconds.

10/16/2012 11:56:20 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Quote :
"bellrabbit: what's weird to me is that my grandparents go to bed at like midnight and get up at 5am usually. I would have thought with older age they'd need more rest. If I tried just one week of five hours/night I'd be dead. Of course I am extremely active (distance runner). But still."


But keep in mind that a lot of old people tend to lightly snooze on and off throughout the day, especially after dinner in front of the TV.

10/17/2012 12:07:08 AM

wear sumthin tight
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I've stayed up for 58 hours straight to cram and take 3 exams. Slept for like 22 hours afterwards.

I've worked 104 hours in a week with only a few hours of sleep.

I don't like staying up but I always end up doing it

10/17/2012 12:28:31 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Any sleep/no-sleep times that required drugs besides caffeine/nicotine/diphenhydramine should have an asterisk!

I've done 48+ hours without sleep many, many times. Running late or missing obligations because you slept in is a horrible, horrible feeling, and people are very comfortable making you feel like a loser when it happens. So then you develop anxiety about not being able to wake up on time, and the anxiety makes it even harder to get to sleep at a reasonable hour. And that’s when you end up in Crazy Town, routinely staying up all night just so you won’t be late the next day. I wish I could say what my longest time is, but that’s the nature of sleeplessness—you start losing track of days, and you can’t remember how long you’ve been up or what time you eventually permitted yourself to pass out.

I've only been truly delirious once, and that was probably around the 36-hour mark. It turns out staying up for a long time on a full night’s sleep is easy, but things can get weird quickly when you’re trying to do it with only 4 hours of sleep in the tank. I prepared and gave a presentation during this time, and the grade I received was a question mark.

I used to think that I had chronic insomnia, but as an adult, I’ve actually had a couple bouts of real insomnia, and the stuff I dealt with back in the day was nothing. Not being sleepy when you should be sleepy…is nothing compared to being totally exhausted but still unable to turn the lights off in your brain.

Some tricks I use to wake up on time: drink water/take a diuretic before bed, take a laxative 12 hours before you need to wake up, sleep sitting up against a wall with several alarms around you, and finally, enlist the help of family/friends. I still occasionally go home to my parents and pass out on their couch; I set the oven alarm so they know when it’s time to wake me up. If you don’t do it too often, people don’t mind helping you out.

10/17/2012 11:55:19 AM

All American
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Slept for 20 and stayed awake for 54 hours one time. It wasn't bad at all until about hour 48 or so.

10/17/2012 2:19:00 PM

All American
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Longest I slept was two days, but I was in the hospital hooked up to a morphine drip so I'm sure that helped

Unmedicated I think my record is around 20 hours but I was seriously sleep deprived beforehand.

10/17/2012 2:26:33 PM

All American
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I'm like semi noctural right now

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^bro what

[Edited on February 2, 2023 at 11:59 AM. Reason : .]

2/2/2023 11:57:23 AM

4373 Posts
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^bro that's too many carrots. quote that mug

2/2/2023 6:29:50 PM

All American
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I like to think that people seeing this thread actually took the time to count all the carrots and redo it after they messed up the first time

2/2/2023 11:11:23 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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5 caret maximum. If you must do more, kindly use "^x8" formatting. Otherwise it's a double count and no one is ever actually sure (but maybe that's your goal).

I use another forum where they have no general concept that the number of carets refers to the number of posts above yours to which you are replying. It's very confusing. They might use 4 or 5 carets in reply to the post immediately above. What is this, amateur hour?!

2/3/2023 7:13:38 AM

All American
51922 Posts
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Do not do that stupid ^x8 shit. Quote what you're fucking replying to at that point.

2/3/2023 7:28:53 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
26531 Posts
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Do what you want.

2/3/2023 7:40:37 AM

All American
3874 Posts
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Quote :


2/3/2023 9:50:57 AM

40918 Posts
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i stayed up till 4:30 last night trying to fix a code bug. came back this morning and found the issue in 10 minutes. classic. i am le tired.

2/3/2023 10:13:04 AM

70298 Posts
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69 hours, dudes!!

2/3/2023 4:58:28 PM

All American
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2/3/2023 6:46:19 PM

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