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 Message Boards » » Vegetarians/vegans...How do you get your protein? Page 1 [2], Prev  
TX R. Snake
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2 many sources of protein besides meat.

4/28/2013 6:09:03 PM

All American
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Quote :
"damn it, why don't you fit into my preconceptions of vegetarians that I can ridicule?????"

1. If I had to shoot the cow myself, I couldn't do it
2. Environmental concerns (water usage, energy usage)
3. Animal rights
4. I don't buy into the major health benefits, but I find it's easier to eat healthy when eating vegetarian (as in, it's easier to avoid fast food, easier to avoid the big sloppy double cheeseburger with fries, etc)

And I consider myself full vegetarian, but I've cheated before. My grandmother seems to forget that I've switched to the dark side, so I cheat for a few days every time I go down there. I try not to be a total stick in the mud to all my friends, so if they all want to go somewhere to eat and I can't find anything vegetarian on the menu (very rare) I'll loosen up and get some fish. And then there's the "well, it's already dead" school of thought. I've had leftovers with meat in it. "I'm literally going to throw this in the trash in 10 seconds if you don't want to eat it." And I've accidentally ordered meat at restaurants before. If I send it back after taking a bite out of it it's not like they're going to serve it to anyone else. It'll just go straight in the trash, so if it's already dead and already been cooked, might as well not waste it.

And I don't track any of my nutritional information. I just eat a variety of food and chances are I'll be fine. I'm not training to be a body-builder here.

4/29/2013 12:03:16 AM

best gottfriend
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i don't know many vegans that are tired of beans, and i know zero vegans that don't like tofu.

so uhm, beans and tofu. and hempseed! i'm getting way onto the hemp-train, i'm pretty sure it's the perfect food (and historically a significant one). ...

Quote :
"2. Environmental concerns (water usage, energy usage)"

deforestation for livestock and feed is a bigger problem than both of those.

4/29/2013 3:48:15 AM

All American
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^ And that too, definitely.

4/29/2013 7:38:17 AM

New Recruit
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My wife has been vegeterian for 14 years and vegan for the last 4 years. During that time she has completed 13 marathons and one Iron Man. I thinks her protein intake is just fine.

4/29/2013 10:38:51 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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oh i KNOW her protein intake is just fine.

[Edited on April 29, 2013 at 11:33 AM. Reason : damn the lounge]

4/29/2013 11:33:04 AM

All American
47902 Posts
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dont need tons of protein, even as a vegetarian unless you're trying to set world records in lifting.

even as a meat eater 95% of you peeps have adequate protein intakes.

so there's nothing to worry about.

as long as you dont eat crap as a vegetarian/vegan, you'll do just fine.

4/29/2013 11:57:03 AM

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