thegoodlife3 All American 39468 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "The bitching has gotten louder and more annoying" |
heaven forbid people advocate for equality 5/15/2013 9:58:17 PM
ncstateccc All American 2856 Posts user info edit post |
equal to what? 5/15/2013 9:59:51 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
heterosexual couples with marriage licenses.
[Edited on May 15, 2013 at 10:03 PM. Reason : .] 5/15/2013 10:03:35 PM
ncstateccc All American 2856 Posts user info edit post |
there are states that allow it you know 5/15/2013 10:05:19 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39468 Posts user info edit post |
your point?
are there any states that don't recognize heterosexual marraiges? 5/15/2013 10:08:40 PM
spöokyjon ℵ 18617 Posts user info edit post |
^^ And there are states that designate homosexuals as second-rate citizens in their constitutions. As previously said, "your point?" 5/15/2013 10:09:36 PM
ncstateccc All American 2856 Posts user info edit post |
no there isn't 5/15/2013 10:11:01 PM
EMCE balls deep 89873 Posts user info edit post |
Obviously, he is saying homosexuals should stop complaining and just move to a state where their kind is welcome 5/15/2013 10:11:06 PM
ShinAntonio Zinc Saucier 18949 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Have your views towards the homosex changed? " |
Yes, I discovered it is AWESOME 5/15/2013 10:12:17 PM
EMCE balls deep 89873 Posts user info edit post |
^ ![](images/kiss.gif) 5/15/2013 10:12:52 PM
ncstateccc All American 2856 Posts user info edit post |
I would rather the government not have anything to do with marriage 5/15/2013 10:13:23 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39468 Posts user info edit post |
but they do
and they don't treat every marraige equally
that is a problem 5/15/2013 10:15:10 PM
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
I've devolved. I miss hearing other people use the F-word. Obviously, I don't miss hearing it leveled at actual gay people, but still... 5/15/2013 10:17:33 PM
ncstateccc All American 2856 Posts user info edit post |
I have no problem at all with people being gay. My whole issue with the goverment and marriage thing is why do married people get legal benefits that unmarried people do not get. What about unmarried people? Why are they not entitled to the same tax breaks? That would make everyone who is unmarried treated unequally regardless of whether or not they are gay. 5/15/2013 10:28:03 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
while there is merit in the idea of getting rid of tax benefits, which carries into the idea of getting government out of marriage, it 1) won't happen any time soon, 2) promoting marriage via such benefits is beneficial to the country as a whole, and 3) isn't in the same league as the marriage rights debate. 5/15/2013 10:33:44 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "promoting marriage via such benefits is beneficial to the country as a whole" |
lol wut? 5/15/2013 10:43:11 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
which part is "wut"? the benefits part or the marriage benefiting the country part? 5/15/2013 10:46:27 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
marriage being a net benefit for the country
[Edited on May 15, 2013 at 10:48 PM. Reason : enough so that it should be encouraged via tax breaks] 5/15/2013 10:47:15 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
the benefits of marriage are well documented... 5/15/2013 10:47:59 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
go on.... 5/15/2013 10:48:32 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148821 Posts user info edit post |
the benefit of tax breaks
[Edited on May 15, 2013 at 10:53 PM. Reason : and job creation...for divorce lawyers] 5/15/2013 10:53:18 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
lol 5/15/2013 10:53:53 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
I've already said the tax benefits are debatable (and way down on the list of reasons people get married); but your questions seem to imply that you believe there is no positive benefit of marriage... maybe you are confused between received benefits of getting married and benefits produced (to the couple and society as a whole) of being married (well, having a large proportion of married people in a society). I am speaking to the latter. 5/15/2013 10:54:30 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
i know what you're speaking to. i am not confused. can you please describe the societal benefits that you believe are the result of marriage? 5/15/2013 10:55:37 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
I don't care to play google for you. 5/15/2013 10:56:24 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
just remember that whole correlation/causation thing 5/15/2013 10:57:20 PM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
first google result, have fun 5/15/2013 10:59:51 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
thanks for the laugh 5/15/2013 11:02:22 PM
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
I don't understand, NeuseRvrRat. Are you suggesting there are no social benefits to marriage? Why do you think it exists? 5/15/2013 11:03:40 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
religion, mostly 5/15/2013 11:04:28 PM
Supplanter supple anteater 21831 Posts user info edit post |
I think getting rid of amendment 1s, Prop 8s, DOMAs, and those sort of bans for same-sex couples is a step in the right direction of getting the government less involved. I'm fine with the government getting out of the marriage business completely as an ultimate goal if that's where our society ends up, and just letting people sign what contracts they want, and churches do what they want, that's certainly one path to equality.
But that's not going to happen in my lifetime, although marriage equality under the law for same-sex couples is more of a likelihood. And until government is out of the marriage business entirely, it's still going to be tied to hospital visitation, inheritance, immigration, property rights, insurance, being able to change your name, and so many other things in our society, not just taxes, so I'm glad to see so many politicians, states, and countries moving towards the freedom to marry so fast these days. 5/15/2013 11:04:38 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
So non-religious marriages... 5/15/2013 11:05:44 PM
BlackJesus Suspended 13089 Posts user info edit post |
I think every adult should have to suffer in a terrible marriage. 5/15/2013 11:05:52 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
it's a social norm. it's come to be expected. good news is we're slowly moving away from that.
not to mention all the tv shows, magazines, etc. telling women they need to get married, be a princess for a day, etc.
[Edited on May 15, 2013 at 11:09 PM. Reason : adf] 5/15/2013 11:08:47 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39468 Posts user info edit post |
says the married dude 5/15/2013 11:09:49 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
i didn't do it to benefit our society 5/15/2013 11:10:57 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
well, who does? just because that's not your reasoning, doesn't mean the benefits aren't produced.
[Edited on May 15, 2013 at 11:11 PM. Reason : .] 5/15/2013 11:11:30 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
it was simply a retort to his assertion that since i'm married, i can't possibly argue that there is no net social benefit of marriage and certainly not enough to encourage marriage with unfair tax breaks 5/15/2013 11:13:42 PM
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
Neuse, you gotta think a little harder on it, man. Even if we took the most awful interpretation--marriage exists to divvy up women as property--it still has obvious social benefits.
I'm not saying I think people should get married, or that I, myself, want to be married. But I'm glad people know, to pool their resources, take care of each other, their kids, their extended families, etc... We could do all these things without marriage, of course, but it certainly pushes things along, don't you think? 5/15/2013 11:17:28 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
no, i honestly don't think it does.
if you've got some evidence to the contrary, i'd love to read it, but if it's the type of bullshit that's at that link saps posted, don't waste your time.
[Edited on May 15, 2013 at 11:22 PM. Reason : adsf] 5/15/2013 11:20:51 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
or maybe i'm just tired of seeing friends and coworkers work their asses off to provide for evil cunts who take everything they've worked for when they decide they want some new dick. 5/15/2013 11:26:32 PM
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
Maybe instead of working so hard, they shoulda focused on being better at sex. 5/15/2013 11:31:28 PM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
yes Bridget yes 5/15/2013 11:35:58 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
maybe 5/15/2013 11:36:11 PM
BanjoMan All American 9609 Posts user info edit post |
I just hope that our grandkids can live in a generation where nobody gives a damn about who you love/have sex with. It is completely irrelevant and personal. And, who really gives a fuck that some ball player has sex with men. 5/15/2013 11:48:20 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
preach it, naked banjo guy. 5/16/2013 1:53:45 PM
Krallum 56A0D3 15294 Posts user info edit post |
Should people that aren't you be allowed to do what they want in private where it doesn't affect you at all in any way?
"Not if I disagree with it" said NC Republicans.
I'm Krallum and I approved this message. 5/16/2013 1:55:00 PM
dyne All American 7323 Posts user info edit post |
5/16/2013 2:05:44 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39468 Posts user info edit post |
heterosexual sex between two bathroom silhouettes is the only sex 5/16/2013 2:09:46 PM
mildew Drunk yet Orderly 14177 Posts user info edit post |
I've become more jealous of gay people...
Hang out with your dude and play videogames, road trips without Jessica Simpson music, no constant nagging, no kids on accident, etc 5/16/2013 2:14:51 PM