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balls deep
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It's true... He might think twice before stealing something.
Or, ya know, he might just make a point to carry a gun next time.

9/2/2013 8:21:01 PM

All American
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^ I understand your previous post.

In that article, i don't know why the police pinned him down. Just carry his ass out of the theater and be done with it. Get some guys to clear a path between the theater room and the door and haul his ass out. No need to cuff him and pin him to the floor. Unfortunate situation there :/

In regards to ^ post, sounds like he's just looking for trouble. You can't stop the evil in men unless your permanently remove them from society. Maybe this man will carry a gun next time, though I doubt a man stealing bikes will be packing. A man with a gun is going to go for something bigger, like robbing a store.

[Edited on September 2, 2013 at 8:25 PM. Reason : .]

9/2/2013 8:23:02 PM

All American
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Bike thieves are to fucking stupid to carry a gun and to broke to buy a gun..... They are stealing a bike

9/2/2013 8:34:03 PM

balls deep
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I'm not justifying his attempted theft, nor am I trying to make any gross generalization about crime prevention.

I was just stating that getting bear down by 5 men might make someone prevent that from happening again by 1. Not stealing in this case, or 2. Carrying a firearm.

^ that is not a smart comment.

[Edited on September 2, 2013 at 8:35 PM. Reason : J]

9/2/2013 8:34:09 PM

All American
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It doesn't have to be smart but it is true.

9/2/2013 8:44:51 PM

balls deep
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This should end your stupid little argument, fairly quickly: you don't have to be smart to carry a gun, and you don't need much $ to buy a gun...assuming you haven't already stolen one.

I think any sensible person can agree with this.

9/2/2013 8:48:51 PM

All American
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It depends on the country. If it was the US, UK, etc, I would say the guys went way overboard. They should have slapped him a few times and called the police and left it at that.

But since that was China/Vietnam/etc, I am all for the beat down, but they still went overboard and could have caused internal injuries/organ damage. You see, if they had called the police, the police would have probably done the same, although not to that extent, and then probably let the guy go. Serious crime cases linger in courts for years waiting to be heard in such countries, so the police would probably laugh at you if you brought a bike thief to them.

In such countries, it makes perfect sense to mete out your own justice, just make sure that you don't break any bones or cause internal injuries (as i said, they went overboard). A beat down would ensure the thief would seriously reconsider his thieving urges next time. And in those countries, guns are not easily floating around like in the US. Only serious organized crime type people with lots of money have easy access to them, not some lowly poor bike thief.

9/2/2013 8:52:00 PM

148844 Posts
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If some of you think the OP video was some kind of extreme excessive potentially-life-threatening beating, you probably haven't seen a lot of hardcore beatdowns either in person or on youtube or worldstarhiphop or whatever

its not like they were stomping on his head a bunch of consecutive times with some boots or whatever, they were basically just punching the shit out of him and hitting his limbs with some type of blunt objects

but once i saw it was in Asia, i was kinda disappointed they didn't come with some flying spin kicks and stuff

9/2/2013 9:00:15 PM

All American
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So did I win this thread?

9/2/2013 9:02:00 PM

All American
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I wasn't arguing with you. It's clear the guy is a dumb shit trying to steal a bike from an area that people were watching. If a criminal has a gun, they ain't usually looking for a bike to take.

Point is he didn't have a gun so your hypathetical statement is null.

Again. He didn't have a gun.

9/2/2013 9:02:38 PM

balls deep
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9/2/2013 9:03:49 PM

All American
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Do you think this guy will try to steal another bike?


9/2/2013 9:05:00 PM

All American
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9/2/2013 9:06:42 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Class 1 Misdemeanor Larceny. Larceny of property or services valued at $1,000 or less is a Class 1 misdemeanor in North Carolina. (§ 14-72(a).)

Assuming that an offender has no prior convictions, the potential sentence for a class 1 misdemeanor in North Carolina is a term ranging from one to 45 days of incarceration. (§ 15A-1340.23.)"

If you're a bum trying to make a few bucks to scrap for some food (or worse drugs/alcohol), then you really don't have much to lose by getting locked up. You get free shelter and food for getting caught stealing. If you don't get caught, well now you've got something of potential value to sell. Almost a Win-Win really. I think if you changed incarceration to public/private flogging (nothing permanent of course), then perhaps this would pose more of a win/lose situation for ciminals considering their actions of dishonest discourse.

Our criminal justice system is so linient here that people get plea bargins and decreased sentences all the time. Petty criminals do a lot of damage and inconvinience their victims greatly while receiving and unequal amount of punishment if convicted for their actions.

[Edited on September 2, 2013 at 9:24 PM. Reason : .]

9/2/2013 9:21:39 PM

All American
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^ SO MUCH is wrong with what you are saying there. But whatevs ...

9/2/2013 9:25:50 PM

All American
4673 Posts
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^ How so? What's wrong and what is right? On what principle? I'm genuinely curious

[Edited on September 2, 2013 at 9:36 PM. Reason : .]

9/2/2013 9:27:59 PM

37776 Posts
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The Love Wins people should give all poor people a bike so they don't have to steal.

9/2/2013 9:29:48 PM

148844 Posts
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If they did, I'd write my city council members to complain

9/2/2013 9:36:13 PM

All American
42565 Posts
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Shoe thief pwnt in Pakistan

(He was caught red handed stealing shoes of worshippers from the entrance to a mosque)

9/4/2013 1:41:49 AM

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