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All American
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10/19/2013 12:45:16 PM

13089 Posts
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Quote :
they called us niggers for 400 years before it was an issue, maybe we aren't entitled to feel bad about that either? the difference is they left us alive to eventually bitch about it, they killed most of the indians.

no shit it's racist.

I have never been called a nigger, I don't identify with your "us".

There is a distinct difference between a person looking at you and saying nigger, and a sports team name being redskins. I'm offended by the New Zealand All Blacks, its highly racist to have a group of white men call themselves all black. I find it highly laughable that people have time to worry about the name of the worst NFL Franchise, but can ignore gay rights etc etc etc genocide in middle-east etc etc.

Who is the "They" you are speaking of? Are you implying that white people killed the indians? or Americans? Or was it a lack of antibodies and white germs?

10/19/2013 12:59:09 PM

All American
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i can never tell if you're a troll trying to act dumb

or just dumb and trying to be a troll

10/19/2013 1:08:59 PM

All American
2385 Posts
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Quote :
"Are you implying that white people killed the indians? "

are you serious?

10/19/2013 1:09:53 PM

13089 Posts
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For the sake of debate. If the Redskins changed their mascot to a potato would you people still complain?

Bunch of liberal cry babies on the site. Back to my retirement.

10/19/2013 1:24:41 PM

oh we back
25819 Posts
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^ great point.

10/19/2013 1:29:29 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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Everyone is overreacting until it affects you personally.

10/19/2013 1:32:48 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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Quote :
"Washington Warriors

boom. done.


nah, they need to go ahead and make it something that has absolutely nothing to do with native americans in any way. ensures we won't have to listen to this shit again in 20 years.

10/19/2013 2:43:26 PM

Save TWW
38014 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm offended by the New Zealand All Blacks, its highly racist to have a group of white men call themselves all black. "

you are dumb

Quote :
"Are you implying that white people killed the indians?"

no one would imply that, they would straight up state it.

Quote :
"Everyone is overreacting until it affects you personally."

how is anyone overreacting, people are just saying the name should be changed. pretty normal reaction to racism.

how do you folks feel about white people marching for civil rights back in the 50's and 60's?
"bunch of liberals getting offended for someone else!!!!"

10/19/2013 4:15:51 PM

4373 Posts
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Quote :
"...historically accurate, such as the Washington Racist Fucks."

10/19/2013 4:26:32 PM

13089 Posts
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rwoody Do you know how I know you're a dumbass liberal?


Also you decided to equate the civil rights movement with white people making a issue about a sports teams name. Maybe you should do some reading about what real racism is. If you say the term racism in America white folks come running with their white guilt bullshit. As I said in my earlier post the discrimination towards gays and women is way worse than the term Redskins. I hope he never changes the name, just change the mascot and move along. The U.S census labels me as negro (really close to nigger), do you want to change that to say American? Lets take the African off of American and call everyone American, or we can label you as European American.

10/19/2013 7:07:19 PM

All American
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Is it too late to get a mascot dressed in black face?

10/19/2013 7:09:04 PM

13089 Posts
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This redskin thinks the name is awesome.

10/19/2013 7:13:40 PM

Universal Magnetic!
18975 Posts
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it's a good thing he's black and wearing a costume head piece from the merch booth

10/19/2013 7:39:23 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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has anyone mentioned yet that redskin could refer to a potatoe?

10/19/2013 9:03:42 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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This is going to sound horrible (because it is), but I thought American Indians were a special case where we gave up on trying to respect their dignity.

The federal government was still looting their graves like just a few years ago. And there are so few of them left. I dunno...I didn't realize this was a group that society even acknowledged.

10/19/2013 10:42:01 PM

148795 Posts
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Rather than change the name, they need to fully embrace the shit out of it. Like, fire the Skins TV and radio announcers and hire some Native Americans with really thick accents. Do things like refer to an opponents' scoring drive as a 'Trail of Tears', petition the NFL to play the Chiefs twice a year (they already play the Cowboys twice a year). Oh and definitely figure out a way to play Buffalo every year. Buf-fa-lo.

But what they'll probably end up doing is just pulling a Tampa Bay Devil Rays and officially changing their name to the "Skins"

10/19/2013 10:49:48 PM

All American
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^^ which is probably why the only offensive sport team names still reference them. There arnt very many left to complain.

10/20/2013 8:51:05 AM

All American
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so us white people gotta step in and show them what is and isn't offensive. Just like with those poor brainless niggers
poor things don't know when to be offended anymore

10/26/2013 8:48:40 PM

All American
52895 Posts
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Quote :

10/26/2013 8:57:39 PM

Save TWW
38014 Posts
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Quote :
"so us white people gotta step in and show them what is and isn't offensive."

huh? step in and show who what is and isnt offensive?

Onion went all out this week
Quote :
"Redskins’ Kike Owner Refuses To Change Team’s Offensive Name

WASHINGTON—Denying widespread claims that the franchise is being offensive or disrespectful, the Washington Redskins’ kike owner announced Monday that he remains steadfast in his refusal to change the team’s derogatory name. “The Redskins represent 81 years of great history and tradition, and it’s a source of pride for our fans,” said the hook-nosed kike, stressing that the team’s insulting moniker is “absolutely not a racial slur by any means.” “‘Washington Redskins’ is much more than just a name. It stands for strength, courage, and respect—the very values that are so intrinsic to Native American culture.” The shifty-eyed hebe went on to assure fans that he will do “everything in his power” to preserve the team’s proud heritage.",34292/

10/26/2013 9:16:43 PM

Sup, B
53238 Posts
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Quote :
"the difference is they left us alive to eventually bitch about it, they killed most of the indians.

Let's be fair about this. I've read some source that put the native american death toll from disease alone at 75% or greater. Now we did a damn good job of mop up duty, don't get me wrong, but to argue that we came over here and slaughtered an entire continent of people "just because" is factually incorrect.
But we did enslave a lot of negroes and treat them pretty bad for several hundred years

10/26/2013 10:48:43 PM

Save TWW
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oh since we only killed the ones that were left, its all cool?

[Edited on October 26, 2013 at 11:05 PM. Reason : k]

10/26/2013 11:04:18 PM

Sup, B
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no, it's not cool. But it is factually incorrect to say that the reason there are so few Native Americans today is "because Europeans killed all of them." Europeans did no such thing.

It's also laughable that you quote someone who says the "sheer numbers of native americans killed exceeds that of the Holocaust" and he then goes on to estimate on the order of hundreds of thousands. That's some good sources you got there, lol

10/26/2013 11:20:32 PM

Save TWW
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Huh? I posted wiki links, I didn't quote anyone

10/26/2013 11:54:19 PM

Sup, B
53238 Posts
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your first link quotes somebody who says that. big difference, dude. please, forgive me for saying "you quoted" instead of "the link you gave has a quote saying"... that really changes the point.

10/27/2013 12:10:37 AM

All American
10506 Posts
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Quote :
they called us niggers for 400 years before it was an issue, maybe we aren't entitled to feel bad about that either? the difference is they left us alive to eventually bitch about it, they killed most of the indians.

no shit it's racist."

This is pretty stupid, considering it was disease that killed most of the Indians. Sure, the white man didn't do anything to help out, but still.

Also, black people must not be that offended by the word nigger or its derivative nigga b/c of its prevalence in black culture and they're not doing anything about its removal.

also -- in before 'only white people can be racist'

10/27/2013 9:08:57 AM

All American
2385 Posts
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Quote :
"when I was a kid we didn't call a redskin a redskin, we called him a rojo"

10/27/2013 9:54:46 AM

balls deep
89856 Posts
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Trademark registration cancelled by the U.S.

6/18/2014 10:06:50 AM

68205 Posts
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damn republicans interfering with big business

6/18/2014 10:16:48 AM

All American
23525 Posts
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thanks, Obama

6/18/2014 11:08:17 AM

All American
10713 Posts
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Sucks they're going to take it away eventually, but I can totally see how Indians would find this offensive. If they don't like it, it should be gone.

I'm a Cleveland Indians fan, and they've pretty much phased Chief Wahoo completely out starting gradually about 5 years ago.

6/18/2014 12:48:51 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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I'm offended by the team name "Cowboys"

did you know nasty europeans use that as a derogatory term for americans? i'm downright offended.

6/18/2014 12:54:47 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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I'll see if I can find it, but I remember reading somewhere that the vast majority of Native Americans don't find the name offensive, and in fact take pride in it

6/18/2014 12:54:47 PM

All American
3260 Posts
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ok - so time for the new naming contest then...what will be the vote is

Washington Wiggers

6/18/2014 12:57:09 PM

All American
39458 Posts
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^^ probably a press release from Dan Snyder

[Edited on June 18, 2014 at 12:59 PM. Reason : Smath doing Smath things]

6/18/2014 12:58:08 PM

All American
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Smath, you're a weirdo. It scares me that you teach children.

I think they should go with something edgy, like the Bullets.

6/18/2014 1:00:43 PM

now with sarcasm
9841 Posts
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this is so stupid

6/18/2014 1:05:11 PM

balls deep
89856 Posts
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lol, they took away our Bullets name because it had a bad connotation associated with a time why they were trying to make DC seem less dangerous.

6/18/2014 1:05:34 PM

All American
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I don't feel like researching this all day, but here's at least something that's not from Snyder:

Quote :
"In 2004, the National Annenberg Election Survey asked 768 people who identified themselves as Indian whether they found the name “Washington Redskins” offensive. Almost 90 percent said it did not bother them."

There's a lot of gray in that article so who knows if that poll is accurate enough, but it seems like there aren't actually many more polls out there

6/18/2014 1:09:58 PM

All American
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Quote :

LOUDOUN COUNTY, Va. – The following is a statement by Bob Raskopf, trademark attorney for the Washington Redskins, regarding today’s split decision by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board:

“We’ve seen this story before. And just like last time, today’s ruling will have no effect at all on the team’s ownership of and right to use the Redskins name and logo.

‘Redskins Are Denied Trademarks’

-Washington Post, April 3, 1999

‘Redskins Can Keep Trademark, Judge Rules’

-Washington Post, October 2, 2003

We are confident we will prevail once again, and that the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board’s divided ruling will be overturned on appeal. This case is no different than an earlier case, where the Board cancelled the Redskins’ trademark registrations, and where a federal district court disagreed and reversed the Board.

As today’s dissenting opinion correctly states, “the same evidence previously found insufficient to support cancellation” here “remains insufficient” and does not support cancellation.

This ruling – which of course we will appeal – simply addresses the team’s federal trademark registrations, and the team will continue to own and be able to protect its marks without the registrations. The registrations will remain effective while the case is on appeal.
When the case first arose more than 20 years ago, a federal judge in the District of Columbia ruled on appeal in favor of the Washington Redskins and their trademark registrations.
As the district court’s ruling made clear in 2003, the evidence ‘is insufficient to conclude that during the relevant time periods the trademark at issue disparaged Native Americans...’ The court continued, ‘The Court concludes that the [Board’s] finding that the marks at issue ‘may disparage’ Native Americans is unsupported by substantial evidence, is logically flawed, and fails to apply the correct legal standard to its own findings of fact.’ Those aren’t my words. That was the court’s conclusion. We are confident that when a district court review’s today’s split decision, it will reach a similar conclusion.

In today’s ruling, the Board’s Marc Bergsman agreed, concluding in his dissenting opinion:

It is astounding that the petitioners did not submit any evidence regarding the Native American population during the relevant time frame, nor did they introduce any evidence or argument as to what comprises a substantial composite of that population thereby leaving it to the majority to make petitioner’s case have some semblance of meaning.

The evidence in the current claim is virtually identical to the evidence a federal judge decided was insufficient more than ten years ago. We expect the same ultimate outcome here.”"

6/18/2014 1:32:56 PM

balls deep
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Well... Opinions change, even in the court of law

10 years ago, If you had asked Judges where they thought we would be on gay marriage in 2014, I'm positive we would hear some crazy answers by today's standards

6/18/2014 1:37:52 PM

All American
2303 Posts
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Wild fact Wednesday: The state name "Oklahoma" comes from the Choctaw phrase "okla humma," meaning red people. I suppose after we get through with the Washington Redskins, Oklahoma is next up for a name change?

In typical "truth stranger than fiction" fashion, Oklahoma Representative Tom Cole has been very outspoken about the Redskins changing their name:

[Edited on June 18, 2014 at 1:46 PM. Reason : .]

6/18/2014 1:43:42 PM

All American
39458 Posts
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you really unable to see the difference between the two names?

6/18/2014 2:08:56 PM

148795 Posts
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they'll probably end up with some stupid ass name like The Washington Americans

6/18/2014 2:16:50 PM

All American
2303 Posts
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^^are you referring to the Redskins vs. Oklahoma, or the Redskins vs. Red People?

6/18/2014 2:38:14 PM

now with sarcasm
9841 Posts
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If we're going to get upset at Redskins and not Oklahoma then we're a bunch of fucking hypocrites.

6/18/2014 2:41:32 PM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"My initial reaction is that it's a privately owned team, and they can do what they want...but that what they should do is to abide by the consensus of what American Indians what (if there is any semblance of a consensus).

If it bothers them, then the considerate thing to do would be to change it. If it doesn't bother them, then it's a white-guilt pantywaist liberal solution in search of a problem."

end thread

6/18/2014 2:47:51 PM

All American
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6/18/2014 3:05:39 PM

All American
28547 Posts
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So I guess we should just ask the representative of all native Americans what he thinks and then it'll be "case-closed"!

[Edited on June 18, 2014 at 3:08 PM. Reason : ]

6/18/2014 3:08:06 PM

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