ncstatetke All American 41128 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Charlotte and their Kookie Munsters" |
I LOL'd my ass off 10/25/2013 7:18:17 PM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I said the same thing about Jim Bakker. people from all over the country were giving him $1000 weekly. literally. stop paying him that money and he wont have AC in his doghouse. that's goes for anybody. preacher or not." |
The people who gave him money didn't do so because they felt compelled to fund a lavish lifestyle for some random pastor. They felt compelled to donate for their own salvation. Your logic is so correct that the people who gave to him would have agreed with you so long as they didn't know to whom it is that you are referring, but you can't really apply 3rd party logic to people who have been manipulated in such a way. I wouldn't be surprised if a large portion of them still believe the officials who went after Bakker and his wife are the real bad guys.
[Edited on October 26, 2013 at 9:54 PM. Reason : l] 10/26/2013 9:53:15 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
If you pay someone expecting salvation, you're dumb and you deserve whatever you get for that money.
That doesn't mean that this guy isn't an asshole. 10/27/2013 1:42:17 AM
emory All American 1000 Posts user info edit post |
Apparently, the author of this book is a pastor at a church in Charlotte.
 Fuck this guy. 10/27/2013 8:25:36 PM
Bullet All American 28661 Posts user info edit post |
and from the original story:
Quote : | "Yet, Elevation Church has asked volunteers and employees alike to sign a confidentiality agreement, which threatens to sue if volunteers and members disclose church finances. “If Steven Furtick's followers in the congregation at Elevation want to pay him these outlandish salaries and want to allow him to live in multi-million dollar homes, that's up to them," said Smith. "They're the ones contributing the money. But they should know that.”
Many churches believe at least elders or deacons should set the pastor's salary. But at Elevation, it’s a closely guarded secret. Wednesday night at 6 p.m., the I-Team reports on the men who set Steven Furtick's salary. None of them are members of Elevation Church." |
10/29/2013 2:01:43 PM
GREEN JAY All American 14180 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "fwiw, it's about 8,400 heated sf
and it has 5 bedrooms, and he's married with 3 kids" |
oh, so it's only 4 times the square footage of my parent's 4-bedroom home.
I'm sure the mrs probably needed half of that in closets to put her sunday church garb  10/30/2013 10:58:49 AM
Bullet All American 28661 Posts user info edit post |
From a coloring book distributed by the church:

Yeah, this is definitely some cult shit:
[Edited on May 22, 2014 at 12:50 PM. Reason : ] 5/22/2014 12:39:58 PM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
the church collecting money from worshipers?
UNHEARD OF! 5/22/2014 1:54:10 PM
Bullet All American 28661 Posts user info edit post |
Ummm, what exactly is your point there? The Catholic church is also disgusting? 5/22/2014 2:00:11 PM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
is that what you take from it? you are disgusting and should be excommunicated. maybe an exorcism is in order? 5/22/2014 3:21:06 PM