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All American
18474 Posts
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I would just stop going to that bar then

6/10/2016 3:44:02 PM

148807 Posts
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Quote :
"people are allowed to bring their dogs INSIDE."

I'm pretty sure health codes do not allow dogs inside restaurants. Restaurants != bars of course, let alone "dog bars". And obviously service animals are a different story. But all of the places I've been to that allow dogs (in North Carolina at least), only let them on patios/porches and not inside the restaurant. I'd imagine California has similar laws.

6/10/2016 3:56:44 PM

All American
25825 Posts
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Dogs can definitely come inside bars, but you're right, they aren't supposed to come inside restaurants. That doesn't mean that people won't still do it though or that it it's always enforced.

[Edited on June 10, 2016 at 4:12 PM. Reason : double negative]

6/10/2016 4:10:12 PM

All American
8837 Posts
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Waka flocka flame said he would get rid of dogs in restaurants if elected president

[Edited on June 10, 2016 at 4:48 PM. Reason : Cool]

6/10/2016 4:47:25 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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I'd rather fight off mice and roaches than deal with babies

6/11/2016 12:27:43 AM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Quote :
"It is not all about getting [sic] to drunk to parent"

Sure it is. If you're having a couple beers with dinner or having a couple beers at a bottle shop after work then there's no problem with having your kid with you. If you're an alcoholic and drink with a certain goal in mind then that's obviously not the case.

Quote :
"I'd imagine California has similar laws."

And Lowes/HD have policies against people bringing dogs in, but they don't enforce them because the customer is always right or something. Perhaps some restaurants in Oakland work the same way.

6/11/2016 1:13:26 AM

148807 Posts
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Lowe's and Home Depot don't serve food, which is a pretty obvious difference in stores like Lowe's and Home Depot, when the reasoning for not letting dogs in places is usually health-related. Most people don't care if they get some slobber on the outside of some PVC or lumber. People do care if they shake their slobber on their cajun eggrolls.

Quote :
"having a couple beers at a bottle shop after work then there's no problem with having your kid with you."

Yeah, I'll meet you guys there, gotta stop by the crib after work first to pick up my kid so I can take him to the bar, that's best for him

6/11/2016 1:39:48 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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i'm glad i live in a place where it's not socially acceptable to take your dog everywhere with you.

i love dogs, but goddamn if i want one inside a bar with me while i'm drowning my sorrows.

6/11/2016 8:21:45 AM

All American
1356 Posts
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In China dogs are a food group

6/11/2016 10:21:39 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :



6/11/2016 10:29:23 AM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Quote :
" Most people don't care if they get some slobber on the outside of some PVC or lumber. People do care if they shake their slobber on their cajun eggrolls"

For sure, but they already let them on the patios, so what's the difference between the patio and the dining room? Your Cajun eggrolls are served and eaten at each. I'm happy they have to stay on the patio, but could see some communities letting them inside.

6/11/2016 11:05:48 AM

All American
11919 Posts
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Quote :
"I've got a kid, and I am a full blown idiot/alcoholic. You know what I did? I got a fucking babysitter, because that's what anybody with at least half a brain would do."

This! My sister and her husband have date night once a month and get my parents to babysit which my parents enjoy doing.

Quote :
"I'm pretty sure health codes do not allow dogs inside restaurants. Restaurants != bars of course, let alone "dog bars". And obviously service animals are a different story. But all of the places I've been to that allow dogs (in North Carolina at least), only let them on patios/porches and not inside the restaurant. I'd imagine California has similar laws."

I've seen dogs inside Aviator Tap House and at Draft Line, but those are pretty laid back places. Micro Breweries generally don't seem to care how many dogs, or children adults bring with them on a Sunday afternoon.

6/11/2016 11:36:27 AM

All American
25825 Posts
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the thing is in these places, the owners and most patrons don't give a shit. if you wanna go out of your way and complain, they'll would probably do something, but then you've alienated yourself and you look like an anti-dog person or a tattle tale.

it's sort of like how a lot of places ban smoking in public, but people do it anyway. nobody wants to be THAT GUY and go out of their way to complain or say something.

and i like i said earlier, i actually like dogs. i just don't want them running around me all of the time.

6/11/2016 3:22:54 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Then stop going to bars where there are too many of those hippy dippy dog people.

As for the alcoholics who get babysitters, I just wanna point out that the babysitter thing can be a mistake. Your kid would rather have you around with a drink in your hand or even hang out at the bar with you.

The sad part is when you die early, and they have to see it. But you and the kid can sneak in some good times before then. And anybody who gets all judgey about it doesn't understand alcoholism or, really, what a family is.

6/11/2016 3:39:46 PM

All American
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you're the second person that's mentioned that solution-as if i was incapable of coming to that realization myself.

yes, i could stop hanging out at places that are right by my apartment because i'm annoyed with the contingent of dogs there, but i shouldn't fucking have to. this wasn't a big problem a few years ago, and it's gotten worse.i think i have earned the right to complain about it on the internet and elicit at lease some sympathy. and if not? fuck all of you and i hope it happens to you.

6/11/2016 3:59:09 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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LOL, I don't have much sympathy.

It's a funny dilemma really. Like, I suspect you are a hippy dippy dog person. Those are your people. So, of course, you live in a neighborhood and go to bars that attract them. It just sucks that you don't like their dogs.

And since when did you start caring about the law?

6/11/2016 4:19:04 PM

All American
25825 Posts
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I am NOT a hippy dippy dog person. I don't even own a dog. Not because I don't want one, but because I'm not home enough.

You're full of assumptions today and frankly, I don't care for them at all.

6/11/2016 4:25:43 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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I know you don't own a dog, but you're still a hippy dippy dog person.

Those thoughtless dog enthusiasts are your people, dude.

6/11/2016 4:30:55 PM

All American
25825 Posts
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doesn't own a dog = still a hippy dippy dog person


i get that we're both bored and trolling here, but you brought you C- game today.

6/11/2016 4:33:08 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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LOL, if you weren't so worked up about these dogs, you could probably follow me.

I can't believe you're being so serious about this.

6/11/2016 4:43:02 PM

All American
25825 Posts
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(i'm not actually being that serious)

6/11/2016 4:45:35 PM

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