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All American
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^^^^ Brad Paisley is a beast, dude. Straight-up monstrous.

4/25/2016 12:06:08 AM

148807 Posts
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I'll admit I don't really know shit about Brad Paisley, and he's a fine player in that video. I just think people are selling Jimi short for some reason. What makes someone think that someone as talented as him couldn't do most of what all the other guitarists ITT have done had he been alive and someone asked him to do it? It's like people just associate him with distortion pedals and discredit how he was a master of the instrument. Let alone what Dentaldamn said about art and whatnot versus being more efficient playing a particular song.

4/25/2016 12:52:52 AM

play so hard
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How in the fuck does Brad Paisley and some rando YouTube chick belong in this conversation?

[Edited on April 25, 2016 at 1:09 AM. Reason : And only one Stevie Ray mention? You people crazy.]

4/25/2016 1:07:57 AM

All American
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stevie ray did everything in his power to copy hendrix at all times

great player, but shrugsville. a really great player and a really great impressionist but nothing that grabs attention beyond people into that vibe

brad paisley isn't my style, but he's as technically gifted as anyone you can name

4/25/2016 1:24:21 AM

148807 Posts
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Technical ability isn't the end all be all though. I'm sure some frat bro who plays Smoke on the Water chords and can jam out the intro to Stairway can play something technically, that doesn't mean much. I guess I am just surprised at all the hot takes about how Jimi isn't shit, basically (by some.)

4/25/2016 1:34:41 AM

All American
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i've never been a big proponent of technical guitar playing

jimi was a trailblazer and a wonderful player, and his records are great

but he's not the best technically

and he's not the best musically

so he ain't the best

4/25/2016 1:47:59 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Technical ability is the absolute worst when somebody busts out the speed metal. I'd rather listen to toddlers play the pots and pans.

4/25/2016 1:51:51 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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LOL, that would suck if your kid was a virtuoso who had no soul.

Impressive licks for days, but all you want is some jazzy Chopsticks on the beginner keyboard.

4/25/2016 2:04:08 AM

All American
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Quote :
"What makes someone think that someone as talented as him couldn't do most of what all the other guitarists ITT have done had he been alive and someone asked him to do it?"

Uhh, because they are all better guitarists, haha. That's like saying "theDuke866, why can't you do what Joe Satriani does?" Because he's way fucking better than me, that's why.

Quote :
"How in the fuck does Brad Paisley and some rando YouTube chick belong in this conversation?

Brad Paisley belongs just as much as any other massively talented guitarist in this thread.

The random YouTube chick was just because I was talking about Nuno Betancourt, and she was playing one of his solos. Ironically (and humorously), it's the lead-in to "He-Man Woman Hater".

Quote :
"tevie ray did everything in his power to copy hendrix at all times

great player, but shrugsville. a really great player and a really great impressionist but nothing that grabs attention beyond people into that vibe"

Ehh, I'd say he ripped off a lot of the old-school bluesmen about equally with Jimi Hendrix. His whole point was to be an impressionist; to take the blues and just take it further and play it better than anyone else...but in a traditional/neo-traditional way.

Quote :
"i've never been a big proponent of technical guitar playing

jimi was a trailblazer and a wonderful player, and his records are great

but he's not the best technically

and he's not the best musically

so he ain't the best"

That's exactly my opinion, except that I do like a lot of technical players (although I like a lot of not-very technical players, too).

I don't really care for Yngwie or Steve Vai. I have one Vai album, but it really only has a few good songs. They're super talented, but mostly not my thing. Of the guitar virtuoso types, my two favorites are probably Satriani and Steve Morse (incidentally, I saw them in concert together once). I also like Nuno a lot, but he's more of just a beast guitar player in a regular band.

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"Technical ability is the absolute worst when somebody busts out the speed metal. "

Some of it sucks; some of it is great. I love Metallica and their classical influences, or Megadeth with Mustaine's awesome rhythm playing (and all their great solos, too). Some fast metal is just musical masturbation; some of it sounds like they're trying to jam as many notes per second in, everything else be damned.

4/25/2016 2:14:30 AM

play so hard
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Brad Paisley - Mind-boggling. Sickening. Dude can absolutely rip. Could play circles around Hendrix. PLAY CIRCLES.

Stevie Ray - Shrugsville. Impressionist. Nothing that grabs attention

4/25/2016 11:15:52 AM

All American
51922 Posts
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Three thousand years of guitars, y'all think the greatest of all time is some asshole born after the invention of the Gramophone.

[Edited on April 25, 2016 at 11:20 AM. Reason : ///]

4/25/2016 11:19:39 AM

play so hard
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Frosh's vote for GOAT:

4/25/2016 11:23:45 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
28396 Posts
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that's obviously an alien.

4/25/2016 11:27:15 AM

All American
48079 Posts
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Quote :
"Brad Paisley - Mind-boggling. Sickening. Dude can absolutely rip. Could play circles around Hendrix. PLAY CIRCLES."

Like I said, that's just speaking technically. And technically, Paisley (like most session Nashville session guys) is a speed demon, something Hendrix never was. "Play circles around Hendrix" is not something I said.

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"Stevie Ray - Shrugsville. Impressionist. Nothing that grabs attention"

Teenagers who grow up reading guitar mags get into SRV. Flashy look, excellent guitarist, played exactly (EXACTLY! listen to his "Little Wing" and "Voodoo Chile"!) like Hendrix, died young. But when you go looking for interesting blues players/writers, he kind of falls by the wayside. There's a famous story where he and BB King traded solos at a festival. SRV ripped for 16 bars, then BB played one note and held it for 16. SRV walked off the stage because he got killed with one note.

It might seem like I'm playing both sides of the technical argument, but it's really a case-by-case basis. In terms of what I want to listen to and enjoy, I'll take Hendrix any day of the year over Brad Paisley. But if someone had to save my life by playing Paganini, I'd probably choose the other way around.

4/25/2016 12:52:44 PM

All American
28547 Posts
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Silly argument. Both were great in their own right. Since Prince just passed away, I'll give it to him, at least for now.

4/25/2016 1:42:46 PM

All American
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Can't trust a dude with a last name like Paisley

4/25/2016 1:47:14 PM

play so hard
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4/28/2016 11:06:55 AM

All American
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I'm the greatest guitarist of all time.

4/28/2016 11:47:56 AM

play so hard
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Albert King says he hopes to catch up to SRV

Quote :
"excellent guitarist, played exactly (EXACTLY! listen to his "Little Wing" and "Voodoo Chile"!) like Hendrix"

Wait so he sounded exactly like Hendrix when he played Hendrix songs? I'm gonna put that in the pro category.

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"There's a famous story where he and BB King traded solos at a festival. SRV ripped for 16 bars, then BB played one note and held it for 16. SRV walked off the stage because he got killed with one note."

I doubt he "got killed" by one note...I'd bet it was SRV showing respect.

5/12/2016 11:04:32 AM

All American
11731 Posts
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^ Ha ha ha ha. Yeah, I tell you, Stevie. [unintelligible words] I'm really enjoying this.
Stevie: Me too!
You a pickin' cotton picker, you know that?

5/12/2016 1:49:40 PM

All American
52895 Posts
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^^ Never mind that SRV diverges from Hendrix pretty significantly in both of those covers.

5/12/2016 5:45:34 PM

All American
1717 Posts
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Tommy Emmanuel is my favorite. Arguing who the greatest guitar player is is like arguing who the greatest painter is. Playing guitar is too broad. Greatest finger picker? Greatest blues player? Fastest, most technical, best writer, etc? I could go on.

5/13/2016 8:57:52 AM

All American
3958 Posts
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A question for those clearly more knowledgeable than I...where does Neal Schon fall on this list? I know Schon is not "the greatest of all time" but certainly talented. Just curious how he stacks up in the minds of people that know wtf they're talking about. Is he 20?

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"This dude right here, this good life motherfucker, not only authored a Girls episode playlist, but also founded a little band by the name of Future Islands. Perhaps you've heard of them."

Umm, what? Is this a TWW meme I don't know about?

[Edited on May 13, 2016 at 9:00 AM. Reason : ]

5/13/2016 8:58:56 AM

play so hard
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^ no it's real life.

5/13/2016 9:19:59 AM

All American
52895 Posts
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^^^ yeah, pretty much.

If you want to talk all-around, broad talent across a variety of styles, though...I'd say Steve Morse.

[Edited on May 13, 2016 at 10:29 AM. Reason : ]

5/13/2016 10:29:12 AM

All American
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5/13/2016 10:37:58 AM

All American
1356 Posts
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Phish Shreds

5/13/2016 11:01:00 AM

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