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 Message Boards » » Ball St v NCSU - Sat 9/21 - 7:00p Page 1 [2], Prev  
148898 Posts
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Earl used to lambaste his middle school students for not showing up to the girls bball games.

9/21/2019 11:02:50 PM

26632 Posts
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I'm more interested in the restaurants that don't let you leave food on your plate

9/21/2019 11:34:41 PM

All American
921 Posts
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Quote :
"Night game. Playing well. 75 degrees. Still empty in the 3rd. Whats the excuse now?"

horosho At the risk of stroking your ego, where are you getting this opinion from? I can't disagree more with you. Like the last time you complained about this, attendance was great til part way through the 4th at the earliest. Were you there? Was it just the TV angles? I just don't get how you're so wrong about this both times when attendance late in the game has been 1) better than last year, and 2) not actually bad?

[Edited on September 22, 2019 at 12:07 AM. Reason : spelling is hard]

9/22/2019 12:06:43 AM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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Dude got Earl'd hard AF

9/22/2019 12:20:25 AM

2001 Posts
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Stroking my ego? God forbid a fan want a stadium full of rowdy fans for an entire home game. I know its a chicken egg thing but I feel like we are behind the programs that have better field results in terms of home field advantage. I've been on this bit forever and there have always been people who claim that we have a great fanbase that deserves to compete for championships. I think we have a great homefield advantage for about two games a year and that you have to be really tough at home to compete in any league.

I'm basing all of this off of what I saw on espnu. I haven't been to a game since the TOB days after going for like 6 straight seasons. I live nowhere near NC so this is the only place I come to talk about nc state football. Thats supposed to be the point of a message board. Different people post their views and ask each other questions. The whole thing shouldn't implode because one person posted something you don't like. Even if its wrong. If I knew everything, I wouldn't be here asking questions in the first place.

Perspective on TV can be a lot different than reality but I didn't hear a loud stadium (heard the announcer talk about how quiet it was), and estimated about 1/3rd of the seats were empty on the broad camera pan in the 3rd quarter. Yeah last year was garbage too. Its been this way since I can remember. The attendance hasn't been bad relative to which other programs that have won 9+ games the last 2 years?

If you saw something different or have facts that reject what I saw, this is your place to put your truth out there and advance the discussion.

9/22/2019 3:33:05 AM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"haven't been to a game since the TOB days"

Then stfu

9/22/2019 8:17:28 AM

New Recruit
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I was there at the beginning of the third. Yes there were a some seats not filled but people were coming back. We were looking better in the second half but McKay came back out like he did in the first. We had false starts and the defense was a step behind often. Don't think you can blame this on 15-20% of the fans not coming back to their seats on time. Still more fans that many other teams we meet. It's not the fans.

Makay went 1-8 for 1 yd and 1 INT in the 2nd half. Let that sink in.

[Edited on September 22, 2019 at 8:29 AM. Reason : update]

9/22/2019 8:22:41 AM

All American
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^ I agree with sg here, even the student section, which is notorious for being the first one out, especially during the last two home games before this, was mostly full during the later parts of the game.

^^^ I think the reason people are getting on you so much about this is because it's all you've talked about in the sports talk section pretty much. A quick look back shows that 6/12 of your last comments in the sports talk section are complaining about attendance, and that gets even worse when you narrow it down to just football threads. The only thing you rant more about is the pay gap for women's soccer. I get you want good fan attendance, and I do too, but 1) the issue won't solve itself overnight, 2) you've done little to suggest how to improve it, 3) you don't even attend games yourself, and 4) you haven't really backed up your facts up til now.

Yes, we have some late game attendance issues. But, they're also getting better. Hopefully 2nd half pass-outs will be a thing of the past within 1-2 seasons, that would help solve the problem by a large degree. Honestly, like SG said, with how our team was playing, can you really blame fans for leaving? They pay to be entertained, and mediocre football isn't entertaining. Coming from a person in attendance at the game last night, the stadium was well-packed. Now, I obviously can't speak for the observations of the TV announcers, but maybe they commented on the silence while we were on offense (when we are typically quiet so the team can focus)? Maybe during an injury? Not sure.

Plus, it's hard to get fans into a game against Ball State. Who cares about them? Everyone I talked to didn't even know what state they were in, much less the city, without looking it up. What does their college do? Has their football program ever been remotely relevant? No? Then why would people be artificially hyped for a game they don't really care about, and that's not particularly exciting?

9/22/2019 10:57:48 AM

All American
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For example, this picture came from the 2nd half (per N&O)

Would you say that looks less than 1/3 filled?

9/22/2019 11:24:04 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
28601 Posts
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Quote :
"What does their college do?"

The same thing every other college does?

9/22/2019 11:27:20 AM

oh we back
25990 Posts
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Quote :
"What does their college do?"


9/22/2019 11:44:10 AM

2001 Posts
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I'm still bitter about being gaslighted for being the only one who didn't think DD should be fired. There are people here who think we have a top notch fanbase so I'm just pointing out that we don't. We have a middle of the road p5 fanbase.

Theres nothing I can do or suggest that will motivate the fanbase into being great fans. The reason I came back with it agian is because last year, people said our fans would be great if we sold beer at the games. Then, when we had beer they said noon games were too hot and that attendance would be great if he had a night game. It was only appropriate for me to check back in after this our first primetime game with beer being sold.

If winning and score 20 in a half isn't entertaining, what will it take to entertain these people? I have a name for fans who only support the team when they are playing well. Fairweather.

Most people would agree that a loud rowdy crowd can give the team a lift especially on defense and that the lift can make a difference in games. How would you judge the noise in the 4th when Ball State was driving to make it a 1-score game?

9/22/2019 2:02:08 PM

Save TWW
38157 Posts
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Maybe you should try to get to some games, you can lecture everyone about their level of fanliness. Until then, you're not paying money and giving up your Saturday so fuck off. Fans have no obligation to anyone or anything.

9/22/2019 2:43:34 PM

5881 Posts
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I was there mannnnnnnnnnnn and we had a pretty good crowd.

9/23/2019 8:16:43 AM

26632 Posts
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i wanted to be, but applebees was way more strict about the cleaning your plate thing than i was anticipating

9/23/2019 8:33:28 PM

45912 Posts
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LOL, "rowdy" fans. ain't nothing about this fanbase rowdy.

9/25/2019 7:36:20 AM

All American
11996 Posts
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Quote :
"I have a name for fans who only support the team when they are playing well. Fairweather."

9/25/2019 8:49:30 AM

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