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All American
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Cam has been the most vocal and you can see his timeline, but it was popping on twitter a couple of days ago and there were more than him feeling like they have been shut out... though none seemingly as mad about it as Cam.

Dude seems to really love Gott though... so who knows.

[Edited on February 20, 2022 at 2:16 PM. Reason : d]

2/20/2022 2:16:11 PM

oh we back
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I scrolled through his tweets and didn’t see anything of substance other than somehow he was mad about a graphic thing that showed Keatts’ accomplishments (wins over top 10 teams, draft picks, etc). He called Gott the second coming of V so I’ll take everything he says with a gigantic grain of salt.

[Edited on February 20, 2022 at 2:24 PM. Reason : A]

2/20/2022 2:24:22 PM

All American
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I'm not gonna go search, but there was a large twitter convo between some of the pack pride/packinsider types and Cam and IIRC some other players. Others were posting images of Scott Wood and Corch talking to Keatts teams in preseason and going back and forth. Group texts talking shit about Keatts from former players were posted and it was a bit of a shit show.

I dont know anything about the validity of all that shit and like you said, he loves Gott so his judgment is questionable, but all I am saying is that is the context for why Staats suddenly felt the need to post a 15 post thread on his interactions with former players while he was playing.

Cam himself comes off as a bit half crazy like Kyrie talking all cryptically like he is on some higher plane of existence or something, but after seeing some of the other stuff from a few days it does seem that Keatts has seemingly insulated his program (not just this team) from at least some former players.

2/20/2022 2:31:22 PM

Save TWW
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I'm still not getting how you're connecting the two things. #sources?

2/20/2022 2:49:06 PM

All American
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I have no sources. I am simply drawing a pretty basic connection. Am I being trolled?

Twitter convo involving dozens of people--including some former players from the 00s and 10s--critizing/defending Keatts for keeping those generations of players away from the program (whereas Lowe and Gott allowed access) happens this week.

During the same week, a former player decides to "randomly" post a long twitter thread containing anecdotes during his playing years of his valuable experiences with former players when that access was granted by previous coaches.

[Edited on February 20, 2022 at 2:56 PM. Reason : d]

2/20/2022 2:55:48 PM

Save TWW
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Nah if you're saying your making assumptions, educated assumptions even I got you, thought you implied you had definite reasons to know they are related.
Seemd like a good natured thread to me, but your theory could very well be true

2/20/2022 3:06:33 PM

oh we back
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I must have just not scrolled back far enough on Bennerman’s feed to see the thread you mentioned. I heard Bennerman interviewed on a podcast (don’t remember which one, but obviously a State one) within the last year and seemed kinda cooky. Like, he went on and on about some project/book thing he’s working on (finished?) and it was never clear to me what exactly the finished product was and how it would ever be monetized. Not that that means he’s a wacko or untrustworthy or anything. I just remember being very confused by the “project” he was promoting. But again, that was a year ago or more. So I could be misremembering too.

2/20/2022 3:27:28 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I've followed bennerman on Twitter since forever, but man his shit lately is incredibly transparent. He's always pushing some new hustle, and lately it's been this "architects of the game" thing, which apparently he pitched to the athletic department. They declined to work with him and ever since he's been pretty negative about the AD and basketball program.

Also I'm pretty sure he has a personal relationship with Hayes (they're both from Greensboro) and has made posts basically putting all the blame on his shitty season on the coach instead of the player.

It sucks for me to see all this, because Bennerman was one of my savage favorite players when i was a student. But i would take every single thing he's saying with a grain of salt, because it's incredibly clear he has an agenda/an axe to grind.

2/20/2022 4:02:08 PM

All American
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Quote :
"He's always pushing some new hustle, and lately it's been this "architects of the game" thing, which apparently he pitched to the athletic department. They declined to work with him and ever since he's been pretty negative about the AD and basketball program."

I don't follow him, but seeing retweets and the way he has handled all this, this rings true to me.

Quote :
"Also I'm pretty sure he has a personal relationship with Hayes (they're both from Greensboro) and has made posts basically putting all the blame on his shitty season on the coach instead of the player."

If Hayes is the player he is talking about, then.... I don't even have words. Don't shoot 20% from 3 (mostly on bad shots of his own choosing) and then you can have beef with the coach.

2/21/2022 8:10:00 AM

All American
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We are down by 4 to BC.

2/23/2022 7:39:28 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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We have lost to bc

2/23/2022 9:00:59 PM

All American
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Completely pathetic to lose to BC at home. Nothing even to get too excited about from the game. Smith had some good play and Seabron had some good spurts in the 1st half. But Seabron and the whole team had so many idiotic, lazy turnovers.

2/23/2022 10:47:48 PM

oh we back
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I didn’t watch the game but yeah…losing at home to this BC team is…not good. We already knew we sucked this year, but with a lighter back half of the conference schedule it wasn’t unreasonable to think we’d get a few more wins. But nah.

2/24/2022 6:44:01 AM

5881 Posts
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Yall know we beat UNC this weekend tho.

2/24/2022 8:07:36 AM

All American
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i'll be there, fully expect to be home by halftime. bought tickets after the Lou win.

should have went to a ladies game.

2/24/2022 8:18:58 AM

All American
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Damn.... even dms is skipping games now. Fan apathy must be high.

I'm stealing this from Mark Armstrong on Twitter, but we have two fringe NBA players in seabron and Terq. It's absolutely pathetic that we can't pull together some wins. I'm not even asking for top half of the most bismal ACC in my lifetime at this point. I'm asking to beat a lousy BC with no talent at home.

Honestly, I assumed Keatts would get another year just because of the NCAA shit. But with empty arenas and the terrible Ls piling up, I am not sure he gets that.

2/24/2022 8:33:40 AM

Save TWW
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Seabron is not currently a fringe nba player

Terq isn't either but has a better chance of becoming one.

2/24/2022 8:57:49 AM

5881 Posts
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Keatts absolutely will not be fired this year.

2/24/2022 9:17:05 AM

All American
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Time will tell I suppose. Seems pretty likely we see Seabron floating in the G-league for a while and making an NBA roster on 2-way contracts from time to time like CJ Williams or Cat Barber. That's a fringe NBA player.

I agree Terq is a more likely to get a real NBA look because of his shooting ability though.

Either way, even despite the injuries, we have more talent than our wins show.

2/24/2022 9:27:24 AM

oh we back
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To be fair, Cat only made the NBA because of massive Covid outbreaks, right? So calling him a fringe NBA player might be kinda generous, but I’m nitpicking. I would describe Seabron and Terq as having NBA potential. Would they get drafted this year? Doesn’t seem like a slam dunk imo. But yeah I definitely agree with that sentiment. This team has injuries and issues, but the entire roster isn’t scrubs. There’s some talent on the roster. Too much talent, imo, to be this bad

Quote :
Damn.... even dms is skipping games now. Fan apathy must be high. "

Partly apathy for sure. But once Bates went down, I was apathetic already. I just had the free time to still watch the games anyways. Got a newborn at home now and free time has become a thing of the past.

I’ve been of the opinion all along that Keatts won’t get fired this year unless the bottom completely falls out. Losing 8 out of 9 (with a real shot at losing 11 of the final 12 games + ACCT) is pretty damn close to the bottom falling out imo. The was reason for slight optimism that the second half of the ACC schedule was easier (no Duke, Pitt, GT, BC, FSU, Cuse all being quite winnable). So to see no real improvement in the back half of the season and, in some ways, looking even worse…it’s hard to have any optimism for next year. I guess maybe it seems more likely that Seabron comes back next year…idk.

[Edited on February 24, 2022 at 9:51 AM. Reason : A]

2/24/2022 9:46:21 AM

Save TWW
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I love Cat Barber but look at our record when he was the #1

Cj Williams was like the 4th best player on that team his Sr year.

2/24/2022 10:07:50 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
"To be fair, Cat only made the NBA because of massive Covid outbreaks, right? "

This is very true. He played in 3 games and missed every single shot he took 0-4 from the floor and 0-4 on free throws. If covid never happens, he doesn't sniff an NBA roster. He was an emergency call-up who got sent back down as soon as there was a healthy body to replace him.

Williams was the definition of a fringe nba player. Signed some 10 day contracts and got a 2-way deal and actually contributed in the games he played.

2/24/2022 10:26:54 AM

oh we back
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Glad he got a chance in the nba. But yeah, rough stat lines he put up. As shitty as those teams were with him, he was one of my favorites in recent memory. Dude was a baller

2/24/2022 10:29:08 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Not me! Probably my least favorite "good" player. Hard for me to like a point guard who doesn't make his teammates better at all.

[Edited on February 24, 2022 at 10:40 AM. Reason : Basically the Ryan Finley of basketball]

2/24/2022 10:39:08 AM

Save TWW
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Justin poured extra haterade in his coffee this morning

2/24/2022 10:51:37 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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The truth hurts

2/24/2022 12:50:56 PM

All American
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I thought Maverick Rowan was the Ryan Finley of basketball?

2/24/2022 1:06:46 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Nah he's like the Kyle Bambard of basketball

[Edited on February 24, 2022 at 2:35 PM. Reason : Just fucking terrible but still gets all the reps]

2/24/2022 2:35:10 PM

oh we back
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I thought maverick Rowan was the Pete Thomas of football.

2/25/2022 9:01:23 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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No Pete Thomas is the Trevor Ferguson of basketball

2/25/2022 2:48:25 PM

All American
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I thought Trevor Fergusson was the Trevor Fergusson of basketball?

2/25/2022 3:16:36 PM

oh we back
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I thought Brandon Mitchell was the Trevor Ferguson. Both sucked. But both had injuries that kinda made it easier to excuse the fact that they sucked. Plus they both transferred in, so they have that in common too

2/25/2022 5:15:38 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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LMAO I forgot that Ferguson had signed with Pitt but then barely stepped foot on campus.

Also did Brandon Mitchell break both his arms doing some routine football move?

2/25/2022 5:26:56 PM

oh we back
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Didn’t he break his foot doing a routine football play?

2/25/2022 7:27:33 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Both feet at one time? I think not.

2/25/2022 9:07:42 PM

oh we back
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2/26/2022 6:37:17 AM

All American
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Hope I am wrong but 90-75 loss is a guess for today. Our worst in the conference defense will give up too much.

2/26/2022 9:53:03 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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We match up worse with UNC than with any other team in the conference. We are going to lose by at least 50.

2/26/2022 10:28:36 AM

oh we back
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It’s a bad matchup and last game they were on fire from 3. Even if they aren’t on fire from 3 today, they should still abuse us inside. Don’t see this going well, would probably be lucky to hold UNC under 85.

The line is +4, which feels way low.

2/26/2022 10:30:44 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Yeah if i bet on sports i would bet every single penny I had on UNC covering that

2/26/2022 1:05:54 PM

oh we back
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Manny Bates being honored for senior day. But long time tww poster Joe Ovies says:

Quote :
" Manny Bates is going through “senior day” stuff at PNC Arena this afternoon. However, it’s been explained to me 1) he’s graduating in May 2) he wants to be out there with his fellow recruiting classmate Hellems 3) it’s not an indicator of future plans…*right now*."

2/26/2022 1:59:43 PM

oh we back
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Seabron missing two pretty easy layups early.

2/26/2022 2:09:36 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"We match up worse with UNC than with any other team in the conference. We are going to lose by at least 50."

Calling it now.

This is the next "your roads are fine"

[Edited on February 26, 2022 at 2:25 PM. Reason : nevermind. jesus that escalated quickly]

2/26/2022 2:10:19 PM

oh we back
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What was the old face post…”Campbell lives off points in the paint…” or something like that?

2/26/2022 2:13:44 PM

oh we back
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UNC banks a 3 and then gets one to roll off the top of the backboard and in. Meanwhile we’ve missed 4 layups

2/26/2022 2:16:44 PM

oh we back
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UNC is a bad matchup for sure. But good coaches find ways to mitigate bad matchups and coach around them. Especially vs a mediocre opponent. This isn’t a top 10 UNC team. The “bad matchup” thing is true but that shouldn’t, by itself, make them 20+ points better than us. Not this year. But here we are….

2/26/2022 2:23:57 PM

oh we back
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Seabron is 1/7. And I’m quite certain all 7 attempts are at the rim

2/26/2022 2:40:26 PM

oh we back
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How many layups have we had blocked in transition this year? We have too many below the rim players. We have a lot of issues but an inability to convert what should be easy buckets makes what could be a single digit game, a total blow out. Also, playing below the rim (guys like Hayes, Morsell, Hellems…even Seabron when he’s playing against bigger teams) usually results in less foul calls and less FT opportunities.

2/26/2022 3:01:41 PM

All American
24675 Posts
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Keatts is the worst.

2/26/2022 3:41:59 PM

oh we back
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Glad the announcers felt compelled (yet again) to tell us State fans how we should or shouldn’t feel about Keatts. I know they can’t come out and say “fire this coach now” but acting like Keatts is definitively the man for the job and that results thus far are acceptable is kinda just disrespectful and demeaning to State fans imo. It’s ok for announcers to admit that this season has been a disaster and Keatts has an opportunity to make some adjustment this off-season.

2/26/2022 4:09:54 PM

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