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All American
8118 Posts
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$499 takes in effect today right now asap doesnt it (not that i want one)?

7/9/2007 6:18:08 PM

All American
16417 Posts
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7/9/2007 6:23:08 PM

All American
17605 Posts
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got mine tonight w/component cables, resistance:fall of man, and college hoops for $600 pretax.

College hoops is on sale for $17 at CC

7/9/2007 9:01:37 PM

Burn it all down.
18379 Posts
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I'm interested to know what this is going to do for sales

7/9/2007 9:16:37 PM

All American
5971 Posts
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Still too high in my opinion, but if you can afford it. I might get one if it gets in the 2XX.99 range. I still haven't played a ps2 or one. So I would have a massive library if I got one.

Well at least the only good looking game I've seen for it comes packed in.

7/9/2007 10:22:33 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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dude, you have got to get real. the PS3 will not be sub-$300 for a very long time (if ever). it's not like they have some piece of shit edition like the 360 core with no HDD, no Blu-Ray, no HDMI, wired controllers, etc. at $500 bucks, you're pretty much just paying for a Blu-Ray player now and getting a shit ton of other stuff for free.

but at least take comfort in the fact that the 360 will never have a full game able to surpass the storage capacity of a standard DVD for the life of the system.

7/9/2007 11:54:41 PM

All American
10491 Posts
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Congratulations on buying overpriced shitty hardware, dumbasses

7/10/2007 1:25:45 AM

All American
10455 Posts
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Quote :
"but at least take comfort in the fact that the 360 will never have a full game able to surpass the storage capacity of a standard DVD for the life of the system."

YEA! Take that 360! Now you know that the PS3 is obviously the superior system with our full capacity discs.

7/10/2007 2:00:16 AM

All American
19842 Posts
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It's not overpriced for a game console, it's underpriced for a DVD player!

7/10/2007 7:07:56 AM

Burn it all down.
18379 Posts
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^^ What does it matter when both of the systems are getting pretty much the same games.

^ Yes, its a damn good deal for a Blu-Ray player..however, what use do I have for a Blu-Ray player

7/10/2007 7:12:37 AM

35772 Posts
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i heard on the radio news the other day about M$ suffering to spend some odd billion dollars because of failing hardware in 360 units. anyone know much to this?

7/10/2007 7:31:58 AM

Burn it all down.
18379 Posts
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they were pretty much forced to extend the warranty, so yeah they're losing money. So M$ is taking a hit, Sony is taking a hit with the price drop, and Nintendo is laughing all the way to the bank.

7/10/2007 7:48:14 AM

no u
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i read some rumor somewhere that they are going to repackage the PS2 and add a wiimote-like controller to it

lemme see if i can find it

[Edited on July 10, 2007 at 8:06 AM. Reason : EGM Rumor Mill apparently]

7/10/2007 8:04:39 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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Quote :
"YEA! Take that 360! Now you know that the PS3 is obviously the superior system with our full capacity discs."

really? that's the best you can do? i mean, i know it must be hard to defend the benefits of only having one DVD for a game...unless of course MS goes retro and starts prompting you to switch disks. but to say that's not a big deal is like saying a computer that doesn't have a DVD drive is viable in the PC gaming market today.

7/10/2007 9:36:13 AM

All American
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It really isn't a huge deal, all having more storage space allows you to do is cramming in more, and higher resolution pre-rendered content. In other words, more FMVs. And since most newer games are doing those in-engine these days, that's not even a big deal. Textures have been being compressed to hell since day one, and modern graphics cards have become so good at rendering them, that you couldn't tell the difference between a compressed and uncompressed texture until you took a screen shot and magnified it 30x. However, it probably will be the reason why games that rely on tons of pre-rendered content (ie. Final Fantasy XIII), will never appear on the 360.

I think the biggest advantage the PS3 has, as far as gaming goes, is that every PS3 has a hard drive. This gives developers a little more freedom knowing they can copy a good bit of content to the hard drive to allow for quicker load times and transitions. It also allows new, downloadable game content to be a real feature they can push, rather than the footnote that it is for 360 games.

7/10/2007 9:44:54 AM

The Stubby
7781 Posts
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soon as they make enough good games itll be worth it... but it's gonna be a lil bit

7/10/2007 9:53:04 AM

Art Vandelay
45166 Posts
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im holding out for a few titles that i really want to play come out.

7/10/2007 11:11:36 AM

All American
3507 Posts
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I know I'm a minor troll around these parts, or seen that way.....but this is relevant.

And speaks to the point I heard earlier from an insider that is a good friend of mine that works at gamespot. I was immediately refuted but perhaps I shouldn't have been.

MGS likely to hit the 360.

Konami executive Kazumi Kitaue, head of Konami North America and European ops, dropped a bombshell today saying that Metal Gear Solid 4 may move to other consoles in an attempt to recoup development costs. He also said the PS3 price drop may not turn the ship around. The natural assumption, given the console hardware technology, is that Metal Gear Solid 4 will see its day on the Xbox 360, destroying one of the final feathers in Sony's hat of exclusives.

7/10/2007 12:11:34 PM

All American
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Sweet, MGS4 will be coming to the PC.

Btw, what a deceiving title. All the man said was :

Quote :
""Since Metal Gear Solid was born for the PlayStation, we would like to keep it a PlayStation game. But we might have to take some steps.""

[Edited on July 10, 2007 at 12:27 PM. Reason : :]

7/10/2007 12:25:57 PM

no u
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there's been a lot of back and forth on MGS4 so it's still pretty much up in the air until any official announcements

that said, he probably said that before he heard about PS3 sales numbers on amazon, etc.

7/10/2007 12:26:01 PM

All American
19842 Posts
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Quote :
"that said, he probably said that before he heard about PS3 sales numbers on amazon, etc."

Yeah man, opinions totally turned around because for one day the PS3 sold well on Amazon.

There's practically a PS3 in every house now!

7/10/2007 6:46:06 PM

no u
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2 days and counting

7/10/2007 7:59:25 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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i can't wait for Halo 3 to come out so these xbox fucktards can get the fuck out of this thread

7/10/2007 9:28:20 PM

All American
2427 Posts
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^ seriously. Please keep on saying that no good games have come out on the PS3 in the year its been out, but what the hell has come out for the 360 in its 2 years? Gears of War is the only solid, exclusive title to come out. PS3 has Resistence, which is awesome, and Motorstorm, which is even more awesome.

now at 500 bucks, I don't see how anyone can say its a raw deal.

7/10/2007 9:57:45 PM

All American
27139 Posts
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i just stopped in to tell you some other good exclusives:

-Dead Rising was very good
-DOA4 was pretty solid
If you don't count PC or non-ports to ps2

and as far as console gaming was concerned, there were plenty of good fps's to play on XBL.

7/10/2007 10:05:31 PM

Zinc Saucier
18945 Posts
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Oblivion is on the PS3

7/10/2007 10:09:20 PM

All American
2427 Posts
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^^ the key word was "exclusive"

seriously though, don't want to turn this into a fanboy thread, lets stick to the PS3 news here. First Killzone in-game screenshot:


7/10/2007 10:17:48 PM

All American
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well i didnt know that, but its been out for 15 months or so for the 360. might as well have been exclusive.

and i wasnt trying to be a fanboy eh. i almost got a ps3 instead of a 360, but im happy with my choice now. most of the marketed exclusives are still in the works. at the time though many ports looked better on 360 and functioned better mp wise because of XBL (again assuming you dont play pc games). it'll be interesting to see how everything turns out for both systems and which exclusives make a big splash

[Edited on July 10, 2007 at 10:19 PM. Reason : ..]

7/10/2007 10:17:56 PM

All American
3507 Posts
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those models look great, the textures are awful and isnt that impressive.

Bottom line is that they are a far cry from that video but at the same time, it is damn near impossible to tell shit about killzone without seeing (INGAME) in motion.

7/10/2007 10:43:11 PM

All American
16417 Posts
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Quote :
"PS3 has Resistence"

the game demo for that was pretty bad. maybe the actual game was/is better but I'll only comment on what I played.

7/11/2007 12:01:26 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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first of all

Quote :
"those models look great, the textures are awful and isnt that impressive. "


second of all, if you're really calling DOA4 a hot exclusive, just get the fuck out

and i think your impression of Dead Rising is jaded by the fact it was the only decent game that came out for the 360 in the first year of production

7/11/2007 12:16:06 AM

All American
3507 Posts
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^ dude wtf...did you not read my entire comment you jerkoff?

Quote :
"Bottom line is that they are a far cry from that video but at the same time, it is damn near impossible to tell shit about killzone without seeing (INGAME) in motion."

7/11/2007 12:29:52 AM

All American
2427 Posts
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^^^Resistence was fun as crap, not sure what you're talking about. Graphics were definitely better than any launch game that came out with the 360, plus it was actually fun. Multiplayer is still a whole lot of fun too, although I will admit it sucks that they are charging for the new maps.

7/11/2007 12:52:37 AM

no u
103352 Posts
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Quote :
" I just got back from Sony's private Killzone 2 party. It was held at a little sushi place on Ocean Avenue called Sushi Roku. The good news is that Killzone 2 was playable, the bad news is that the only ones allowed to play it were the developers.

The game presentation started with a very familiar cut scene that showed a group of men being flown in to take on the Helghast. The trailer's graphics were amazing. It's probably some of the best facial animation I've seen in a console game. I did find the mouth movements to be a bit uncanny, but otherwise it was some pretty impressive stuff.

After what we thought was a short trailer, the game dropped straight into actual, live gameplay. And I do mean live, the game was actually being played by one of the developers as we watched.

The developer proceeded to play through an entire level of the game as we looked on in stunned silence. There was a lot to take in during the lengthy gameplay session. First, the game appears to not feature a HUD, in fact the only time I saw anything on the screen that was hud like was when the developer fired or switched weapons.

The game's look was the most stunning thing about it. Much like Resistance Fall of Man, it wasn't anyone thing that really stood out (though the lighting effects were just plain stunning) but rather the combination of everything you were seeing. There was so much detail, so much activity that it was hard for you to take it all in as it happened. Instead the game's intense action and detailed graphics helped to create what the developers called a violent theater of war.

The little things I did notice about the game included destructible environments, enemies that not only reacted to being shot, but to where they were shot, impressive weather, fire, and lightning effects and a world that was abuzz with activity.

The game seemed to have some pretty significant muzzle drift when a weapon was fired and the AI looked fairly intelligent, though I couldn't tell just how clever they were being because the developer ran through it so quickly.

After the gameplay session the developers told us that that one single level (which was played on a Playstation 3) had taken up 2GB of data. They said the game, which takes place on the Helghast planet, will have you taking on enemies armed with weather-based weapons. The game itself will also require you to pay attention to weather.

The game will include multiplayer that will have "links to" home and Killzone, but the developers said they couldn't yet go more into that. Oh, they also made a big deal out of the fact that their trailer did feature in-game, real-time cut scenes. In fact, they ran through the beginning of it a second time, pausing in the middle to move the camera around and zoom in and out, just to prove there was nothing up their sleeves.

I think Killzone 2 is probably the most impressive game I've seen so far at E3. Granted it's early in the show, but I think the game has a good chance to retaining that title. But don't trust me. Starting at 3 p.m. Pacific time Wednesday, Sony will have the new Killzone 2 trailer up on the Playstation Store. Go check it out and report what you think of the trailer back here."

7/11/2007 8:22:34 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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oh i read your whole comment...which made me wonder even more why the fuck you would come in and spout off some bullshit like that

take a look at the trailer and gameplay and tell me if you thing the same

7/11/2007 8:57:34 AM

no u
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their mouths look weird and i need a hud, but other than that, omfg

7/11/2007 9:03:01 AM

All American
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I'd just like to reiterate one point from that post

Quote :
"After the gameplay session the developers told us that that one single level (which was played on a Playstation 3) had taken up 2GB of data"

7/11/2007 9:08:18 AM

All American
9594 Posts
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I'm wondering, has anyone here played the original Killzone, and why did it get such shit reviews? Is there any guarantee that this will be anything more than the same (apparently) flawed gameplay with prettier graphics?

7/11/2007 9:09:57 AM

All American
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Quote :
" A source has told CVG that , "Kitaue is constantly trying to force Kojima to drop the game's PS3 exclusivity, which Hideo refuses point blank to do. Trust me MGS4 will be a PS3 exclusive for for months at least.""

Combine that with no mention of MGS4 at Microsoft's keynote, and may we never mention MGS4's exclusivity ever again.

7/11/2007 10:01:19 AM

All American
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for all the xboxers who like to take a shit in this thread, compare your Halo 3 footage here to the Killzone and let's all discuss

if only the worst thing about that was the mouths and floors

7/11/2007 10:09:06 AM

All American
3507 Posts
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OK I watched both, and well I honestly think they both look fantastic. I'm not going to shit on killzone for no reason. It looks great. So does Halo...different types of games if you ask me, Halo3 is a buy by default for a billion + 1 reasons, and it's proven and I've actually played it myself so there's no reason to attempt to haze that game. We all know it will be quality.

Killzone by all accounts at least looks really really neat (so far), so there's that. I mean I think it's nice for PS3 to have one game outside of MGS and Little Big Planet that motivates me to want to buy the console. Obviously this means little until people get their hands on it. Lets hope at the presser we hear much more.

I also want warhawk / lair to come back with good reviews and that will help matters. Trust me I want to buy their console....but I'll have to see more to actually get me to do it. There's little to justify the cost (to me, and I dont care about blurays OR hd-dvd's) YET.

7/11/2007 1:50:54 PM

no u
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Quote :
"so there's no reason to attempt to haze that game"

heh, interesting choice of words

[Edited on July 11, 2007 at 1:58 PM. Reason : warhawk is definitely worth buying, but not quite worth buying a system for - though neither is halo]

7/11/2007 1:57:13 PM

All American
31058 Posts
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why do people have such strong opinions about a video game system?

7/11/2007 2:04:36 PM

no u
103352 Posts
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Haze looks like it's going to be pretty fun, they've dubbed it the next Halo killer (though that usually bodes about as well as being the guy featured on the cover of Madden)

It has sorta the same FPS mechanic as BioShock in that they administer certain "Nectars" to themselves to gain certain powers. You can OD on them and get fucked up, there is a disorientation period as they wear off, etc.

Something to keep an eye out and get that mouse controller for

[Edited on July 11, 2007 at 3:38 PM. Reason : oh and apparently Kojima just confirmed MGS4 as an exclusive to the PS3]

[Edited on July 11, 2007 at 3:39 PM. Reason : also NCSoft is now in the Sony Camp]

[Edited on July 11, 2007 at 3:40 PM. Reason : and Home now has an interface that'll sync with cellphones]

7/11/2007 3:29:55 PM

All American
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Yeah, I've been following the thing on Engadget. In short, Sony won E3 (that is until Blizzard shows off Starcraft II ).

7/11/2007 3:45:55 PM

no u
103352 Posts
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OH SHIT Infamous

Fable meets City of Heroes?

7/11/2007 3:57:07 PM

All American
8923 Posts
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i thought i was watching a trailer for crackdown

7/11/2007 4:09:55 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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^nah, if you were, it would have been in much lower resolution, the textures would have been worse, and the audio not as clear...go the fuck back to the 360 and banking on your one good game

good lord just reading the liveblog made me excited...can't wait to see some of the videos when i get home.

should have my fragFX in a week's time - yay!

[Edited on July 11, 2007 at 5:00 PM. Reason : .]

7/11/2007 4:59:42 PM

All American
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ok will one of you sony fanbois link me to the trailer of mgs4? I don't see it online or at gametrailers. I am interested in seeing that...

I did catch the psp redesign and that was actually really cool. It says it loads games faster but i dunno about that? Better battery life and design (silver) with package, and TV out, is suprisingly neat. I was impressed.

7/11/2007 5:20:03 PM

Squishie Enthusiast
4040 Posts
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Super Stardust HD - omg.

7/11/2007 7:05:49 PM

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