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All American
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10/25/2011 6:04:56 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10996 Posts
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10/25/2011 6:05:45 PM

37776 Posts
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Cheat to win!

10/25/2011 6:06:46 PM

All American
3494 Posts
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Quote :
"Sent from my Motorola ATRIX(C) 4G on AT&T"


10/25/2011 6:20:10 PM

40982 Posts
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^ clinging to that mistaken criticism only makes yourself look foolish

10/25/2011 7:18:58 PM

All American
9877 Posts
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Damn Taibbi owns

10/25/2011 7:32:53 PM

26647 Posts
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^yeah. I posted it on the previous page, but thanks for putting it on the new one.

10/25/2011 7:41:51 PM

All American
9877 Posts
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Sorry I can't keep up with all the coming and goings of this thread, I was at my JOB which I HAVE despite being a LEFTIST LIBERAL

10/25/2011 7:45:30 PM

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10/25/2011 9:41:58 PM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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Fothermuckers got gassed

10/26/2011 7:18:24 AM

40982 Posts
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ugh. somebody is bound to get shot at one of these pretty soon.

10/26/2011 7:48:24 AM

balls deep
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10/26/2011 7:49:13 AM

Byrn Stuff
19058 Posts
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So without reading back through the entirety of the thread, I want to know if there's been any talk of how this will end. Smaller protests like the ones in Raleigh and such are likely to peter out, but what will cause the thousands of people in other cities to disperse?

10/26/2011 8:19:40 AM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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police intervention thats how

theyll inevitably (hell its been happening the whole time) get unruly and will have to be subdued

then the movement will end, at least the BS opportunism will end. Thats how every demonstration gets off track, damn vandals with no attachment start actin up.

its not a demonstration against police, why antagonize them?

[Edited on October 26, 2011 at 8:37 AM. Reason : f]

10/26/2011 8:35:51 AM

All American
44691 Posts
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Quote :
"So what election has there been since September 17th that these people should have been voting in?"

We have a representative government. The banks on Wall Street are not our elected representatives.

When you have a fire ant problem, you don't go to the fire ants and #OccupyTheirNest. You call an exterminator. It's not fucking rocket science.

10/26/2011 8:40:28 AM

All American
7863 Posts
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its only a social gathering now anyway

10/26/2011 8:51:55 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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^^ Again, what election has there been since September 2011 that these people should have been voting in? Last I checked there hasn't been any election for senators, house of reps, etc since those happen in November. And it's October 26th. I guess they should hop in their time machines and fast forward to November 8th.

[Edited on October 26, 2011 at 8:55 AM. Reason : a]

10/26/2011 8:55:39 AM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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There are opportunities for grindin they arent taking. Just standin out there being street urchins

10/26/2011 9:21:08 AM

5357 Posts
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maybe we should make a law in congress to replace all major corporations with non-greedy investors and ceo's?

pryderi, what do you think of that idea?

if investors only took their 'fair share' only and gave the rest to new jobs we wouldn't be in this mess right?

10/26/2011 11:32:57 AM

Byrn Stuff
19058 Posts
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A few are trying to grind at the protests. I saw headlines today that a couple was caught selling heroin and that another couple was trying to trademark #OccupyWallStreet

10/26/2011 11:35:22 AM

26647 Posts
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I like this idea:

Quote :
"German corporation law Aktiengesetz requires all Aktiengesellschaften to have two boards: a management board called Vorstand and a supervisory board called Aufsichtsrat.

In Germany the supervisory board of large corporations is composed of 20 members, 10 of which are elected by the shareholders, the other 10 being employee representatives. The supervisory board oversees and appoints the members of the management board and must approve major business decisions.

10/26/2011 11:41:05 AM

37709 Posts
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Regardless of the lolOWS, I'm glad people are out there fighting for some real change

10/26/2011 3:37:21 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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10/26/2011 3:40:59 PM

All American
2732 Posts
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Quote :



10/26/2011 3:48:22 PM

All American
6672 Posts
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^^^obviously he is not making over 400,000/year, so actually he IS with the 99% of other Americans as defined by this movement.

10/26/2011 3:57:07 PM

All American
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10/26/2011 3:59:53 PM

All American
2950 Posts
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An individual can make decent living and adhere to a budget = all individuals can make a decent living and we don't have a corrupt political system

10/26/2011 4:02:45 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :

"I expect nothing to be handed to me, and will continue to work my @$$ off for everything I have. That's how it's supposed to work"

This coming from a 3.8 GPA student and getting 90% of her tuition paid for by 2 scholarships is ridiculous. She doesn't account for the fact that "if all people got a 3.8 GPA by working their @$$ off, then there aren't enough scholarships out there to put everyone through college"

"I expect nothing to be handed to me"

What about the people who haven't worked in their life because they inherited their parent's wealth?
What about the people who didn't try in school because they knew they would take over their parent's company or their parents would find them a job.

The person who wrote this is only looking at 1 case: herself and not looking outside her own case.

The slaves pre-civil war and the chinese factory workers work their asses off for whatever little they got to. It doesn't have to be that way.

[Edited on October 26, 2011 at 4:18 PM. Reason : .]

10/26/2011 4:17:03 PM

All American
4458 Posts
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she's a college senior, which means she'll probably be posting in this thread pretty soon:

10/26/2011 4:18:43 PM

11149 Posts
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I don't understand why people think that no debt means you're not in the 99%. She is probably closer to the 1% than a lot of americans, but you're not there yet. So, put down your little paper and get back to work.

10/26/2011 4:21:11 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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^^^While it's great that they made good decisions, they're kind of missing the point. Because of corporatism, their tuition is more expensive. Their degree will be less valuable, and the job market will be worse. The economy as a whole is subject to a lot of different stimuli, and the decisions of those in power can have a substantial impact on our individual living standards.

[Edited on October 26, 2011 at 4:21 PM. Reason : ]

10/26/2011 4:21:23 PM

Dick Danger
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10/26/2011 4:23:50 PM

All American
12764 Posts
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Quote :
"This coming from a 3.8 GPA student and getting 90% of her tuition paid for by 2 scholarships is ridiculous. She doesn't account for the fact that "if all people got a 3.8 GPA by working their @$$ off, then there aren't enough scholarships out there to put everyone through college""

So? Four years tuition from a state school isn't that much. At least she got good grades and has some work experience which a lot of new grads lack. Coupled with poor degree choices, it's not a big surprise that a lot of people cannot find work.

10/26/2011 4:27:14 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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people think they are above flippin a burger during their career search

hell, some of these fuckers think they are above temp agency work and contracted positions

I bet if you take a random, statistically significant sample of these vermin in the gutter, and give their names to all the temp agencies to look up resumes on file...their resumes will not found.

There are the people that have a problem with the way the largest corps. abuse the system...right on

but there are the freeloaders that think that everyone with a million dollars needs to give it up and pay more. I hate those guys, theyre scum. If a man sweats for his wage and pays his honest tax to the government, they should not be beheaded

[Edited on October 26, 2011 at 4:34 PM. Reason : r]

10/26/2011 4:30:38 PM

Wolfman Tim
All American
9654 Posts
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Quote :
"she's a college senior, which means she'll probably be posting in this thread pretty soon:"

10/26/2011 4:34:18 PM

All American
18835 Posts
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Quote :
"If a man sweats for his wage and pays his honest tax to the government, they should not be beheaded"

lmao hmm

10/26/2011 4:35:45 PM

All American
4458 Posts
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I bet if you used the same criteria that was used during the Great Depression, you'd realize that we have the same percentage of people in the US out of work.

10/26/2011 4:35:59 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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i think the middle class wants to get a good nights sleep without all that racket in the streets, cab drivers wanna make their little money without impediment

10/26/2011 4:36:42 PM


18617 Posts
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tl;dr I've worked my ass off, been the beneficiary of incredible luck, and my life still sucks. If I'm real, I've proven my opponents' point.

10/26/2011 4:36:43 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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if you arent living in excess your life sucks?

10/26/2011 4:37:35 PM

All American
18835 Posts
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Quote :
"i think the middle class wants to get a good nights sleep without all that racket in the streets, cab drivers wanna make their little money without impediment"

lol ;_;

10/26/2011 4:38:16 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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TRU Selfishness

[Edited on October 26, 2011 at 4:39 PM. Reason : ff]

10/26/2011 4:39:15 PM

All American
18835 Posts
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so does it not matter to you that there's involuntary unemployment, or what

like ok, say someone wants a job really bad. now they do ..... *farts* ???

10/26/2011 4:50:23 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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I dont think these morons reflect guys that are actually trying to find work, they dont have time for that crap. I wouldnt want to be caught on camera with these lowlifes and risk having a potential employer recognize me amongst thaty filth.

They arent even protesting jobs, they want people that have "success" to pay them. For the most part. I doubt any of these literary arts majors and baristas at best expect a GM to use money earned to open up jobs that they are actually qualified to fill. No they are just piling on.

10/26/2011 5:19:02 PM

All American
4458 Posts
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some pretty interesting shots.

[Edited on October 26, 2011 at 6:04 PM. Reason : ]

10/26/2011 5:56:17 PM

26647 Posts
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10/26/2011 6:56:05 PM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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10/26/2011 7:33:59 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"she's a college senior, which means she'll probably be posting in this thread pretty soon:"

hahaha true

10/26/2011 7:40:00 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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10/26/2011 7:50:22 PM

40982 Posts
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10/26/2011 7:58:37 PM

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