gk2004 All American 6237 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on August 4, 2013 at 8:13 PM. Reason : 22] 8/4/2013 8:12:46 PM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
This is from the speeding ticket thread, and honestly i've never heard of a speeding ticket where they didn't specify the speed on the ticket... What do you LEO folks think about this situation? (it wasn't me... another user but i just thought it was interesting)
Quote : | "I got a speeding ticket yesterday, and there's not even my speed listed. Just says "exceeding posted speed (GS 20-141B).
He told me I was going 63-65 mph in a 60... the hell, really? Basically, I was the first person to pass the State Trooper (this is not written on the ticket). It was on I-85. In the other information section of the citation (area, weather, visibility), he put the posted speed was 70 (P 70 under speed).
Definitely wasn't going 70." |
(buried on previous page) 8/4/2013 8:43:26 PM
Ultraspank All American 626 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | ""I got a speeding ticket yesterday, and there's not even my speed listed. Just says "exceeding posted speed (GS 20-141B).
He told me I was going 63-65 mph in a 60... the hell, really? Basically, I was the first person to pass the State Trooper (this is not written on the ticket). It was on I-85. In the other information section of the citation (area, weather, visibility), he put the posted speed was 70 (P 70 under speed).
Definitely wasn't going 70."" |
There is a Chapter 20 charge just for exceeding the speed limit. It could be 1mph-infinity over. It's a cover all charge for exceeding the posted speed limit.
As far as the citation, P 70 actually means pursuit 70. Meaning he/she was pacing the car at 70mph. 8/5/2013 8:05:56 AM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
Go to your first court date and ask the DA for a dismissal based on the fact that no speed is listed on the ticket. Also state that the officer never advised you of your speed. If the DA doesn't dismiss it, continue it and do 1 of 2 things: Hire a lawyer to get it dropped or go to your 2nd court date and ask for a PJC. 8/5/2013 8:46:06 AM
Restricted All American 15537 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "If I throw a gun out of my passenger window while pulling up to a police checkpoint, and nobody sees me do it but its right outside my car, but has no prints and I deny its mine, what most likely would happen?" |
Blog post about Shadrach Thornton.
Quote : | "Go to your first court date and ask the DA for a dismissal based on the fact that no speed is listed on the ticket. Also state that the officer never advised you of your speed." |
Tickets can be amended and this is not grounds for dismissal.
If you violate the basic speed law you just have to be traveling at speed greater than is reasonable or prudent; i.e. rain, heavy traffic, etc. If you violate the per se speed limit that is when its you did X in a Y zone. 8/6/2013 9:06:52 PM
Restricted All American 15537 Posts user info edit post |
Fuck the police. 9/12/2013 7:00:31 PM
God All American 28747 Posts user info edit post |
I was coming back from getting food on Lake Pine dr around 1030pm on a weekday. I pass a cop who is going the other way. I'm probably going maybe 5 over? no more. He disappears behind a hill. I get to a red light where I'm making a left turn. It goes green and I start to go, and I notice lights coming back over the hill. It's the cop, but he's heading in the straight lane. So I made the turn and I'm on Cary Parkway. Halfway through the straight lane the dude whips it left to get on Cary Parkway also. So I'm in the right lane and he's like 25 yards behind me in the left lane. He just stays there and starts to overtake me. Once he gets within like 10 yards he slows back down and gets behind me. And I'm thinking, "Well he's going to turn his lights on any minute now." My turn is coming up, so I figure he'll do it once I turn, but as I signaled he got back over and just kept going.
So, what the hell was that? Intimidation? A "get off my turf" maneuver?" It's fucking Cary, man. Don't they have better things to do? 9/12/2013 7:28:34 PM
tchenku midshipman 18598 Posts user info edit post |
an LEO coworker told me of a case where they busted a car leaving a known drug house early in the morning for one of those blinking neon license plate rings.
at court, the officer admitted he does not consistently pulling people over for unlawful license plate covers, and the case was thrown out because it was "profiling."
the car was chock full of drugs and paraphernalia  9/12/2013 7:31:46 PM
ncsuallday Sink the Flagship 9818 Posts user info edit post |
are you friends with trooper LP Cape? If so, can you ask him to not show up to court tomorrow? thanks. 9/12/2013 7:54:43 PM
Restricted All American 15537 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "So, what the hell was that? Intimidation? A "get off my turf" maneuver?" It's fucking Cary, man. Don't they have better things to do?" |
All of the above.
Quote : | "are you friends with trooper LP Cape? If so, can you ask him to not show up to court tomorrow? thanks." |
I only know one Trooper and I haven't talked to him in years. 9/12/2013 8:05:28 PM
Restricted All American 15537 Posts user info edit post |
 10/10/2013 1:40:07 PM
jaZon All American 27048 Posts user info edit post |
^ ha ha ha - a cop gave me and a friend of mine a lift because my buddies car was broken down. Dude was awesome to us and we were all shooting the shit, but he was driving 80 in a 55 and all over the center line half the time 
[Edited on October 10, 2013 at 1:48 PM. Reason : ] 10/10/2013 1:47:50 PM
mdozer73 All American 8005 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on October 10, 2013 at 1:54 PM. Reason : ^] 10/10/2013 1:54:08 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
hahaha fuck the police 10/10/2013 3:22:10 PM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35781 Posts user info edit post |
that first cop had the awful wal-mart mom haircut 10/10/2013 3:34:03 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
ah, the trustworthy cops. 10/10/2013 3:44:30 PM
Restricted All American 15537 Posts user info edit post |
I would never fall victim to their trap
because my POS shakes over 65mph  10/10/2013 6:16:32 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
False. You could do 55 in a 35 without the shakes. 10/11/2013 8:51:55 AM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35781 Posts user info edit post |
roads? where Restricted is going he doesn't need roads. 10/11/2013 9:02:10 AM
ncsuallday Sink the Flagship 9818 Posts user info edit post |
how often to you give DWIs to people on bicycles? Do they have to be like falling in the road drunk or what? Do you stop people for riding bicycles on the sidewalk, say, at 2am or something? 10/11/2013 9:07:05 AM
Restricted All American 15537 Posts user info edit post |
Never done it. 10/11/2013 6:29:22 PM
carzak All American 1657 Posts user info edit post |
Fuck cops. All of them have broken the laws they're supposed to enforce (even the "good" ones), probably even more than the average citizen, especially when you consider civil liberties violations. And they don't face the same consequences.
I have probably seen these exact same cops in the video speeding by me. I'm sure they and others do it all the time. If it were anyone else, they'd have their fucking license revoked by now. Then there's the Mr. Driving Safety assholes who do exactly the speed limit causing a traffic jam. 10/12/2013 3:59:42 AM
Restricted All American 15537 Posts user info edit post |
Cool story. 10/12/2013 11:47:59 AM
jaZon All American 27048 Posts user info edit post |
^ lol
Probably been asked, but how many cops do you know have thrown on the lights/siren just to blow through red lights and then turn them off?
I've seen it at least twice and just can't help but laugh my ass off. 10/12/2013 11:58:37 AM
Sayer now with sarcasm 9841 Posts user info edit post |
Are law enforcement officers required to cite a specific law when they tell you that you can't do something? Or can they just say "Hey, don't do that. It's illegal and you'll get arrested/ticketed?" 10/12/2013 12:38:01 PM
carzak All American 1657 Posts user info edit post |
^^^Okay, I'll put it in question form. I presume you are/were a cop?
How many times have you sped excessively without your lights on or otherwise abused your position as a cop? How many times have you violated the law and not faced the same consequences due to being a cop? How many times have you witnessed other cops violating the law and getting away with it? 10/12/2013 1:26:25 PM
Restricted All American 15537 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Probably been asked, but how many cops do you know have thrown on the lights/siren just to blow through red lights and then turn them off?" |
Eh, it just depends. I have never done it just do it, usually it would have been late night and I needed to get somewhere quicker than normal but not an emergency and used my lights to request the right-of-way at an intersection or make a U-turn where prohibited.
Quote : | "Are law enforcement officers required to cite a specific law when they tell you that you can't do something? Or can they just say "Hey, don't do that. It's illegal and you'll get arrested/ticketed?"" |
There is no statutory requirement for your question.
Quote : | "How many times have you sped excessively without your lights on or otherwise abused your position as a cop? " |
I have never abused my position; its my career and I would never intentionally jeopardize my freedom or livelihood for it. I won't answer your troll speeding questioning but if you are speeding just because, like in that 20/20 segment, those are just some ignorant assholes.
Quote : | "How many times have you violated the law and not faced the same consequences due to being a cop?" |
Quote : | " How many times have you witnessed other cops violating the law and getting away with it?" |
The other day I saw one of my co-workers operating his windshield wipers without his headlamps burning. 
[Edited on October 12, 2013 at 2:29 PM. Reason : ...] 10/12/2013 2:28:19 PM
Restricted All American 15537 Posts user info edit post |
Bump. 10/26/2013 11:09:55 PM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
Which of these tactics are best for a middle class white dude to play when trying to get out of a traffic violation? - Deny Deny Deny. - Apologize like you're really sorry for your actions. - Explain how good of a person you are. - Name drop every cop you know from here to Wyoming. - Apologize, but in a really bro way. Like "Sorry Bro! Won't happen again homey!!! You be safe now...We good man?????" - Cry. - Pee pants and say you were trying to get to a bathroom. 10/26/2013 11:17:42 PM
ncstatetke All American 41128 Posts user info edit post |
if I know for a fact* that my next door neighbors are running a meth sales operation out of their house, would I be a dick for calling the tip hotline?
* I have no idea if they're actually involved in meth, but they look like they've probably done meth in the past and there are people coming and going at all hours of the day 10/26/2013 11:18:42 PM
0EPII1 All American 42570 Posts user info edit post |
What would you have done if you were with the cop who shot the mentally ill person in the thread below and then wanted to lie on the police report like the one below lied? Would you have gone along with it?
message_topic.aspx?topic=639433 10/26/2013 11:20:53 PM
Restricted All American 15537 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Which of these tactics are best for a middle class white dude to play when trying to get out of a traffic violation?" |
If I had to pick one, it would be denial.
Quote : | " would I be a dick for calling the tip hotline?" |
Snitches get stitches bro.
Quote : | "What would you have done if you were with the cop who shot the mentally ill person in the thread below and then wanted to lie on the police report like the one below lied? Would you have gone along with it?" |
Gone along with what? My own lie?
[Edited on October 26, 2013 at 11:25 PM. Reason : ...] 10/26/2013 11:23:14 PM
ncstatetke All American 41128 Posts user info edit post |
I have it on good authority that there's going to be a murder in Denver tomorrow afternoon. 10/26/2013 11:37:03 PM
EMCE balls deep 89904 Posts user info edit post |

10/26/2013 11:52:26 PM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "If I had to pick one, it would be denial." |
Thanks! I was going to guess crying and peeing pants.  10/26/2013 11:57:10 PM
Restricted All American 15537 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I have it on good authority that there's going to be a murder in Denver tomorrow afternoon." |
 10/28/2013 8:35:46 PM
Fhqwhgads Fuckwads SS '15 20681 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "if I know for a fact* that my next door neighbors are running a meth sales operation out of their house, would I be a dick for calling the tip hotline?" |
I used to live in Durham and the house across from mine had people coming and going all hours of the night. There were also tons of kids living in that house. The kids would be outside all night running and screaming down the street. I think somebody called the cops about the noise and when they went to investigate found that it was a drug house. Apparently the kids had to go outside whenever "business" was being done inside
Oh yeah, and they were renting the house too. And they didn't pay the rent so the landlord changed the locks and evicted them. They proceeded to break down the garage door with an ax and break into the house to steal the fridge.
I watched the whole thing from my bedroom window. Am I a dick for not calling the cops? Possibly but it was entertaining to watch
[Edited on October 28, 2013 at 8:42 PM. Reason : f] 10/28/2013 8:40:18 PM
ncstatetke All American 41128 Posts user info edit post |
I was correct. 38 unanswered points  10/28/2013 8:40:20 PM
Restricted All American 15537 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " Am I a dick for not calling the cops?" |
I'm not the morality police.
Quote : | "I was correct. 38 unanswered points" |
Deadskins are back. Time to break out my Skip Hicks, Carlos Rodgers and Fred Smoot Jerseys...oh we back. 10/28/2013 8:48:03 PM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35781 Posts user info edit post |
what about that Jets jersey you used to wear but today deny ever owning? 10/29/2013 8:15:51 AM
Restricted All American 15537 Posts user info edit post |
Chad Pennington was going to be their savior 10/29/2013 12:59:59 PM
Hiro All American 4673 Posts user info edit post |
Any Raleigh laws/ordinances prohibiting/restricting open carry of batons (collapsable) in public? 11/29/2013 7:51:26 PM
jaZon All American 27048 Posts user info edit post |
dildos are not batons 11/29/2013 7:53:18 PM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
Dildo would be disturbing the peace if long enough to beat someone with.
Can I shoot in my back yard if I'm outside of any city limits. 11/29/2013 9:18:14 PM
Ultraspank All American 626 Posts user info edit post |
Open dildo(and baton) carry is legal.
Shooting in your back yard is legal outside the city limits. 11/29/2013 9:24:43 PM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
you also have distance restrictions for shooting, i can't remember what they are off hand but you need a decent amount of space to be far enough away from structures 11/29/2013 9:48:44 PM
smc All American 9221 Posts user info edit post |
I think state law is 100 yards from any dwellings. It's even more than that in some counties. Police will respond to neighbors' complaints regardless. 11/30/2013 12:06:41 AM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
i think it's either 100 yds or 200 yds from a dwelling unless you have permission from the homeowner, but i can't locate the statute. i know i've read it before.
[Edited on November 30, 2013 at 10:41 AM. Reason : but smc is right. cops love to investigate MWAG and/or gunshots fired.] 11/30/2013 10:40:47 AM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
Are you allowed to target shoot on federal land? 11/30/2013 10:51:20 AM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
there are plenty of exceptions, but, in general, yes
BLM public land is a good option for folks in the western US: http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2012/07/david-liberman/get-out-there-guide-shooting-public-lands/
in national forests, each park seems to have its own rules and areas where shooting is allowed or not allowed. for example, Uwharrie has a public shooting range that is currently closed. go to the page for the specific park on the Forest Service's site and they usually tell you the rules there: http://www.fs.fed.us/ 11/30/2013 12:23:00 PM