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All American
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video of a pretty for-real looking new iphone 5 6 2012 lte case that is longer and thinner than the 4s

i hope it's legit. i've found i don't really use the customization ability of android and the smaller screen was the only thing holding me back from an iphone

[Edited on June 9, 2012 at 4:22 PM. Reason : .]

6/9/2012 4:20:47 PM

Agent 0
All American
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fell into the water on saturday with my iphone in my pocket, only the apple bumper case surrounding it. was probably submerged for about 10-15 seconds. touch screen wouldn't respond for about an hour or two, so i couldnt turn it off...but after about two hours drying in the sun it worked just fine, minus a bit of discoloration on the top left part of the screen. within 24 hours that had dried up and it's now completely back to normal and functional.

moral of the story

even though i have insurance, i am one lucky bastard.

6/11/2012 12:05:47 PM

El Nachó
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Well, iOS6 looks pretty sweet. I'm especially liking the do not disturb feature and the integrating your phone number in with all the rest of your Apple ID. Can't wait to be able to try out new maps on my iPad. And guided access looks sweet as hell, and extremely useful for anyone using iOS devices with small children.

6/11/2012 2:59:10 PM

17377 Posts
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^i agree. i'm disappointed but kinda not surprised we have to wait til the fall. there's no way i'll end up with a new iphone so i'll just be updating my 4. blah

6/11/2012 3:32:06 PM

Agent 0
All American
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two features i wish existed:

1) in the music app, the ablility to toggle between music on the device and music in my iMatch, without having to go into settings three menus deep

2) ability to access bluetooth settings closer to the main menu, again, without going into settings three levels deep.

other than that, i like the changes coming with iOS6

6/11/2012 3:39:58 PM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"there's no way i'll end up with a new iphone so i'll just be updating my 4. blah"

Why don't you just buy a new one and sell your old one? You usually end up making a small profit doing that.

6/11/2012 4:48:13 PM

17377 Posts
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hmm. how do i do that?

6/11/2012 4:55:21 PM

El Nachó
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What do you mean? You just do it. You bought the 4 at/around launch, right? I would assume your 2 year contract is up or will be up soon, so you should be eligible to get a new phone at the discount price when they come out. Just upgrade your phone like you normally would, and sell the old one on craigslist or ebay or whatever. I don't know how VZW works, but I'm sure you can buy old phones online and get them activated on your account, right?

edit oh wow, I just looked online and it says that the difference between selling a VZW iPhone and AT&T is about $150. So maybe you won't be making a profit afterall. I didn't realize that it was that much of a difference, but it does makes sense since the VZW ones will forever be locked to VZW. At least the AT&T ones can be unlocked and used on other carriers.

[Edited on June 11, 2012 at 5:10 PM. Reason : CDMA FTL]

6/11/2012 5:03:15 PM

17377 Posts
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Quote :
"I would assume your 2 year contract is up or will be up soon"

this is the problem, & why i won't be getting a new new iphone. contract's not up til june 20something of 2013.

[Edited on June 11, 2012 at 5:32 PM. Reason : wrong part]

6/11/2012 5:30:19 PM

El Nachó
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Oh yeah, I forgot the VZW iPhone 4s didn't come out until almost a year after the rest of the world got them. I kept thinking that people that bought those early would get screwed, now here it is. Sucks to be you I guess.

[Edited on June 11, 2012 at 5:36 PM. Reason : You're still 1,000 times better off than anybody that bought an Android phone around the same time.]

[Edited on June 11, 2012 at 5:36 PM. Reason : They'll be lucky to get LAST YEARS OS update by the end of 2012. Nevermind the next version.]

6/11/2012 5:33:57 PM

17377 Posts
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the business switched to vzw from att when the att contract was up, so it doesn't really line up with any release date unfortunately

6/11/2012 5:37:30 PM

El Nachó
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AT&T lets you pay $150 to upgrade early. Might be worth it to you if VZW does something similar?

6/11/2012 5:38:32 PM

All American
2587 Posts
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i guess this is the end of the road for Tom Tom. I have loved my tom tom app for my iPhone but now with both apple and google giving it away I don't see anyone throwing out $70

6/11/2012 5:49:29 PM

35217 Posts
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Quote :
"They'll be lucky to get LAST YEARS OS update by the end of 2012. Nevermind the next version"

ha and it'd still likely have the same features of IOS 6. World's most advanced mobile OS my ass.

6/11/2012 5:59:27 PM

El Nachó
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There it is. I was wondering how long it would take for a Fandroid to come in here with that standard line.

At this point it's about as predictable as a carolina fan saying "Just wait until basketball season"

[Edited on June 11, 2012 at 6:08 PM. Reason : Although, to be fair, at least UNC is at least moderately successful during BBall season. ]

6/11/2012 6:04:40 PM

35217 Posts
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nah figured I'd save someone else the trouble since you were obviously baiting with the 2 edits. Can't wait to see what groundbreaking features apple fans are in awe over next year!

6/11/2012 6:08:49 PM

El Nachó
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Just stating facts really. 7% of android devices are on ICS. With another major release on the horizon. That's pathetic any way you look at it. But if I was trying to troll I'd do it over in the Android thread. Kinda like you're attempting to do over here.

6/11/2012 6:12:01 PM

35217 Posts
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trolls get trolled. Don't hate, b.

6/11/2012 6:14:28 PM

All American
4248 Posts
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Quote :
"2) ability to access bluetooth settings closer to the main menu, again, without going into settings three levels deep."

you'll be happy to know that you can access this directly under settings now.

6/12/2012 12:24:24 PM

All American
11577 Posts
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Or just get sbsettings.

6/12/2012 12:26:21 PM

Agent 0
All American
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nice. didn't see that.

6/12/2012 12:27:02 PM

El Nachó
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Or you could do this if you don't feel like jailbreaking.

6/12/2012 2:23:22 PM

Agent 0
All American
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Dear El Nachó,

Please never suggest anything related to functionality or aesthetics to me ever again.

Thank you,

Agent 0

6/12/2012 2:41:00 PM

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6/12/2012 2:53:53 PM

All American
2021 Posts
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Quote :
"i guess this is the end of the road for Tom Tom. I have loved my tom tom app for my iPhone but now with both apple and google giving it away I don't see anyone throwing out $70"

End of the road for their app maybe but they're powering the turn-by-turn navigation in the new Apple maps app so not the end of the road for Tom Tom the company at all

6/12/2012 3:06:03 PM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"Please never suggest anything related to functionality or aesthetics to me ever again."

Where'd that come from? Or are you just being a cunt for the hell of it?

It was a serious and legitimately helpful suggestion. I'm not about to start keeping tabs on which ones of you douchebags hate me and adjust my advise accordingly. There's a great block user plugin that you're more than welcome to use if I bother you that much. I promise I won't care one bit if you use it on me.


Unrelated to the hating, I just read that the iPhone 3GS and 4 won't be getting turn by turn or flyover on the new maps. The flyover stuff I can understand, as that looks fairly graphically intense, but I'm pretty disappointed that they left out turn by turn. That seems like a dick move to me.

6/12/2012 6:08:50 PM

All American
31346 Posts
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^Gotta keep up that yearly planned obsolescence business model somehow. Can't continue revving major hardware forever.

Siri was first, looks like maps+nav are second. It's just going to become more and more the traditional "pay for OS revisions" model as the hardware improvements plateau.

6/12/2012 6:41:18 PM

All American
4279 Posts
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So you're complaining that Apple's not providing ENOUGH new features to hardware sold years ago for free?

One of the reasons I like and trust Apple is because they tend to make sure that their products work smoothly, which I'd imagine may involve not having the latest, most demanding software run on years old equipment.

6/13/2012 12:17:14 AM

Forgetful Jones
147801 Posts
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Quote :

El Machó

[Edited on June 13, 2012 at 12:26 AM. Reason : am iTrolling? iMronburgundy?]

6/13/2012 12:22:53 AM

El Nachó
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^^When the features are A) already written, and B) fully capable of running on the hardware and are only being omitted in an attempt to artificially obsolete your phone, yeah, I think that's worth a small complaint. Am I going to make a big deal of it? no, but I do think it's pretty shitty. I already addressed your "might not be able to run smoothly" point, and if it truly is a limitation of the hardware (like Flyover miiiiight be, but I doubt it)where you'd see something that wasn't 100% optimized for older devices then I can understand cutting that out. But the iPhone 3GS and 4 are fully capable of turn by turn directions and Facetime over 3G (well the 3GS isn't obviously) but those features are being pulled out for the sole purpose of enticing you to buy new hardware. It's not surprising, and it's not necessarily straight up evil, but it does suck a bit of the excitement of getting a new OS out of the deal. On a personal level I don't really care because I know that A) Jailbreakers will port those features over to older hardware the day iOS6 is released, and B) I'm eligible for a new phone and will be getting new hardware around the same time as 6 is released anyway. But it's still not a great move by Apple in my opinion and just gives the haters more fuel for their fire.

By the way the 3GS and the 4 are still top selling devices to this day, so your "hardware sold years ago" argument means exactly nothing.

6/13/2012 12:29:46 AM

no u
103352 Posts
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same reason the ipad and ipad2 aren't getting siri

6/13/2012 7:44:43 AM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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^^ this would bother me if my phone wasn't already severely trashed by the time 2 years comes around

6/13/2012 7:57:44 AM

All American
11324 Posts
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people should complain to car manufacturers the same way since they do yearly incremental updates too.

6/13/2012 9:55:26 AM

All American
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Does anyone care to speculate whether or not it's a TomTom issue or just a "first generation of the new app" issue behind not having walking directions or public transit in Maps.

That's pretty much all I currently use Maps for. I guess I won't be updating iOS until Apple brings them back or a good third party app comes along.

Actually, I guess that begs the question. Is there a good third party app for walking directions?

6/13/2012 10:02:52 AM

play so hard
60921 Posts
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So wait. iPhones still don't come with turn by turn navigation?

6/13/2012 10:18:51 AM

All American
12277 Posts
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I use Waze for turn by turn nav, it's free.

6/13/2012 10:26:19 AM

All American
11577 Posts
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I never use turn my turn. Pull up the map look at it then drive. You guys have that bad memory?

6/13/2012 10:40:35 AM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"people should complain to car manufacturers the same way since they do yearly incremental updates too."

This is not even remotely the same thing.

[Edited on June 13, 2012 at 11:10 AM. Reason : but good job stealing my analogy from another thread where it actually did apply.]

6/13/2012 11:09:05 AM

All American
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its a consumer product, how is the situation not the same?

6/13/2012 11:48:46 AM

El Nachó
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If you can't see the difference between a new physical product and a software update then I'm not even going to waste another second of my time trying to explain it to you.

6/13/2012 11:51:38 AM

All American
33805 Posts
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Quote :
"When the features are A) already written, and B) fully capable of running on the hardware and are only being omitted in an attempt to artificially obsolete your phone, yeah, I think that's worth a small complaint. Am I going to make a big deal of it? no, but I do think it's pretty shitty. I already addressed your "might not be able to run smoothly" point, and if it truly is a limitation of the hardware (like Flyover miiiiight be, but I doubt it)where you'd see something that wasn't 100% optimized for older devices then I can understand cutting that out. But the iPhone 3GS and 4 are fully capable of turn by turn directions and Facetime over 3G (well the 3GS isn't obviously) but those features are being pulled out for the sole purpose of enticing you to buy new hardware. It's not surprising, and it's not necessarily straight up evil, but it does suck a bit of the excitement of getting a new OS out of the deal."

It's a little surprising because they've been so reasonable in the past with the iOS updates.

6/13/2012 12:57:03 PM

All American
26447 Posts
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Good to have maps competition. Google was stagnating.

The 3d buildings are very useful when doing turn by turn -- gives you landmarks to look for instead of worrying about GPS/internet lag.

6/13/2012 9:41:10 PM

All American
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FYI I'm not complaining at all, just calling a duck a duck. Its a perfectly valid business model, and it gives Apple a way to extend the their current model for several years once the major hardware breakthroughs dry up, and to start staggering hardware and software obsolescence.

Unless you're a hippy environmentalist or just generally hate our consumerist culture, there's not a damn thing bad about this model. Its pretty fair capitalism working.

6/14/2012 12:11:09 AM

El Nachó
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Upon reflecting on it for a while, the biggest issue I have with it is the fact that the iPhone 4 is still such a popular device. And up until last week, if you were trying to buy a new phone it was plain to see the differences between the 4 and the 4S. And if you didn't care about a better camera, faster processor, or Siri, you could buy a 4 and save $100. I don't like how Apple is using software to widen that gap after the purchase has been made. It is their prerogative to do so, and yes it's a shining example of capitalism at work, but it just seems such a petty and un-Apple-like thing to do to it's customers. I'd even be happier if there was an option to pay a small fee to unlock all the extra features on older hardware. Sure it's not 1% as bad as the fragmentation hell that is the Android platform, but it does make me think twice about what features I might miss out on 2 years from now if I decide to get a new iPhone this year. Previously the hardware was the limiting factor, but now that's not the case and it doesn't make me happy.

6/14/2012 12:27:15 AM

All American
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^Totally with you, but without this move, there's no way to continue their growth and ridiculous revenues. Apple is not so slowly backing itself into a corner (business model wise) and it seems to be doubling down rather than diversifying.

Not really seeing how they are going to shift, unless they start charging for iOS major updates separately in the same model that they sell OSX (which is pretty in line with your "I would pay for having these features on my existing hardware" sentiment. The problem with this approach of course is you then slowly start to introduce the Android fragmentation issue.

6/14/2012 1:42:42 AM

Forgetful Jones
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Apple fan being critical of Apple? Microsoft fan giving props to Apple?

almost makes me miss the Tech Talk troll-fest

6/14/2012 2:07:38 AM

180 Posts
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Quote :
"Apple is not so slowly backing itself into a corner (business model wise) and it seems to be doubling down rather than diversifying. "

this is so fucking hilarious coming from you

6/14/2012 9:46:50 PM

Not suspended
24374 Posts
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Quote :
"Sure it's not 1% as bad as the fragmentation hell that is the Android platform, but it does make me think twice about what features I might miss out on 2 years from now if I decide to get a new iPhone this year. Previously the hardware was the limiting factor, but now that's not the case and it doesn't make me happy."

Fragmentation hell? I've had an android phone for a couple years now and have yet to experience such hell. I've always had access to the most advanced software that my phone was capable of running properly. App developers have always either lost sales, or adjusted their apps to the varying hardware demands (so the later is a lot more common). But that comes from a guy that uses the devices on a daily basis, not an apple fanboy, so I must me mistaken and in hell.

Anyway, of course you're going to miss out on features 2 years from now on your current phone. Products 2 years from now will be a lot better than what can be made this year. Products 6 months from now are going to be a lot better than the ones coming out this month. That's kind of how technology has always worked. If you can't afford to buy a new phone every 2 years or every year to keep up with technology, get a better job or quit crying. Nothing has changed.

6/14/2012 9:56:12 PM

El Nachó
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You're going to make an entire post trying to tell me that Android isn't fragmented, and I'm the delusional fanboy?


Unsurprisingly, you missed my entire point. If it was hardware issues that were causing the features to not be added, then it might be time to buy a new phone. Also, your attempts at personally attacking me (get a better job, etc) missed the mark as well because I already said I plan to get the next iPhone that is released. I'm just saying that the entire Android platform is a crap shoot for buyers. I don't doubt that it's possible to buy a top of the line device and have it receive timely updates for the next 6-12 months. I'm sure it's bound to happen on a handful of the hundreds of different options you have to choose from. But the numbers don't lie. 7% of Android devices are on ICS 8 months after it's released. Over 90% of all Android devices are running an OS that is over 18 months old. That means theres a ridiculously high chance that if you buy a phone that doesn't win the OS upgrade lottery or however it is that they decide that sort of thing, you'll likely miss out on being able to tell all your iPhone toting friends "I've had that feature on my phone for the last 2 years" And really, isn't that the only reason that you crazy kids buy Androids to begin with?

6/14/2012 10:37:30 PM

The Stubby
7781 Posts
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^^ you're just kidding yourself if you think Android isn't fragmented.. and if the comparison is to the iPhone, Android is extremely fragmented.. the last statistic I saw on the adoption rate of the latest versions of each OS was abysmal for Android.

[Edited on June 14, 2012 at 11:14 PM. Reason : ]

6/14/2012 11:13:52 PM

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