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All American
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yea i did that.

we called it boot camp at elon.

it sucked. plus it was like 830 to 530 everyday and while REAL school is long you usually aren't constantly in class. jeebus.

8/11/2009 12:38:50 AM

All American
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Quote :
" Yeah, they call it !L orientation

But they give us lectures and homework too"

How long does your orientation last? Ours was only 2 days last year. We don't start back classes until Aug. 31 this year.

[Edited on August 11, 2009 at 7:03 AM. Reason : ]

8/11/2009 7:02:07 AM

All American
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It lasts a week, but we have our normal classes and assignments too. Basically we just start early.

8/11/2009 5:27:44 PM

All American
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quick question

taken care of LORs
taken care of college transcripts

now it says that they want transcripts for any undergraduate institution that went towards your BA/BS. Does that mean I have to send in my High School transcripts which included IB/AP classes I got credit for in college?

8/11/2009 5:58:29 PM

All American
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At least I didn't have to last year

I'll go with a hard no

8/11/2009 8:17:31 PM

All American
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god i just wish i could start some apps now. With my sucky ass GPA but really good LSAT Ive gotta make sure I get it in early.

8/11/2009 8:20:29 PM

All American
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We have the dean's reception in the Rayburn Congressional House Office Building, across from the Capitol. I organized a bar crawl for right afterward. I got my class a discount at every bar. All I have to do now if find wristbands so the bartenders know who to give the discounts to.

I invited one of my professors, he seems to be impressed with my organization skills and business savvy

8/13/2009 6:07:50 PM

All American
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Found out that I made law review. Wrote on as a 3L. I should have done the write on competition a long time ago. Regardless, it looks great on my resume.

8/14/2009 4:48:28 PM

All American
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today i was notified that i "won" (i don't know if that is the right word - i was awarded) a scholarship that i didn't know i was nominated for?

holllaaa $5000 more dollars in the bizank!! i'm really happy

8/21/2009 12:51:07 AM

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Ha, that happened to me in my MBA program. I somehow got nominated for a scholly from the State of CA and won $2,500 per quarter (it was a state school so that covered a lot).

More on point, I was awarded a $4,500 scholarship each year to Villanova Law right before I decided not to go. I was like gee that will help pay for books and a few months rent and all but I'm still going to have to use $25,000 of my own money a year!

8/21/2009 11:58:06 AM

All American
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8/23/2009 9:27:49 AM

All American
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lol ive got about 25 books warning me not to go to law school

but then i remember that i don't have a social life now so there's nothing to lose

8/23/2009 10:17:56 AM

All American
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^^ hahahahahaha




you will make it. it gets progressively better. or maybe you just get used to the sucking with each passing year - i don't really know which. either way, soon you will be numb to the pain.

8/23/2009 6:35:18 PM

All American
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I know I'll make it. I think I'm gonna be in the SBA. I organized a bar crawl on Capitol Hill for the end of our orientation week. I got us happy hour deals, and even some private rooms. Like 50 of my classmates came, (out of 100) and a few professors. It was the shit.

8/23/2009 8:04:11 PM

Agent 0
All American
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i guess you never found the bracelets?

i was ftl on that...

8/24/2009 9:10:14 AM

All American
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Actually, I got 50 bracelets from the Hawk N Dove manager. That was also the first place we went.

We also got all of Top of the Hill for like 45 minutes. It was dope.

8/24/2009 10:09:31 AM

Starting Lineup
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Passed the bar exam!!!

8/31/2009 4:30:28 PM

All American
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8/31/2009 5:27:14 PM

New Recruit
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Anyone know about LSAC's new guidelines regarding submitting your LORs? I've been told you need your recommender to submit separate copies of the letter for each school you're applying to (instead of just sending one, like in previous years). However, I applied to law school last year and the LORs I used are still on my LSAC account. Is it possible for me to reuse these without asking my recommenders to send extra copies? LSAC's website says nothing about what to do in my situation, and their automated phone system was of no help. I've been asking everywhere and no one seems to know!

9/9/2009 5:49:58 PM

Agent 0
All American
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fuck i think i may be talking myself into entering a 2010 evening program

9/10/2009 12:16:02 PM

All American
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And why are you not happy about it?

Just general questions. Not giving an opinion. Although a full/day-time program is probably preferred, there are several situations where a part-time/night-time program is ideal.

9/10/2009 12:34:53 PM

Agent 0
All American
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in dc.

its because who actually wants to go to law school

evening program works for me because i just need a JD, no real plans to take the bar or practice privately or within the judicial system. it's a job req. for a lot of policy/senior legislative positions up here though. plus i have a good job already, and would like to keep it and the salary and benefits i currently receive.

we'll see. dec lsat deadline is beginning of nov. just have to really think hard if it's going to be value added in the long run for me. plenty of people up here get by without one but i'd hate to not be able to open a door down the road because i was lazy

9/10/2009 12:50:34 PM

All American
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Quote :
"it's a job req. for a lot of policy/senior legislative positions up here though."

And that just leaves me speechless. I feel law school barely prepares you to practice law...I can't imagine what other jobs feel that a law school education is valuable to to perform their tasks. I've always seen law school as more of a tool used to weed-out would-be lawyers rather than prepare people to practice law.

9/10/2009 1:12:49 PM

Starting Lineup
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It sounds like a Masters in Public Policy would fit what you want to do better. I'd only recommend law school for someone certain they want to actually practice law.

9/10/2009 1:22:23 PM

Agent 0
All American
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i've got a masters in public policy already. a masters in this town is basically like a Bachelors. everyone has one and they're not special. technically so is a JD, but why leave yourself less qualified

considering i've worked on captiol hill and government affairs in general for the last 5 years, i think i have a pretty good perspective of what's necessary or not. it's certainly not going to disbar me from certain jobs but it also can make going forward a lot easier. it's not a golden ticket anywhere, but this is an ultra competitive town, and so there's def arguments to be made to obtaining one...

9/10/2009 1:35:01 PM

All American
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^It will definitely spice up a resume.

9/10/2009 1:44:51 PM

Starting Lineup
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^^I'd just be careful of taking on a bunch of debt for a degree you won't really use. A lot of people tell you "You can do anything with a law degree", but really you can be a lawyer with a law degree. If there was a law school that gave you a scholarship that made getting the degree basically free, of course I'd go for it, but otherwise I wouldn't take the extra debt to get a degree I didn't really intend on using.

Also, I'd point out that the folks I went to school with who hated law school, some of whom dropped out came to law school not wanting to be a lawyer. It's not a lot of fun to learn about law suit filing deadlines, elements of contracts, and centuries old rules about English property law when you really care more about politics and policy.

9/11/2009 1:22:10 PM

All American
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Law school is a nightmare so far. I fucking hate it. How they can actually expect us to do the amount of work they assign is just cruel.

9/11/2009 2:09:15 PM

All American
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You'll learn what exactly you have to do shortly enough.

Some classes it really does help to do every bit of reading assigned to you. Others you simply need to read some case summaries and study some outlines (honestly...that probably could be done for every class).

When I finally figured it out...I honestly didn't study much more in law school then I did in undergrad. I just did a ton more cramming at the end of the semester to prepare for exams.

Good luck.

9/11/2009 2:15:32 PM

All American
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If I don't read everything down to the footnotes for crim law I run the risk of getting called up and looking stupid in front of 100 of my peers. When I say called up, I mean standing in the front of the class.

My Civ Pro teacher calls on 1 or 2 people per class. If I don't prepare for every class I run the risk of an hour of looking like a jackass.

Anyway, I guess I'll try to find a balance.

9/11/2009 2:34:04 PM

All American
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^I had a Contracts Law teacher that did that. It sucked, but it did make me read and I probably did better in that class than any other in law school.

As for the others...try and snag some case briefs somewhere. We always had someone circulating these huge PDF files full of case briefs for all of the books (or I guess you could purchase them). I would actually pull up the PDF file and then just type them on a Word doc...honestly that really helped me remember what happened in the case. But instead of reading a 15-20 page case, you have a one or two page summary that goes over the main facts, conclusion, law at issue, and reasoning behind the ruling. Saves time, and its easy to read over if the teacher calls on you.

9/11/2009 3:06:23 PM

All American
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i think its better to just go ahead and get your dumbass moment over with!

honestly. it happens to everyone. at some point you'll get called on and not know the answer or not have what the prof wants. it sucks but then you realize its not that bad and everyone in the class either a) isn't paying attention or b) sitting there saying "THANK GOD that wasn't me because i have no clue either"

and then once you get to 2L and 3L the fear is gone. even if you get called on you're just like "whatev" - but the classes get better (at least in my experience - some BITCH profs i had 1L year were all cool/chill in the 2L and 3L elective courses)

9/11/2009 5:19:48 PM

All American
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Well looks like it doesn't matter anymore. Citibank denied my grad plus loan, and nobody in my family gives enough of a shit about me to cosign on the loan.

9/14/2009 8:32:05 PM

All American
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Don't give up on finding a lender. Go talk to someone in your financial aid department. If you want to be there, they'll find a way.

But, if law school is truly making you miserable, then maybe you should rethink it now.

Sure, the level of homework sucks, and the getting called on in class sucks, but I've never been "miserable" yet.

9/14/2009 9:08:48 PM

All American
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I'm sorry dude, that's horrible.

But let me tell you, Law School isn't worth it.

I have post Bar-dom Depression. It's real, and it's hell.

9/14/2009 9:09:36 PM

All American
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^^^ get a friend to cosign or a former coworker

9/14/2009 9:56:06 PM

All American
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^I'm a good friend...I've loaned some money in my days (recently $10K to a good friend)...but I would NEVER cosign on something big like a law school loan...especially with today's economy. I've got PLENTY of friends that have deferred their loans from law school and they are about to have to start paying and have no idea how they are going to do it. dad almost didn't cosign my loan from the first year. I mean...he pretty much sucks anyways...but he's my friggin dad.

9/14/2009 10:25:02 PM

All American
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i wouldnt cosign for my best friend in the world. sorry but for law school that is HUGE.

9/14/2009 10:42:37 PM

All American
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OK, the bank fucked the paperwork up. they told me i didn't have the credit over the phone yesterday today they said they didn't have all the paperwork and sent it back. I told them what i sent, they said they only got half the paperwork, but they're a bunch of fucking liars because i know what i stuffed in the envelope.

So pissed...

9/15/2009 9:43:15 PM

All American
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Filling out my apps now! Gonna get the jumpstart since my GPA isn't too hot!

9/25/2009 6:42:21 PM

All American
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taking the LSAT tomorrow morning (for the second time)

we'll see how this goes. hopefully the second time's a charm.

i know im not as nervous as i was last time, and i now know that i'll have to wait for like an hour when i get there to start taking the test, plenty of time to get anxious about all 10 of my pencils breaking, sitting near a sniffler, etc.

9/25/2009 8:25:43 PM

Agent 0
All American
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So I've taken the LSAT before, 7 years ago. As previously indicated in this thread I might take the dec or feb test for a 2010 class somewhere. What are your suggestions for the most effective LSAT prep books these days? I took a kaplan course way back when I took it in 02, but where I am in life right now self study with books is gonna work best for me. Thx. Obv capable of evaluating them on my own, but open to suggestions.

[Edited on September 26, 2009 at 5:54 AM. Reason : DDR]

9/26/2009 5:52:41 AM

All American
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ive got one you can have if you want to pick it up, its McGraw Hill, from 2008 and ive written only a bit inside of it (in pencil and on the side)

9/26/2009 8:13:07 AM

Agent 0
All American
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Appreciate it, I'm in dc. CAn afford to buy whatever, just looking for most effective.

9/26/2009 8:47:19 AM

All American
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ah well then most effective for me was getting one general one that covered the basics of the entire test (although since you already took it this might not apply) and then one that covered only logic games since that will be the most difficult part

also NC Central doesn't even want an essay - ok, easiest app ill ever do

[Edited on September 26, 2009 at 1:07 PM. Reason : f]

9/26/2009 1:05:48 PM

Agent 0
All American
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yeah i got the logic games bible and the "Official LSAT super prep"

i just didnt know if someone had any particular successes or failures with any specific books...

9/26/2009 2:20:59 PM

All American
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should be good to go, also NC Central DOES want a personal statement its just in the fine print of the checklist and not listed as one of the forms

9/26/2009 2:30:47 PM

All American
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i did not use any lsat study aids


9/26/2009 7:59:33 PM

Agent 0
All American
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books arrive tomorrow

all in.

9/28/2009 2:31:41 PM

All American
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^ I'll be right there with you in the evening program in 2010. I was supposed to start this year but deferred until 2010. Get ready to kiss your life away.

9/28/2009 2:55:56 PM

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