Jen All American 10527 Posts user info edit post |
bedtimes mabeeeys 7/3/2008 4:23:47 AM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
( o Y o ) 7/3/2008 4:29:19 AM
LivinProof78 All American 49373 Posts user info edit post |
i took down all the blinds in my house last night...including my bedroom and bathroom....
i don't have curtains in my bedroom or bathroom
 7/3/2008 6:25:50 AM
hypaone All American 11084 Posts user info edit post |
DNL will be there post-haste. 7/3/2008 6:26:46 AM
raiden All American 10506 Posts user info edit post |
some people really piss me the hell off. 7/3/2008 6:28:44 AM
LivinProof78 All American 49373 Posts user info edit post |
i have officially deemed today...
but only because the secretary isn't here
not like it would matter....the puppy is curled up on her pallet and just chillin....she'll be asleep in 20 minutes as long as the phone doesn't ring or nobody comes to the door 7/3/2008 8:18:23 AM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
I wish i could bring mine in 7/3/2008 8:20:08 AM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
Yea I would love to bring in Trixie, but she likes people too much and might orgasm with the amount of people that walk by my desk on a daily  7/3/2008 8:34:40 AM
LivinProof78 All American 49373 Posts user info edit post |
and she's out....
my timing is impeccable
[Edited on July 3, 2008 at 8:43 AM. Reason : she's been asleep for a few minutes but i was posting in the horoscope thread ] 7/3/2008 8:42:21 AM
AlliePaige All American 4510 Posts user info edit post |
wow, i am having an awful morning  7/3/2008 9:51:56 AM
Biofreak70 All American 33197 Posts user info edit post |
turn that frown upside down 7/3/2008 9:58:08 AM
AlliePaige All American 4510 Posts user info edit post |
for you? Sure  7/3/2008 10:00:02 AM
ambrosia1231 eeeeeeeeeevil 76471 Posts user info edit post |
oh god
that was terrible! 7/3/2008 10:08:50 AM
Vix All American 8522 Posts user info edit post |
where the fuck is my tool kit?
None of the roommates know where it is, and it's nowhere to be found in the living room
I need to tighten the bolts on this desk with an allen wrench before I put the computer on it 7/3/2008 10:23:06 AM
Skwinkle burritotomyface 19447 Posts user info edit post |
^ Sounds like you live with my old roommates. All my stuff seemed to randomly disappear, but nobody would own up to actually using it. 7/3/2008 10:23:52 AM
marko Tom Joad 72868 Posts user info edit post |
7/3/2008 10:32:27 AM
Skwinkle burritotomyface 19447 Posts user info edit post |
I need to start keeping a spare shirt in my car for the days that I spill coffee on myself, which is about half of them. Or maybe just get a coffee cup that doesn't suck ass. 7/3/2008 10:35:03 AM
Mindstorm All American 15858 Posts user info edit post |
Oh HELL YES! I just spoke with the recruiter at this engineering firm a little more and she said my fall schedule would work out perfectly for them, and they are really looking forward to meeting me for my interview next week.
Hot damn, I bet I'll get that job if I show up at least halfway-communicative for the interview.
Now I have to spend a couple hours preparing to go take care of my brother's pets for the weekend while he enjoys a vacation. It's such a pain in the ass to do get ready to go somewhere once you realize that your entire apartment is a wreck and you need more pants. 7/3/2008 10:45:44 AM
AlliePaige All American 4510 Posts user info edit post |
I really hope the other receptionist can come in and take over today. I really don't feel good at all  7/3/2008 10:47:49 AM
DROD900 All American 24675 Posts user info edit post |
I hope you feel better
7/3/2008 10:50:11 AM
ambrosia1231 eeeeeeeeeevil 76471 Posts user info edit post |
I'm surprised! She hasn't called yet  7/3/2008 10:52:23 AM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
just a few more hours  7/3/2008 10:52:55 AM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
^who you going to smith mountain lake with? that should be fun.
i can't wait to get off and go buy my american flag shirt! 7/3/2008 10:54:11 AM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
Ok well you know how pops has worked for the airlines forever?
Well there is a group of 5 families that have always been relocated together and that's who we're going with. i helped build the lake house we're staying in... its pretty sweet .
Basically i've known these people my entire life...
[Edited on July 3, 2008 at 10:58 AM. Reason : .] 7/3/2008 10:57:41 AM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
right on. 7/3/2008 10:59:31 AM
G.O.D hates 4 lokos 4694 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "oh god
that was terrible!
" |
Quote : | "I'm surprised! She hasn't called yet
" | Don't you know I'm busy? Those A-holes at UNC are keeping me busy. 7/3/2008 11:00:19 AM
AlliePaige All American 4510 Posts user info edit post |
wow. crying at work is not cool 7/3/2008 11:00:27 AM
Skwinkle burritotomyface 19447 Posts user info edit post |
Why do we still call them "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" even though they aren't boys or girls anymore? 7/3/2008 11:03:16 AM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
↑ ↑ ]
7/3/2008 11:03:43 AM
aea All Amurican 5269 Posts user info edit post |
bc manfriend and womanfriend sound odd...
I'm not going to get all this work done before I have to return the ladder :/ 7/3/2008 11:04:01 AM
poopface All American 29367 Posts user info edit post |
can't wait to go to the beach this afternoon
not wanting to tell this story in class  7/3/2008 11:25:43 AM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
At the Food Kitty a few minutes ago:
Scene: I'm standing at the cashier, checking out, wearing a shirt that says nc state
Cashier: "You go to State?"
Me: "I just graduated."
Cashier: "Oh, that's cool.............. A lot of people from State come here."
Me: ... 7/3/2008 12:02:52 PM
bethaleigh All American 18902 Posts user info edit post |
^ Which one? 7/3/2008 12:14:19 PM
ambrosia1231 eeeeeeeeeevil 76471 Posts user info edit post |
pretty soon, I can get a digital camera for free
Too bad annie already has one, so I Can't use that as a birthday present  7/3/2008 12:16:09 PM
ThePeter TWW CHAMPION 37709 Posts user info edit post |
i lol'd 7/3/2008 12:19:10 PM
blah All American 4532 Posts user info edit post |
or you could use "special lady friend" 7/3/2008 12:20:07 PM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
Ranma 1/2 ftw! 7/3/2008 12:22:15 PM
bethaleigh All American 18902 Posts user info edit post |
Yay! My parents are going to the beach after all!  7/3/2008 12:23:54 PM
Vix All American 8522 Posts user info edit post |
I'm hungry
lunch maybe? 7/3/2008 12:24:12 PM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "pretty soon, I can get a digital camera for free" |
My birthday is in October and I do accept early presents  7/3/2008 12:26:01 PM
Vix All American 8522 Posts user info edit post |

7/3/2008 12:29:15 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
9^. the one on avent ferry. some new kid I've never seen.
[Edited on July 3, 2008 at 12:30 PM. Reason : .]
[Edited on July 3, 2008 at 12:42 PM. Reason : oops] 7/3/2008 12:30:22 PM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
the one on food lion?
Avent Ferry maybe? haha 7/3/2008 12:36:14 PM
ambrosia1231 eeeeeeeeeevil 76471 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "My birthday is in October and I do accept early presents " |
Get me a job  7/3/2008 12:39:31 PM
bethaleigh All American 18902 Posts user info edit post |
lol. 7/3/2008 12:39:51 PM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
I, too, would like a job! 7/3/2008 12:51:15 PM
Vix All American 8522 Posts user info edit post |
That hot pocket tasted awful
naptime now probably 7/3/2008 12:52:36 PM
Mindstorm All American 15858 Posts user info edit post |
I'm thinkin 'bout that 190% diabeetus.
I need to pack up and go... 7/3/2008 1:09:09 PM
Skwinkle burritotomyface 19447 Posts user info edit post |
I can't figure out where my speakers are disconnected, but they obviously are somewhere. I want to listen to music! 7/3/2008 1:19:19 PM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
Movin' to North Raleigh today. 7/3/2008 1:20:10 PM