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 Message Boards » » Sidney Lowe credibility watch Page 1 ... 255 256 257 258 [259] 260 261 262 263 ... 290, Prev Next  
All American
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Quote :
"Oh please please please find where I said this?

pretty pretty pretty please find it?!"

what kind of male cunt types like that

1/27/2011 5:12:39 PM

934 Posts
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Dweedle, I want you to pretend for one second that America is a team and you're the coach. Now, let's say it's the 4th quarter and we've got possession but we're down by 5. North Korea has us pinned on our own 15 yard line with 1 second left on the doomsday clock. What are you going to do? That's right! You go long. And the only thing standing between victory and nuclear winter is a successful hail mary. Who you going to give the ball to, bud?

1/27/2011 5:19:07 PM

All American
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i stopped reading when i saw my name capitalized

1/27/2011 5:19:42 PM

934 Posts
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^ as long as you stopped reading

Quote :
"to watch something that you admittedly hate watching"

Tree, please find the post where I "admitted hating watching" our team play, or were you just making this up?

oooh pretty pretty pretty preetty please!!

[Edited on January 27, 2011 at 5:29 PM. Reason : .]

1/27/2011 5:27:59 PM

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you didn't phrase it as such necessarily...hell maybe i'm wrong...after all, your posts reak of someone who just loves watching our team play!

1/27/2011 5:31:45 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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1/27/2011 5:38:04 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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I'll be watching every remaining game and pulling for us just as hard as I did for the season opener. I can and will do this under the impression that Sid is inept. You don't have to pick between the two.

If we went on a miracle run and won the ACC tournament, I'd be the first one to admit I was wrong. Not sure I can say that for the other 'doubters', but it is true for me.

1/27/2011 5:45:29 PM

All American
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If we win the ACC Tournament, I will shit in my hat and wear it until the day Sid is no longer our coach.

1/27/2011 5:48:16 PM

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Quote :
"If we went on a miracle run and won the ACC tournament, I'd be the first one to admit I was wrong"

I thought just yesterday you said that would be the worst thing that could happen and that it would set us back by prolonging the inevitable of firing our shitty coach

hey now = undercover member of the Sid Sunshine Squad

1/27/2011 6:01:04 PM

All American
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my latest

1/27/2011 7:12:05 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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I was referring to an NIT Title, not ACC.

And, ^ LOL

[Edited on January 27, 2011 at 7:15 PM. Reason : f]

1/27/2011 7:14:54 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
"If we win the ACC Tournament, I will shit in my hat and wear it until the day Sid is no longer our coach."

If that happens, I will also become a member of the Sid Shit-hat Squad.

1/27/2011 7:14:55 PM

All American
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i probably missed it... but has there been any discussion about Ryan's fb update yet?

Quote :
""I've swear the wolfpack nation can have some great fans but some others really surprise me. I thought I joined a great family but the true colors are coming out. SMH""

1/27/2011 7:43:03 PM

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I hate our fans

1/27/2011 7:47:40 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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That sucks, Ryan is my favorite player. But this kind of ugliness tends to happen in a probable "dead man walking" coaching situation.

1/27/2011 7:49:46 PM

934 Posts
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Yeah, Harrow pretty much told the fans to get the fuck out of his face and to go get a job

[Edited on January 27, 2011 at 7:51 PM. Reason : .]

1/27/2011 7:51:06 PM

All American
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Quote :
"If we win the ACC Tournament, I will shit in my hat and wear it until the day Sid is no longer our coach."

This should be included in the sports talk prognostications thread just in case.

1/27/2011 7:55:29 PM

All American
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fuck that. you want a fanbase that doesn't give a fuck when the team plays like dogshit and you can go to BC or Clemson or FSU or any of the other empty fucking arenas we have gotten our asses handed to us in recently

1/27/2011 8:33:32 PM

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1/27/2011 8:51:26 PM

All American
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Quote :
"If we win the ACC Tournament, I will shit in my hat and wear it until the day Sid is no longer our coach"


I looked back 2 pages and didn't see this.... Where is this from and who said it?

1/27/2011 8:54:53 PM

148939 Posts
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its on this page

Control + F is your friend

(it was Ernie)

1/27/2011 8:55:55 PM

All American
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I manually scanned this page and didn't see it

Then I CTRL+F'd the previous 2 pages.


I was thinking someone might have edited it out

Regardless, that literally made me laugh

[Edited on January 27, 2011 at 9:00 PM. Reason : ]

1/27/2011 8:59:00 PM

All American
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I have never wanted NCSU to win the ACC Tourney as bad I do now.

1/27/2011 9:02:28 PM

All American
4265 Posts
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tough to see harrow think that...he just needs to grow up and understand that it has nothing to do w/ him..every fan supports can support the soldier and not the war ryan

that being said...let's finish 12-4 in the acc Sid

[Edited on January 27, 2011 at 9:55 PM. Reason : df]

1/27/2011 9:54:31 PM

50085 Posts
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It's lame that I'm friends with Harrow on FB like every single one of you, but if you have been you would realize guy has been emo as hell on there since he committed here. I don't feel bad about criticizing Lowe at all. He makes way too much money for me to feel bad about that...

1/27/2011 9:57:02 PM

best gottfriend
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i'm going to be honest, i would kind of expect better from you ^

1/27/2011 11:07:45 PM

All American
26447 Posts
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Hodge and Evtimov response was that instead of whining on the internet, they need to hit the gym even harder. Those two were embarrassed after losses. They didn't want to be coddled.

1/27/2011 11:27:17 PM

All American
8503 Posts
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all the negativity really has spilled over into the grand scheme of this the re-building period. We're dangerously close to starting over from scratch, which should make all you anarchists happy.

1/28/2011 12:15:19 AM

All American
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Not saying whether I'm for or against Sid, but am curious as to who some realistic replacements could be if he were to leave

1/28/2011 12:20:16 AM

All American
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It would likely be an up-and-comer

Chris Mack
Randy Bennett
Brian Gregory
Donnie Jones
Dave Rose
Gregg Marshall's possible we could steal a young coach from a football school like a Mark Fox or Anthony Grant.

I think in general, it's going to depend on what kind of money Yow decides to throw around. It obviously would take a ton to go after someone like Fox, Grant, Mike Anderson, etc and I doubt that'll happen and/or I'm not sure these guys would want the job.

In all honesty, there aren't really many slam dunk small school candidates. Much better pickings last coaching search

The first two we'll approach will be Barnes and Miller, but I don't see either happening

[Edited on January 28, 2011 at 12:40 AM. Reason : ]

1/28/2011 12:28:07 AM

All American
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obviously our coach will only be good if he has cancer so dave rose is the ideal candidate

minus that whole phi slamma jamma thing

1/28/2011 12:32:19 AM

All American
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Dave Rose is allegedly cancer free

1/28/2011 12:35:32 AM

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1/28/2011 2:02:59 AM

best gottfriend
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Quote :
"Not saying whether I'm for or against Sid, but am curious as to who some realistic replacements could be if he were to leave"

i'm also not saying whether i'm for or against sid, b/c i really don't know, but i find it amazing how many people seem to be under the impression that the only way to hire a coach is to get a guy that's already made two elite 8s in a power conference.

the next coach could be anyone. fuck, hire bill self's top assistant. just b/c you, the casual college basketball fan, don't know who he is doesn't make him a bad hire.

1/28/2011 7:23:55 AM

50085 Posts
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Quote :
"i'm going to be honest, i would kind of expect better from you ^"

I don't think I was too off point there. It's a big money business. If someone isn't getting the job done, you fix it -- and the feelings of 18 and 19 year old kids shouldn't have anything to do with it.

I'm sure once they get a bit older and (hopefully) start earning a paycheck playing a game, they'll understand that it's juts business.

[Edited on January 28, 2011 at 8:18 AM. Reason : but yeah, i had 5 or 6 pints before posting that -- oops]

1/28/2011 8:16:58 AM

All American
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twitter and facebook status updates are so stupid

1/28/2011 8:24:58 AM

934 Posts
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ahaha love the "stop whining" audio on this page

1/28/2011 9:21:24 AM

Wolfman Tim
All American
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Quote :
"obviously our coach will only be good if he has cancer so dave rose is the ideal candidate"

Amato had cancer

1/28/2011 10:23:20 AM

All American
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wasn't that after he left

1/28/2011 10:23:44 AM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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Quote :
"I don't think I was too off point there. It's a big money business. If someone isn't getting the job done, you fix it -- and the feelings of 18 and 19 year old kids shouldn't have anything to do with it.

I'm sure once they get a bit older and (hopefully) start earning a paycheck playing a game, they'll understand that it's juts business."

no no no, i meant i would've expected you to be above friending ryan harrow on facebook.

1/28/2011 11:13:17 AM

934 Posts
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So what's the next step here? Are we planning to skip right over the "Fire Sidney Lowe" thread and go straight to the "Who is gonna be the new coach" thread? Is it dependent on the outcome of tomorrows game?

[Edited on January 28, 2011 at 11:31 AM. Reason : glory glory hallelujah!]

1/28/2011 11:29:47 AM

All American
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I think this is the "Fire Sidney Lowe Thread"

1/28/2011 11:55:44 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Is it dependent on the outcome of tomorrows game?"

Honestly at this point I think it is almost more damning if we happen to win this game and then proceed to go back to losing after that (that is if carolina is a decent team). That would really point to motivation being the real issue with this team.

1/29/2011 9:23:53 AM

All American
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^ damn good point. winning this game, especially by ANY kind of respectable margin just makes all the other losses worse to me

1/29/2011 9:25:16 AM

All American
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Provided Carolina is any good (they haven't played a stellar ACC schedule so far) and provided we go back to losing afterwards. It wouldn't make me feel bad about the previous losses if the team "gets it" after this game.

1/29/2011 9:35:45 AM

All American
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^^so you're saying this game is a lose-lose?

1/29/2011 11:26:49 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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Perhaps only in a let's go for the first overall pick in the NFL draft type scenario. Of course that did backfire on the Panthers.

1/29/2011 11:33:49 AM

All American
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[Edited on January 29, 2011 at 12:26 PM. Reason : f]

1/29/2011 12:26:45 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^^so you're saying this game is a lose-lose?"

For the Lowe critics isn't every game? Right now our loss to Clemson on their home court isn't looking that bad...

1/29/2011 12:29:18 PM

10517 Posts
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Quote :
"all the negativity really has spilled over into the grand scheme of this the re-building period. We're dangerously close to starting over from scratch, which should make all you anarchists happy."

If we have a team that can be so easily shaken by some dickbags on a message board, I think that says something about the state of the team.

I guess this is why teams in New York never win! All the negativity in the fans and media hurts their poor feelings.

Also, you're probably trolling.

1/29/2011 12:34:58 PM

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