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All American
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^Oh yeah they are releasing Unreal 3 for 360 and ps3 arn't they? 3 months after the PC version is released. Can't wait on that. Gears of war was based on that engine. Gonna be sweet.

[Edited on July 19, 2007 at 4:11 PM. Reason : .]

7/19/2007 4:10:47 PM

All American
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Well although this may contradict my earlier statement....a twitch first person mutiplayer shooter like UT3 has way more value on the PC platform than either console regardless of situation. Between the mod community and online community - it really has never translated off of PC platform. Neither has many big name FPS's, Whether it's UT, Id intellectual property (Quake/Doom), Half Life, CounterStrike/Team Fortres. MMO or RTS for that matter too have real problems outside that native PC platform.

I'll give you Little Big Planet - I wanna play that thing. Uncharted I know very little about, and Heavenly Sword has a high chance of being close to the console's God of War. Like God of War 2.5. Lair and Warhawk are toss-ups but it would be nice if 1 out of 2 of them got really high marks.

See the 80gig 499.99 is better, but I haven't heard it announced, nor am I thrilled at all that it isn't as backwards compatible b/c they yanked the emotion chip out.

How easy is it to swap drives in there, and does it work with any HDD?

7/19/2007 4:26:31 PM

All American
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It's very simple and it will take pretty much any SATA laptop hard drive. You can also connect external USB drives too it.

I've already said all I'm gonna say about software emulation, but the general consensus is that unless you're buying a PS3 for the specific purpose of playing all your old PS2 games on it, then it's not something you need to worry about.

7/19/2007 4:33:18 PM

All American
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Quote :
"DoA - seriously? a generic fighting game but with titties...come on"

Some people like their fighting games a little quicker than Tekken and whatever the hell the other one on the Playstation is. Christ, you move like a sloth in those games.

Quote :
"Top Spin - not a console seller"

"Yeah man, I just gotta play Motorstorm. Gonna buy a PS3 today just for that."

7/19/2007 6:27:21 PM

All American
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Motorstorm is f'ing awesome.

Seriously, you trolls need to get a life. Aren't you the littlest bit ashamed that you have nothing better to do than to come in a PS3 thread and try to shit on us Get a fucking life, good lord!

honestly, isn't it funny that people from the PS3 thread aren't in the xbox thread talking shit? We don't fucking care about one system doing better. We're just talking about the games. Glad you enjoy your 360s and that you're happy with your purchase. But if you're really that happy, why do you have to try and make yourselves feel better by shitting in our thread? Get a fucking life.

If you get bored away from being a cock ass, here's an article for you to read:;title;0

"Microsoft's game division suffers $1.89B shortfall"
Quote :
"Entertainment and Devices Division sees a 47 percent increase in its annual operating loss, thanks to $1.06 billion in warranty-extension costs and slowing 360 sales."

Back on topic: Hope something good comes out on the store today. Looks like Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is coming to the store as a PS1 port:

Also looks like they are planning to do something more than just adding rumble to the new PS3 controller:

Quote :
"In a new interview published today, Sony Computer Entertainment's global President Kaz Hirai said that rumble is "obviously" being looked at now that legal issues with Immersion are out of the way, and then added: "We're also looking at a variety of other things that we can incorporate with the controller, and we'll come out with announcements when we think we have the right mix of features.""

[Edited on July 19, 2007 at 7:35 PM. Reason : .]

7/19/2007 7:34:50 PM

Burn it all down.
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I like the ps3 and motorstorm has fucking amazing graphics. I just think Sony really dropped the ball and because of that the ps3 will never be as popular as the ps2 and will lose the console war.

7/19/2007 7:39:57 PM

no u
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Castlevania: SotN on the PSN Store for $10

think imma get that

7/19/2007 8:14:56 PM

All American
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yeah, im waiting on a 2nd controller til the new ones come out

7/20/2007 7:28:09 AM

All American
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^^ How is Castlevania? I actually never played it on PS and heard it was good. How does it look on the ps3?

7/20/2007 9:02:36 AM

no u
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haven't actually bought it yet

waiting for the weekend when i'll actually have time to play

7/20/2007 9:14:19 AM

All American
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[Edited on July 20, 2007 at 11:15 AM. Reason : ,.]

7/20/2007 11:11:12 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I just think Sony really dropped the ball and because of that the ps3 will never be as popular as the ps2 and will lose the console war."

Who is to say nintendo didn't drop the ball with their console? Or microsoft? Both have issues (lack of quality games/sub-par graphics on the nintendo, a billion bucks worth of past and future console failures for microsoft) that could ultimately lead to the downfall of the consoles. Hell, nintendo has flat out said they probably won't be able to produce enough for the holiday season, which could lead to people buying MS or Sony instead to fulfill wishlists.

It's awfully early to say sony is going to lose when they're on pace with the 360.

7/20/2007 2:28:40 PM

All American
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BigMan157, i love those 10$ games i haven't been disappointed by any of them.

PS, i just ordered! looks amazing! i can't wait for it to get here

[Edited on July 20, 2007 at 2:36 PM. Reason : ps]

7/20/2007 2:29:20 PM

All American
17452 Posts
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Didn't know if there was a thread for Rainbow Six: Las Vegas but....

But I got this for PS3 last week after I had it on preorder for seemingly a year before they finally released it....and I am really disappointed. I usually love Tom Clancy games, but for some reason or another I don't like this game.


7/21/2007 12:15:51 AM

All American
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everyone post your psn names or whatever...


7/21/2007 11:08:20 AM

Mr E Nigma
All American
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I think it is DerekL

7/21/2007 2:11:53 PM

All American
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7/21/2007 2:55:55 PM

All American
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7/21/2007 3:34:56 PM

All American
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7/21/2007 7:13:33 PM

All American
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lets keep the list together and just keep adding on...

guitarguy - guitarguy316
Mr E Nigma - DerekL
philihp - philihp
goalielax - goalielax
FanatiK - FlashFlooder

7/21/2007 7:38:20 PM

All American
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7/21/2007 7:40:58 PM

Squishie Enthusiast
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sure makes it easier than having to give people a 60 digit long friend ID.

7/21/2007 8:44:11 PM

All American
19842 Posts
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Yeah, all 6 of you really dodged a bullet there.

7/22/2007 3:16:48 AM

Burn it all down.
18389 Posts
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^ wins the thread

7/22/2007 9:52:25 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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^loses at life

7/22/2007 12:13:21 PM

Burn it all down.
18389 Posts
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Out of all the ps3 bashers in this thread...I'm the one that actually likes the ps3..I just like bashing the shit outta Sony because they fucked up

7/22/2007 12:15:56 PM

All American
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why did they fuck up? please tell me how selling the same amount of consoles as the 360 has in the release period can be a fuck up? how can bringing the blu-ray to the front of HD be a fuck up?

let's see...a bigger fuckup? selling well or taking a $1B loss for severe hardware failures?
bigger fuckup? only having a few good games or having zero good games (yes you wii)?

i seriously can't wait for mario galaxy to come out...then maybe your depression over spending $300 on a gimmick will get you out of this thread

[Edited on July 22, 2007 at 12:25 PM. Reason : .]

7/22/2007 12:25:08 PM

Burn it all down.
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Yes, Microsoft fucked up by rushing the system out of the gates. The hardware wasn't perfect yet and as such, they had to extend the warranties and take a loss. However, in rushing the system, the managed to get a massive head start on Sony and guess, they knew damn well what they were doing.

And yes, Sony has sold the same amount of PS3s as XBox's in the same amount of time, but lets take a look at this and see if it really matters. Sony has about 4 million consoles out right now, Microsoft is at 10 million. Any major developer is going to be extremely hesitant about releasing a PS3 exclusive, when the XBox has such a large lead already. The fact that the PS3 is selling at the exact same rate isn't that big of deal when your rival had a year head start.

Yes, I will admit, the Wii doesn't have that many AAA games out right. However, they played their cards the best in this. They waited until their hardware was ready to release it as well as releasing information about the console in small enough amounts to generate huge amounts of buzz. This created huge hype behind the Wii along with the low price point which made it so people were buying the system without realizing "hey, what do I do when I get tired of the minigames" In the meantime, they have enough killer titles in development to keep people interested.

In all honesty, the PS3 has the potential to be the best system out there. The Wii has the potential to be the most creative. However in terms of what company did the best with their business plans


[Edited on July 22, 2007 at 12:43 PM. Reason : a]

7/22/2007 12:39:35 PM

All American
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i keep hearing about the ps3 owners being above bashing other consoles, but i've yet to see that practiced.

7/22/2007 12:40:33 PM

All American
16417 Posts
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Quote :
"i seriously can't wait for mario galaxy to come out"

how many games are you waiting for?

7/22/2007 12:40:50 PM

All American
19842 Posts
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How do you feel at all justified bashing the Wii for having a shitty game catalog while defending the PS3s, especially while talking about Wii owners being depressed for paying too much money before any decent games came out? It's the very definition of the pot calling the kettle black.

God knows I'd rather spend $250 for mini-games than $600 for something with no games. I realize you seem to be a little too old to realize the fun of a Wii in the "drunken college" demographic, but that's a mini-game goldmine and we happen to be on a website of primarily college-aged people.

[Edited on July 22, 2007 at 12:45 PM. Reason : .]

7/22/2007 12:45:02 PM

All American
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Quote :
"However, in rushing the system, the managed to get a massive head start on Sony and guess, they knew damn well what they were doing."

Not really, the Wii is only about a million consoles sold behind the 360. It will easily catch up and pass it by this coming holiday season. Not to mention the fact the 360 has sold less than half a million units in Japan, where the Wii and PS3 have sold 3 million and 1 million units respectively in less than half the time.

Look, you can tout the Wii all you want, but the fact is, Nintendo has all but given up going after hardcore gamers. That was more than obvious after it's biggest attraction at E3 was a fucking Balance Board and a fitness game. Here's the problem though, most of the people who have bought the Wii so far, are gamers. People who have previously not been into games only start playing the Wii after someone else in the household brings it in. Which means, like I've been saying from the start, the only reason for the Wii's success thus far is price and perhaps a little morbid curiosity to try something new. In other words, its success won't last. I mean, have you seen some of the current and upcoming third party games for the Wii? They look like 3 year old PS2 games. At the end of the day, the Wii isn't going to fair much better than the Gamecube. It'll have a number of classic first party games (which is why I bought it) and that's it. The fad will die off and people with HDTVs (over 30% of households and growing) will want to feed them something other than 480p.

IMO, the 360 missed it's chance to take over the market. The Wii's launch hurt it way more than the PS3 because as you know, usually the second X-mas after a launch is when a console really takes off (or doesn't). The Wii kept the 360 from doing that and amid dwindling sales, loss of consumer confidence due to faulty hardware, and a game lineup that really doesn't excite anyone other than FPS fans, it's in serious trouble.

The PS3 has a lot to prove as well, but it had the strongest E3 of any of the consoles and let's say even half it's upcoming games turn out to be hits, it'll be in a very good position to get right back into the mix. It's already started to beat out the 360 in sales after the price drop ( ) and is starting to sell out at retailers across the nation. All Sony has to do is deliver the games it touted at E3, keep the price under $500, and come March of next year, we'll be looking at a completely different picture. Also, I havn't even mentioned Blu-ray, and the effect PS3 has had on that war.

^,^^You know what's funny? Between the 2 of you, you've pirated every single game available for the 360 and Wii. Yet, I've never seen you play more than a couple of them for any significant amount of time. How do you feel justified for bashing the PS3s library when you have in your possession the entire library of the other two consoles, yet don't even play them?

[Edited on July 22, 2007 at 2:37 PM. Reason : :]

7/22/2007 2:35:54 PM

All American
19842 Posts
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Quote :
"^,^^You know what's funny? Between the 2 of you, you've pirated every single game available for the 360 and Wii. Yet, I've never seen you play more than a couple of them for any significant amount of time. How do you feel justified for bashing the PS3s library when you have in your possession the entire library of the other two consoles, yet don't even play them?"

I use the 360 as a media extender. Something its proven more capable than the PS3 as at nearly half the price.

7/22/2007 2:56:08 PM

Burn it all down.
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Quote :
"Nintendo has all but given up going after hardcore gamers."

Aww, someone can quote article titles on slashdot. Good for you!. Just curious, have you ever seen a Smash Bros. tournament in Bragraw...those fuckers go at it hardcore. Just because they're diversifying with stuff outside the normal spectrum of games doesn't mean they've given up.

Quote :
Not really, the Wii is only about a million consoles sold behind the 360."

No one was predicting the success of the Wii. The PS3 will be hardpressed to catch up to the 360.

Quote :
"I mean, have you seen some of the current and upcoming third party games for the Wii? They look like 3 year old PS2 games. "

High end graphics != how good the game is. I still play Super Mario 3 on occasion. The Wii Zelda game was fucking amazing too. I care about gameplay and not graphics. Does Generic Shooter 12 for the PS3 look better than RE4 for the Wii...hell yes, but RE4 is a damn better game

Quote :
"At the end of the day, the Wii isn't going to fair much better than the Gamecube"

Ahahahaha. Really? You believe that?

7/22/2007 3:00:22 PM

All American
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^Dude, the only 2 games you mentioned were Super Smash Brothers and Super Mario 3. You just proved my point. Nintendo isn't going to win back the market on the strength of first party games. They've been trying that for 10 years now. It's not going to happen. Yes, Super Smash Brothers fans will be buying it. Yes, Mario Kart fans will buy it. Unfortunately, neither of those comprise the majority of gamers. And as I pointed it, as much as Nintendo is trying, non-gamers still aren't buying the Wii. 1st party games didn't save the Gamecube from finishing last. Show me one 3rd party Wii game that looks like it'll be a hit, or has any amount of hype, and then we'll talk about Nintendo taking back the console market. Hell, you mentioned Resident Evil 4. You know what console Resident Evil 5 is going to be on? Not the Wii.

Quote :
"The PS3 will be hardpressed to catch up to the 360."

Did you even click that link? It's already starting to catch up.

Quote :
"High end graphics != how good the game is. I still play Super Mario 3 on occasion. The Wii Zelda game was fucking amazing too. I care about gameplay and not graphics. Does Generic Shooter 12 for the PS3 look better than RE4 for the Wii...hell yes, but RE4 is a damn better game"

Fine, I agree, graphics aren't everything. Unfortunately, when it comes to selling games and consoles, its more or less the #1 factor. It has been ever since 3d was invented and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. People buying HDTVs aren't going to want to play Super Mario 3 on it.

[Edited on July 22, 2007 at 3:15 PM. Reason : :]

7/22/2007 3:14:00 PM

All American
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how long until people with hdtvs realize there is a lack of content. it doesnt seem like it takes a sane person more than two weeks to realize inhd sucks balls.

7/22/2007 3:17:14 PM

All American
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Just want to say that if high-end graphics were important, the PS2 wouldn't be one of the top selling consoles of all time.

7/22/2007 3:20:12 PM

Burn it all down.
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Quote :
"Show me one 3rd party Wii game that looks like it'll be a hit, or has any amount of hype, and then we'll talk about Nintendo taking back the console market."

Destroy All Humans
Manhunt 2
No More Heroes
RE: Umbrella Chronicles
Trauma Center
Puzzle Quest

thats just off the top of my head

Quote :
Fine, I agree, graphics aren't everything. Unfortunately, when it comes to selling games and consoles, its more or less the #1 factor."

Really? I mean Really?

PS2 vs PS3
Wii vs All

[Edited on July 22, 2007 at 3:29 PM. Reason : a]

7/22/2007 3:27:43 PM

All American
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^I hope you're not serious about those games. I think even you can admit that list is absolutely laughable compared to the 3rd party titles coming to the PS3 and 360. Trauma Center? Are you fucking serious?

But really, if you're gonna argue the fact that graphics are the first thing someone notices when they look at a game for the first time, just leave this thread now. You're only argument for about 3 pages now has been "lol the Wii is outselling the PS3". We know this, I'm saying it's not going to last. You have yet to point a single reason why I'm not right.

Quote :
"DS vs PSP"

Let's go ahead and dispel the myth that the DS is blowing the PSP out of the water. 45 to 22 million worldwide. Barely 2:1. The US sales figures are only 13 million to 8 million. For a price difference of over a hundred dollars, thats very very respectable. Keep in mind, Nintendo is an established name in mobile gaming whereas Sony is just starting. They've done damn well for their first attempt.

7/22/2007 3:52:40 PM

Burn it all down.
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Yes, I am serious about those games, I'm looking forward to all of them.

Ok fine, take DS vs PSP outta the picture. Graphics are not the number 1 choice in choosing a system, I would say its third.

1. Price
2. Library of games out as well as games that are in development
3. Graphics

And um, yeah, I've done more than say..."hey, the wii is outselling the crap outta the ps3". I've been pretty agreed that the software selection for the Wii isn't really great right now and that yeah, its been a minigame gimmick for the for the past couple months. Read my post, they're actually relatively articulate.

[Edited on July 22, 2007 at 4:01 PM. Reason : a]

7/22/2007 3:57:35 PM

All American
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Well I really wasn't including price when I mentioned graphics as the #1 decider, because I was basing it on the merits of the game itself (graphics, gameplay, sound, replayability, multiplayer, etc...). But that's fine, lets go with what you said : Price, Library, and Graphics.

Price is by far in the Wii's corner, no one can dispute. I'll be fair and say current library is more or less a draw, but based on E3, the PS3 is poised to pull ahead in that department. The PS3s wins big time in graphics. So, going by your criteria, all the PS3 has to do is drop in price and the tide of this thing will start to swing in it's favor? That's pretty much what I've been saying all along. We're 8 months into this "war", nothing has been decided yet.

[Edited on July 22, 2007 at 4:10 PM. Reason : :]

7/22/2007 4:09:03 PM

Burn it all down.
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Quote :
"So, going by your criteria, all the PS3 has to do is drop in price and the tide of this thing will start to swing in it's favor?"

Perhaps, the lead that Microsoft has right now is going to hurt the PS3 from getting exclusives. Which is why I suggested that Microsoft, even though they took a 1billion dollar hit, they got a nice lead on the PS3.

Current Library, XBox 360 wins by far. Although, I, like many I know, have never owned a gamecube in their lives, so right now I'm enjoying gamecube games on the wii as well as Wii games.

Also I agree that this war really isn't decided yet, however, by next Christmas, odds are it will be.

Also Sony has stated very specifically, they're on a 10 year plan for this system. Since the Wii was so cheap, I can easily see them producing a Wii version 2, which is compatible with the Wii games as well as having a standard controller and a very high end graphics card within the next 5 years.

[Edited on July 22, 2007 at 4:17 PM. Reason : a]

7/22/2007 4:17:37 PM

All American
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Anyone who believes that 10 year thing means it will be their only/best console is fooling themselves. i dont understand how anyone who can actually save 600$ to buy a ps3 could be so naive. yeah they supported the ps1 for a long time BUT IT WAS FUCKING OLD AND NOBODY PLAYED IT.

7/22/2007 5:17:05 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Sony has about 4 million consoles out right now, Microsoft is at 10 million. Any major developer is going to be extremely hesitant about releasing a PS3 exclusive, when the XBox has such a large lead already. The fact that the PS3 is selling at the exact same rate isn't that big of deal when your rival had a year head start."

By this argument, all developers should only develop exclusive to the Gameboy, which has sold more than 150 million units.

7/22/2007 6:26:25 PM

All American
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if im not mistaken, i believe handhelds have a lower game purchasing rate though.

7/22/2007 6:33:40 PM

All American
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I'm gonna preface this buy saying I've never heard of Play Magazine, nor can I comment at all on the reputation of their publications. However, they gave Lair a 9.0/10 in the first review of the final retail game.

[Edited on July 22, 2007 at 6:37 PM. Reason : :]

7/22/2007 6:36:59 PM

no u
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so when does warhawk release, i missing playing the beta

7/22/2007 6:48:46 PM

All American
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Uhm, it's gonna be released August 28 in stores, bundled with a Bluetooth Headset for 59.99. It's also getting released on the Playstaton Store for digital distribution, but I'm not sure if that'll be before or after the retail release, or what the price will be.

7/22/2007 7:15:30 PM

All American
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They gave Viva Pinata and Kameo 9.5s

(Not combined)

[Edited on July 22, 2007 at 7:33 PM. Reason : .]

7/22/2007 7:32:12 PM

All American
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kameo was fun. i dont know why everyone shitted on it.

7/22/2007 7:59:47 PM

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