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All American
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^^I think he does a time lapse. It's real though. Those blenders are insane.

4/7/2010 9:21:22 PM

All American
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The ABC player app seems to be back to working again...I guess it was an issue with their service yesterday?

4/7/2010 9:50:34 PM

All American
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Lol just realized that clicking the USA today logo in their app let's you switch between their different sections. Sports, Money, USA Today and Life.

4/7/2010 10:38:34 PM

4833 Posts
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USA today app crashes instantly for me now.

4/7/2010 11:01:46 PM

All American
13716 Posts
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Quote :
"Just downloaded goodreader for 99 cents

Paired with drop box and some PDFs (books), this device is awesome"

thanks for the tip... i didn't know that it could be tied with dropbox... that just got me interested.

4/7/2010 11:03:00 PM

All American
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Thats the one app that has never crashed for me and I use it daily.

4/7/2010 11:03:24 PM

All American
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^the one app that has never crashed? Geez.

And an ancillary note; why didn't they make it with one of those double USB cords to you can use it an charge it at the same time?

4/7/2010 11:08:07 PM

All American
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^ many of these are brand new apps... gotta give them a little time to work out the quirks. as far as the cables, i'd guess it's just because they already manufacture those iphone/ipod/ipad cables in volume, so they have no economic incentive to change for now.

4/7/2010 11:09:45 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^the one app that has never crashed? Geez."

I was exaggerating a little...a bunch of the apps I have haven't crashed but USA Today is one of the few that gets the most use so I would expect to experience a crash or two with it but haven't yet.

Quote :
"And an ancillary note; why didn't they make it with one of those double USB cords to you can use it an charge it at the same time?"

I'm not sure I follow? Oh you mean the dock connector a USB port instead?

[Edited on April 7, 2010 at 11:23 PM. Reason : .]

4/7/2010 11:22:39 PM

All American
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Downloaded Mirrors Edge last night. I would definitely recommend that to anyone...very well done and the controls are very well implemented.

4/8/2010 10:39:27 AM

All American
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$260. Apples making bank.

4/8/2010 11:29:32 AM

32613 Posts
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because the component cost is clearly the only cost for manufacturing such a device

4/8/2010 11:31:22 AM

All American
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^^Welcome to yesterday

^careful, you don't want to be labeled a fanboy and that apple isn't a non-profit etc because you used common sense

4/8/2010 11:32:14 AM

All American
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^^obviously. i'm just pointing out Apples making money.

4/8/2010 11:35:45 AM

All American
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o really

4/8/2010 11:37:46 AM

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4/8/2010 11:45:02 AM

All American
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4/8/2010 11:55:48 AM

6218 Posts
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so then what is an acceptable margin on this product?

4/8/2010 12:39:45 PM

32613 Posts
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20% + all the money they make from selling shit via iTunes should be sufficient

[Edited on April 8, 2010 at 12:42 PM. Reason : asdf]

4/8/2010 12:41:34 PM

All American
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Whatever people are willing to pay

4/8/2010 12:44:07 PM

32613 Posts
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obvious answer

4/8/2010 12:44:48 PM

All American
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You would think but it seems to be a lost concept on most of tech talk.

4/8/2010 12:46:40 PM

All American
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I am really digging this thing. It has become my go-to device all around the house (yes especially on the throne)

My top apps for the moment are

Plants vs Zombies HD

Even the simple act of checking my mail and responding is completely transformed. I'm glad I had an excuse to get one.

4/8/2010 1:06:33 PM

New Recruit
2 Posts
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edit post Are Available in the NCSU D. H. Hill Library, 5:30 p.m. Today. 30 will be available for 4 hour loan.

4/8/2010 1:35:04 PM

76471 Posts
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I just realized that the < and > around the email address in what I posted on the last page...dur.

Quote :
"If you just bought/use an iPad and you are interested in a paid study next week email me ASAP, I need 3 or 4 people (2hours $150). Thanks!"

Patty Snow

4/8/2010 4:12:05 PM

All American
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Who should we say sent us?

4/8/2010 4:20:07 PM

76471 Posts
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I'll PM you my name.

4/8/2010 4:46:31 PM

56200 Posts
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^ does the person have to be in Raleigh?

4/8/2010 7:14:27 PM

10253 Posts
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i finally got to play with one for an extended period of time

i was really surprised how easy the touch screen keyboard was

i loved Safari, watched some NHL highlights and checked the Masters action live

and i also had a chance to use the kindle app, and all my skepticism for using the iPad as an eBook reader vanished instantly. I had always thought that reading on a device that was backlit would be a problem, even though between work and personal stuff i end up reading off a monitor 10 hours a day -- after turning the brightness down on the iPad, reading on it was amazing. I could see myself reading on it for extended periods of time.

30 minutes went by in a flash when I played Plants vs. Zombies HD

tried netflix and it seemed pretty cool, but it wasn't my account so i didn't have anything super awesome at my disposal...also, it feels like they rushed to meet the launch date, because cramming the browser in there to manage your queue feels awkward. i was expecting an interface more like the one on the Xbox -- it's nice being able to search for titles on the same device, but it gets crammed listing all the titles, not just the ones available for instant watch. though i guess its worth it being able to manage your instant queue and your mail queue all in one place.

i didn't get a chance to check out any streaming video apps, but if they are anything like the results im getting with the app for the iphone it almost justifies the purchase of an iPad by itself.

I really want to wait until they release the second gen iPad, but I don't know if I'm going to make it. Just having it around the house to surf on when I need, watching videos (and streaming sports), reading books...and who knows what the gaming market on it is going to be like.

this thing is legit, can't wait to see what developers do with it

[Edited on April 8, 2010 at 7:44 PM. Reason : oh, and i bet the iPad + slingbox = awesometown]

4/8/2010 7:41:51 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I really want to wait until they release the second gen iPad, but I don't know if I'm going to make it."

don't know what your disposable income is like but I assure you will get your moneys worth between now and gen 2.

I literally haven't stopped using it except when I'm asleep. I use it at work all day and when I get home. Its great to take into meetings and take notes instead of dragging in a pad and paper or my 17" MBP

[Edited on April 8, 2010 at 7:57 PM. Reason : .]

4/8/2010 7:56:41 PM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"^ does the person have to be in Raleigh?

You can always email and ask. What I posted is all of the information I have.

[Edited on April 8, 2010 at 8:46 PM. Reason : df]

4/8/2010 8:44:56 PM

56200 Posts
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Day1 of trying to introduce the iPad to a 73 year old didn't go as smooth as I had hoped.

4/9/2010 1:38:52 AM

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4/9/2010 8:14:35 AM

All American
3666 Posts
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I tried one at the apple store and I have to admit, it's a unique experience. I'm starting to appreciate how easy it is to use this device, versus a standard PC or Mac. I can see my grandmother using one of these.

That said, it's no laptop. I would not want to use an iPad to type anything longer than a text message, or play a game that requred more input than a single tap every so often, or do any kind of office work.

4/9/2010 10:35:56 AM

All American
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^you'd be surprised how easy it is to use the keyboard after some use. Typing in landscape is almost as easy as a real keyboard even without looking down at the keys.

4/9/2010 11:14:16 AM

All American
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It hurt my wrists to type anything on it. Even tried having my GF hold it for me, but the fact is there is no wide bezel to support the wrists. Not that I would expect them to make the bezel big enough for that, but people who say "It's easy to type on" are wrong.

4/9/2010 11:25:23 AM

All American
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I don't know about any of that. My wrists are fine but I do use the apple case so it sits inclined and it's a joy to type on.

Also I imagine since you tried it at the apple store that your wrists hurt not because of a lack of wrist support due to the device design but rather due to how you were using it. I've seen the apple displays and they're setup on a low table. Standing and typing on a surface of that height would not only hurt my wrists but my back as well. Give it another go while sitting down at a desk or sitting down with it on your lap.

When I use it in meetings typing is very easy and comfortable and I'm sitting down at a conference table.

[Edited on April 9, 2010 at 11:37 AM. Reason : .]

4/9/2010 11:34:03 AM

All American
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the apple case really makes a difference when it comes to typing

yea its overpriced as hell, but it's made all the difference having the device propped up on the desk

4/9/2010 1:06:52 PM

All American
13361 Posts
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Lets be real.

Its a glass surface. There is no tactile feedback. You just have to get used to it.

Its not exceptional, its not horrible. Its just typing on a flat surface.

4/9/2010 1:11:15 PM

All American
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i thought we were talking about wrists hurting

4/9/2010 1:16:02 PM

All American
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Eh wrists can hurt from typing on any device, depending on how you orient it.

4/9/2010 1:18:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"yea its overpriced as hell, but it's made all the difference having the device propped up on the desk"

overpriced, yes...but then I saw the incase one...$60! suddenly made the Apple one seem like a better buy.

Actually the Apple one is still the better buy after looking more closely at the quality of the incase.

4/9/2010 1:30:26 PM

All American
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No comparison makes the Apple case worth anywhere near 40 bucks.

19.99 max

4/9/2010 2:04:42 PM

All American
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Quote :
"suddenly made the Apple one seem like a better buy."

iPad cost: $499 min.
Case cost: $39 min.

Case options range from $39 - $60+

I said the Apple case was the better buy. Not buying a case was not an option for me.

4/9/2010 2:15:09 PM

All American
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I wasn't arguing your post, merely appending it. Just because there are more expensive, shittier cases, doesn't make Apples expensive, shitty case anymore worth what they charge.

That was my point.

4/9/2010 2:41:38 PM

All American
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my bad

4/9/2010 2:42:01 PM

All American
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all good man, my response does come off as a retort now that I re-read it.

4/9/2010 2:57:36 PM

56200 Posts
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This might be a stupid question but can you subscribe to a podcast on an iPad? Or do you have to manually get them or connect to your desktop and sync to get them?

4/9/2010 5:25:10 PM

All American
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^i would assume it's the same as the ipod/iphone. You just navigate to itunes and pick your podcasts and it'll play them live or download them for you.

4/9/2010 5:27:30 PM

All American
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This is interesting. I like the way this developer is going about it. I might have to download it later and give it a shot.

^^ you have to go through iTunes on the iPad just like any other audio, video content.

Also, I mentioned some 4.0 features are already on iPad. one being that you can create playlists in the iPod app without having to create them in iTunes and then sync (and not on the go playlists either).

Spellcheck is another one thats already included in the iPad.

Custom background...among a few others that I can't think of right now...

[Edited on April 9, 2010 at 5:30 PM. Reason : .]

4/9/2010 5:27:31 PM

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