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Forgetful Jones
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i have good news for you BoBo...the Bush Administration will leave the White House in will get change

9/17/2008 12:38:48 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^^he doesn't get that specific when he dodges questions...that doesnt change the fact that "hope and change" have become a joke (not that they had any substance to begin with)"

You made a statement and it is time you back it up.

9/17/2008 12:41:04 PM

Forgetful Jones
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i said i'd be glad to once you met your conditions

Quote :
"Everything else: I was a POW"

i'm still waiting for you to prove that McCain has responded to everything else (aside from healthcare and housing problem) with "I was a POW"

come on nutsmackr, time for you to back up your claim

besides, if you cant recall obama answering questions about health care, the economy, etc with "we need a change from the bush administration" then you're being the willfully ignorant partisan hack that you always are, and you simply can't accept that your golden boy candidate could possibly be guilty of the same hypocrisy that all politicians are guilty of

9/17/2008 12:43:51 PM

All American
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I guess you didn't read that part about his music tastes, the keating 5, his carpetbagging, etc.

Just admit you are wrong.

9/17/2008 12:47:03 PM

Forgetful Jones
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i gave you a set of conditions to meet before i gave my answer

you havent met your conditions, plain and simple

so find where he has answered "everything else" with "I am a POW" like you claimed...or maybe you know its impossible to address "everything"...well maybe you shouldve thought of that before you lied and claimed he had answered everything with that answer...maybe you shouldve thought of that

9/17/2008 12:49:09 PM

All American
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Lord have mercy. I guess it is a good thing that McCain didn't use the POW excuse for why is 24 year old daughter is unemployed, otherwise Twista wouldn't have something to think he won on.

The point still stands, I have provided many instances in which McCain was caught in a bind and used the POW card, where as you have not once found one instance of Obama being in a bind and using the "hope and change" card.

You are grasping at straws. Why can't you take your owning like a man?

9/17/2008 12:52:17 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"I have provided many instances in which McCain was caught in a bind and used the POW card, where as you have not once found one instance of Obama being in a bind and using the "hope and change" card."

A. you have not found enough instances to meet your original made the claim, you are not able to meet it

B. you are willfully ignorant to the fact that many of Obama's answers regarding his policies simply call for a "change" from the Bush administration...if you don't realize that, apparently you aren't smart enough to use google

9/17/2008 12:56:00 PM

All American
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You would think that by this point in time a few of you might come to realize just how absurd you are sounding. It's also quite curious that everyone that this comment applies to, supports McCain.

How does the corner feel?


[Edited on September 17, 2008 at 12:59 PM. Reason : -]

9/17/2008 12:56:57 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"It's also quite curious that everyone that this comment applies to, supports McCain.

It's quite curious that an Obama supporter would make this statement

i'm not denying that mccain has mentioned his service to our country "out of context"...what i don't get is why some other people (curiously, all Obama supporters) are being so ignorant to all of Obama's hope and change rhetoric

9/17/2008 12:58:44 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i have good news for you BoBo...the Bush Administration will leave the White House in will get change"

Maybe yes, maybe no. All of the Republican presidents for the last 30 years have campaigned as "fiscal conservatives" (as opposed to those "tax and spend" liberals). In each case, the deficits have ballooned. The only "tax and spend" liberal that got in reduced the deficit.

When called out on it, Republicans either blame congress or say, "Hey, they weren't real fiscal conservatives. But trust us this time" ....

9/17/2008 12:59:00 PM

All American
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^^Why don't you get on your google machine and find one instance of Obama dodging a question by using the "hope and change" card. You haven't because you can't.

I have provided enough instances to show a history of McCain dodging direct questions by using the POW card. If that is not enough for you, then what is? are you still grasping at the "everything" statement?

I have asked for one instance and you cannot provide that. Man up and admit you are wrong and it will go easier for you.

9/17/2008 12:59:14 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"Why don't you get on your google machine and find one instance of Obama dodging a question by using the "hope and change" card"

theres too many results to go through, and only a complete liberal shill would deny it in the first i said, nobody is denying that mccain has mentioned his service...only obama homers are denying that obama has dodged questions with hope and change

besides i'm still waiting on you to tell me how to cheat on my taxes and not have to pay taxes on my interest

9/17/2008 1:01:15 PM

All American
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if there are so many results, post one

9/17/2008 1:02:08 PM

Forgetful Jones
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i'll humor you willfully ignorant obama worshippers more after lunch

9/17/2008 1:03:56 PM

All American
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^^^I acknowledged my error on that tax issue. Why won't you post one instance of Obama dodging a question by pulling the hope and change card?

Yes, McCain served his country, that does not give him the right however, to not have his policies and decisions questioned.

^That does not back up your assertion. Find me one instance.

[Edited on September 17, 2008 at 1:06 PM. Reason : .]

9/17/2008 1:05:01 PM

All American
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Wow, you guys clearly have no game.

9/17/2008 1:13:23 PM

All American
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Quote :
"In psychology, cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling or stress caused by holding two contradictory ideas simultaneously. The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people have a fundamental cognitive drive to reduce this dissonance by modifying an existing belief, or rejecting one of the contradictory ideas.

Often one of the ideas is a fundamental element of ego, like "I am a good person" or "I made the right decision." This can result in rationalization when a person is presented with evidence of a bad choice, or in other cases. Prevention of cognitive dissonance may also contribute to confirmation bias or denial of discomforting evidence."

9/17/2008 1:25:31 PM

All American
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^ bingo ... (on both sides, btw) ....

9/17/2008 1:34:10 PM

Forgetful Jones
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its not cognitive dissonance...its nutsmackr being a partisan hack

9/17/2008 2:46:38 PM

All American
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I'm still waiting for you to show one instance.

I've shown my evidence, you haven't shown shit.

9/17/2008 2:49:33 PM

Forgetful Jones
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i'm still wondering how you can follow the news and politics so much over the last year, then decide to play dumb when someone points out how obama plays the "change" card when dodging questions...its like you either havent been following politics at all, or like i've stated multiple times today, you're being willfully ignorant

9/17/2008 2:52:25 PM

All American
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You said he does that with direct questions, yet, you have not posted one example of him doing so. If it is out there, that much, then you should be able to post one example.

9/17/2008 2:54:21 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"healthcare: I was a POW
housing problem: I was a POW
Everything else: I was a POW"

when did you find a single instance of McCain dodging a question about the number of houses he owns by saying he was a POW? he didnt...SOMEBODY ELSE SAID still have yet to show one single intance of MCCAIN doing, it looks like you still have some work to do

Quote :
"McCain has opened up his experience as a POW when he started to use it as an excuse to avoid answering tough questions. "

9/17/2008 2:58:37 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Leno: For one million dollars, how many houses do you have?

McCain: Could I just mention to you Jay, that in a moment of seriousness, I spent five and a half years in a prison cell, I didn't have a house, I didn't have a kitchen table, I didn't have a table, I didn't have a chair..."

Reading is fundamental.

You can even follow the link to watch the video

I'm still waiting for your evidence.

[Edited on September 17, 2008 at 3:00 PM. Reason : .]

9/17/2008 2:59:33 PM

Forgetful Jones
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dodging questions on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno doesn't count

9/17/2008 3:00:08 PM

All American
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asl;'dqw[0`tj'aspgj [qw9ptujhqp'tja]ww9e- 5uiAW'JZG]AU9]-T

9/17/2008 3:01:06 PM

Forgetful Jones
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9/17/2008 3:01:13 PM

All American
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So, his campaign releasing a statement doesn't count, McCain saying it on Leno doesn't count. When the fuck does it count?

9/17/2008 3:02:10 PM

Forgetful Jones
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you're right nutsmackr...obama has never even MENTIONED hope and change...i wonder where i even GOT that idea...surely I made it up and had absolutely nothing to base it on

9/17/2008 3:02:58 PM

All American
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Why are you dodging the issue. You said that Obama uses the Hope and Change card to dodge questions. I am asking for one instance. Just one.

9/17/2008 3:04:34 PM

All American
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^^Why don't people just ingore this cretin?

[Edited on September 17, 2008 at 3:08 PM. Reason : V]

9/17/2008 3:04:45 PM

Forgetful Jones
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attn: aliases with < 1000 posts

9/17/2008 3:07:20 PM

All American
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attn: users with > 70,000 posts

back up your fucking statements.

[Edited on September 17, 2008 at 3:08 PM. Reason : .]

9/17/2008 3:08:11 PM

All American
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RNC/Palin bump status : gone

9/17/2008 3:09:48 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"back up your fucking statements."

you have yet to meet my conditions

you know nutsmackr heres a thought...dont claim McCain has dodged questions on "everything" with "I was a POW" when you can't back it up with examples of "everything"...oh thats nitpicking by me? what the fuck is your whole premise here? ignoring that obama has in fact run on an entire platform of hope and change by trying to pigeonhole me into finding a direct quote?

you still have yet to meet your impossible-to-meet criteria that you claimed was true...i never had any intent on looking up one of the (i'm sure many) quotes of obama dodging questions with hope and change...because you could never meet the conditions that you claimed

you've got obama's dick so far down you're throat, if someone asked mccain himself why he doesnt have full use of his arms and he says because of POW injuries, you'd call that "dodging a question with I was a POW"

[Edited on September 17, 2008 at 3:14 PM. Reason : .]

9/17/2008 3:11:21 PM

All American
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Another article of McCain Campaign lying, misleading, and smears that came out today from someone usually pro McCain. It continues.

9/17/2008 3:15:41 PM

All American
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Right now you are dragging down the worth of an NC State degree. I have provided you a slew of instances in which McCain has used the POW card in order to dodge a question, none of which are related to being a POW.

You on the other hand, have provided nothing to support your claim. Keep grasping at the straws.

9/17/2008 3:17:20 PM

All American
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Once you guys start making rational sense, we can go back to discussing real issues.

9/17/2008 3:17:27 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"I have provided you a slew of instances"

when a slew becomes "everything" (like you claimed) i'll waste my time googling obama quotes

9/17/2008 3:19:04 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Keep grasping at the straws"

9/17/2008 3:19:47 PM

Forgetful Jones
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i think you really shitted on the quality of NC State degrees when you claimed eyedrb was getting "stupider and stupider" by claiming that interest isnt tax free, when it became obvious to everyone that you've never done your own taxes...just another example of how out of touch your views are with the real world...your hate obsession with mccain in this thread, and your inability to see any flaws in obama is evidence of that

9/17/2008 3:21:28 PM

All American
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yes, that one hyperbolic statement using the word "everything" completely negates the entire premise that John McCain pulls out the POW card when he wants to dodge a tough questioin.

Which of course, allows you to not support your statements, despite you claims that there are thousands of hits on Google supporting you.

9/17/2008 3:26:05 PM

Forgetful Jones
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i never disagreed with the premise that he uses the POW card

you on the other hand are in denial that obama has been using the hope and change card over the past year and a half

thats the difference in someone neutral, and someone extremely partisan, like yourself

9/17/2008 3:27:21 PM

All American
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Show me one instance of Obama using the Hope and Change card to dodge a question. just one. That is all I'm asking for. why won't you do it.

9/17/2008 3:28:04 PM

Forgetful Jones
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why? you wouldn't believe it anyway

[Edited on September 17, 2008 at 3:29 PM. Reason : .]

9/17/2008 3:28:34 PM

All American
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You made the statement, now it is time for you to support it.

so you are admitting that you cannot find one instance of Obama using the "hope and change" card to dodge a question?

[Edited on September 17, 2008 at 3:29 PM. Reason : .]

9/17/2008 3:29:12 PM

Forgetful Jones
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i'm admitting i havent tried and i dont plan on trying because its obvious to anyone who isnt a devout obama worshipper

9/17/2008 3:29:34 PM

All American
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It's your statement. You have to support your statement. It isn't a hard request. If there are as many instances in which you claim, your statement should be easy to support.

9/17/2008 3:30:18 PM

Forgetful Jones
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i already said i'm not gonna look it up

i'll ask you this though (obviously you can not answer or ignore it)

- do you think obama ever dodges any questions?
- does obama try to rally voters by giving them hope and saying we need to change the current govt?

i expect you to say No to both questions

9/17/2008 3:33:03 PM

All American
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-yes he dodges questions
-yes he states he is for hope and change

None of which has anything to do with your prior statement of fact. A statement of fact you are unwilling to back up.

9/17/2008 3:34:35 PM

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