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All American
4715 Posts
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ruff has had an excuse or something to bitch about every fucking day. I'm real tired of this guy, what a jackface.

[Edited on May 31, 2006 at 8:22 PM. Reason : .]

5/31/2006 8:21:56 PM

All American
1589 Posts
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who's going tommorrow night? I'll be there in section 328. damn I'm pumped.

5/31/2006 9:16:44 PM

All American
12762 Posts
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I am. 334

5/31/2006 9:36:15 PM

All American
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5/31/2006 10:02:09 PM

All American
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5/31/2006 10:03:01 PM

All American
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somewhere in the upper level with the rest of the sabres fans

5/31/2006 10:07:18 PM

All American
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It's my fault, guys.

1. I was moving to a new apartment and missed the first half of the game. I turned it on and we scored.

2. I didn't have internet. We usually do well when I get on here and bitch.

3. I didn't get the Sam Adams Light. I went with the Sam Adams Boston Lager and it backfired.

I promise you, my fellow Amur'cuns, that these three things WILL be rectified for Thursday's game.


5/31/2006 10:19:44 PM

All American
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wasnt the sam adams thing supposed to be rectified for game 6?

[Edited on May 31, 2006 at 10:23 PM. Reason : .]

5/31/2006 10:22:56 PM

All American
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^ i was waiting to find out the story with the sam adams light. you must obtain the sacred beverage!

5/31/2006 10:26:17 PM

All American
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Quote :
"somewhere in the upper level drunk tank pokie with the rest of the sabres fans"

fixed it.

5/31/2006 10:53:03 PM

All American
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what's a drunk tank pokie? i really have no idea what a pokie is, kinda like pokey stix?

5/31/2006 10:55:49 PM

All American
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I got a question for you: how many canes fans do the sabres fans have to beat the shit out of before you all will learn to stop messing with us, i know you all are kind of slow but come on

5/31/2006 11:13:15 PM

All American
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People from Buffalo probably have plenty of time to work on their cage fighting skills since, you know, none of them have JOBS to occupy any of their time.

5/31/2006 11:25:03 PM

26780 Posts
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buffalo's douches are like nothing compared to montreal.

5/31/2006 11:26:16 PM

All American
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I'm not kidding, what is a pokie?

5/31/2006 11:28:35 PM

All American
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5/31/2006 11:37:10 PM

All American
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what? the montreal fans were nicer than the buffalo fans IMO, and ive encountered them both, the Buffalo fans were just straight asshats, no exceptions

5/31/2006 11:46:49 PM

All American
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I vote for Buffalo fans as being the largest annoyance.

Montreal was just supportive of their team from my experience..

Buffalo on the other hand, their fans were getting in the FACE of 3 year olds in the bathroom, starting fights and committing many other acts of douchebaggery.

5/31/2006 11:50:50 PM

All American
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^^lol, wow

^that's disappointing if true

6/1/2006 12:06:51 AM

All American
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6/1/2006 1:06:02 AM

All American
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Lets hope the 'Hurricane's Season doesn't end at the beginning of Hurricane Season

6/1/2006 2:29:17 AM

All American
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I will be there.

Food will be eaten.

Liquids will be imbibed.

The Sabres will be eliminated.

6/1/2006 3:29:36 AM

All American
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Quote :
"mshaul: somewhere in the upper level hell with the rest of the sabres fans"

6/1/2006 5:28:40 AM

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buffalo media is reporting that jay mckee will not play tonight due to some sort of staph infection in his leg.

also, ruff released the numminen will be out again.

at this point, ruff's grandma, an elementary school kid and mshaul are on the roster for defense.

Quote :

McKee doubtful for Game 7 -- The Buffalo Sabres are preparing for the possibility that veteran defenseman Jay McKee will not be available for tonight's Game Seven showdown with the Carolina Hurricanes for the Eastern Conference Championship.

McKee, arguably the Sabres steadiest defensive defenceman and the No.1 shotblocker at the position in the NHL during the regular season did not accompany the team to Carolina Wednesday.

Team spokesman Mike Gilbert said McKee was "sick" but that it was "possible" that he could catch a flight today and join the team in time for the game should he start to feel better.

The loss of McKee would leave the Sabres without four of their top six defenceman. Already lost to injury are Teppo Numminen (groin), Hendrik Tallinder (broken arm) and Dimitri Kalinin (broken foot). "

[Edited on June 1, 2006 at 8:43 AM. Reason : *]

6/1/2006 8:31:06 AM

All American
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know whats sad is we beat you the other day with only four of our defensemen taking most of the shifts and jay mckee didn't take the most, toni lydman did, be really sad if we beat you three of our defensive starters, if the report is true

[Edited on June 1, 2006 at 9:03 AM. Reason : doubtful]

6/1/2006 8:57:56 AM

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no what's actually sad is that we played the worst entire game of the playoffs and it took a non-called penalty in OT on a power play for them to win.

that's what's sad.

what's coming tonight will be sad too, for the sabres.

[Edited on June 1, 2006 at 9:07 AM. Reason : *]

6/1/2006 9:07:41 AM

All American
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no you all choked last game and your going to choke again tonight, and we know ward/gerber can't put in back to back performances when playing complete games

6/1/2006 9:22:20 AM

31803 Posts
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well i would go off on you about what's really going to happen tonight

but we all know that you won't show your face in here again after a loss for hours and hours

probably not until next season

so i'll just save it and laugh to myself

6/1/2006 9:26:45 AM

All American
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Jay McKee is ill and did not travel with the Sabres to Raleigh. They are saying he could possibly play tonight, but it's not looking good. They're probably going to have to run a forward on defense tonight, and the guys they have left are going to be getting a ton of minutes. If the Hurricanes show up tonight and get off to a good start, they should be in good shape. Either way, I'm probably going to have a heart attack before the night is over.

[Edited on June 1, 2006 at 10:18 AM. Reason : And yes I just noticed that this was already posted]

6/1/2006 10:15:23 AM

All American
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Quote :
"well i would go off on you about what's really going to happen tonight

but we all know that you won't show your face in here again after a loss for hours and hours

probably not until next season

so i'll just save it and laugh to myself"

ahahahahahaha pwnt

gg 30th

6/1/2006 10:21:45 AM

All American
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has mshaul reached the level of CrazyNCBoy douchery?

because we all know what happened to that asshat.

6/1/2006 10:22:49 AM

All American
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yes he has

6/1/2006 10:27:06 AM

All American
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what because i support my team and actually go to the games, and don't spend all my time on here bad mouthing the refs, im the asshat, i think not

6/1/2006 11:34:32 AM

All American
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no, because you only troll a canes-majority message board (yes, i know its not a canes board you douchebag, you know what i mean) when ever your team wins to give us classy and inspired posts such as "what now, bitches, what now". That sounds really tough and really commendable of you. I can't imagine why we all hate you.

6/1/2006 11:38:07 AM

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Quote :
"what because i support my team and actually go to the games, and don't spend all my time on here bad mouthing the refs, im the asshat, i think not"

you wanna go that route? it's doubtful you've been to more games than i have. i also bet your candy ass that if that play had been the other way around, you and every other sabre fan would be pissed to high heaven about the non-call and would cry, bitch and moan about how "buffalo once again got screwed" all the way through the offseason and halfway through the next.

and you're an asshat because of the disappearing act you do when your team loses, unlike real fans.

[Edited on June 1, 2006 at 11:44 AM. Reason : *]

6/1/2006 11:43:33 AM

All American
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remember the last time Buffalo made the Stanly Cup Finals, Lindy Ruff bitched about the refs well into the next season.

6/1/2006 11:48:28 AM

All American
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Quote :
"i also bet your candy ass that if that play had been the other way around, you and every other sabre fan would be pissed to high heaven about the non-call and would cry, bitch and moan about how "buffalo once again got screwed" all the way through the offseason and halfway through the next."

How could you say something like that? I mean its not like their coach is bitching about officiating or... oh, wait... you mean he is running his mouth to the media about calls and what the other team is doing? NO FUCKING WAY!

6/1/2006 11:50:00 AM

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it's not ruff's fault.

he's got sand in his vagina.

6/1/2006 11:50:47 AM

All American
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it not any of their faults, the truth is your players couldn't get it done, they had the last five minutes of the game, where they were firing shots at miller and they couldn't score, blame your players if you blame anyone, and I have commended your canes on playing good games, yet when you all lose you blame it on the refs, and yes this is kinda a canes boards but i not gonna sit back and let you trash my team just like you won't let me trash yours hence a message board with lots of posts, its all part of the game and the fact that you all take it so serious is appalling, come on people its not life or death its just hockey

6/1/2006 11:55:17 AM

All American
1612 Posts
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T - 7.5 hrs

96 Rock commericial:
Announcer: "96Rock reminds you to speak softly, and carry a big stick"
*Gunshot, hear an animal getting hit and falling*
Lisa Simpson: "DAD! You just shot a poor, defenseless Buffalo"
Homer Simpson: "A poor, delicious Buffalo"
Announcer: "Go 'Canes"

[Edited on June 1, 2006 at 11:58 AM. Reason : .]

6/1/2006 11:55:41 AM

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Quote :
"it not any of their faults, the truth is your players couldn't get it done, they had the last five minutes of the game, where they were firing shots at miller and they couldn't score, blame your players if you blame anyone, and I have commended your canes on playing good games, yet when you all lose you blame it on the refs, and yes this is kinda a canes boards but i not gonna sit back and let you trash my team just like you won't let me trash yours hence a message board with lots of posts, its all part of the game and the fact that you all take it so serious is appalling, come on people its not life or death its just hockey"

where's the waaaaaaahmbulance when you need it?

6/1/2006 12:00:32 PM

All American
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your going to need one after tonights game

6/1/2006 12:03:11 PM

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i'm would bring that back up for you after the game but you'll be long gone, as usual.

6/1/2006 12:06:15 PM

All American
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And when the Canes win tonight Buffalo fans will just be bitching that we only won because they had 2 guys on defense and a scarecrow playing... and we'll hear bitch, bitch bitch bitch bitch.

6/1/2006 12:10:20 PM

All American
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you mean when Buffalo wins tonight, you'll bitch about the refs like you do after every lose

6/1/2006 12:34:08 PM

All American
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^die in a fire


6/1/2006 12:36:32 PM

the Dr is in
3848 Posts
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Quote :
"People from Buffalo probably have plenty of time to work on their cage fighting skills since, you know, none of them have JOBS to occupy any of their time."

[Edited on June 1, 2006 at 12:50 PM. Reason : asddf]

6/1/2006 12:49:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"And when the Canes win tonight Buffalo fans will just be bitching that we only won because they had 2 guys on defense and a scarecrow playing... and we'll hear bitch, bitch bitch bitch bitch."

There are now conflicting reports about whether McKee will be able to play tonight. TSN said earlier today he's got a staph infection and won't be able to play, but allegedly radio in Buffalo has been saying he flew down alone to Carolina, so who knows at this point.

You can say what you want about Lindy Ruff, but at least he's not running around going "woe is me! I have no defense!" and making excuses.

We all know though that if the Canes lose though, half of this thread will be bitching about the reffing, rather than the poor effort that Carolina would almost have to put forward to lose this game.

6/1/2006 1:07:59 PM

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Quote :
"You can say what you want about Lindy Ruff, but at least he's not running around going "woe is me! I have no defense!" and making excuses."

he's not?

6/1/2006 1:13:06 PM

All American
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all ive heard from ruff is excuses and bitching...and then he has the balls to call us arrogant..

I hope we beat the SHIT out of them tonight. No mercy.

6/1/2006 1:31:40 PM

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